ICANN Meeting 54 Dublin October 2015 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 23Oct15)
1. SSAC MEETING WITH ALAC. The briefing provided by Patrik Fältström, the SSAC Chair, on Sunday 18 October gave a summary of the most recently released SSAC Report, available on the SSAC Reports and Advisories Webpage:
- SAC073: SSAC Comments on ICANN Root Zone Key Signing Key Rollover Plan dated 5 October 2015
SAC073 provides a Public Comment on the Root Zone KSK Rollover Plan and refers the Design Team to an earlier Report SAC063 SSAC Advisory on DNSSEC Key Rollover in the Root Zone. In November 2013, SAC063 provided 5 recommendations for ICANN and the Root Zone Management Partners. In October 2015, SAC073 notes that there is not a comprehensive correlation of the recommendations in SAC063 with material presented in the ICANN KSK Rollover Plan and requests that the final report respond directly to each of the recommendations.
Patrik also advised of the other current active Working Parties within SSAC:
- New gTLDs: Mid-course correction, Collisions, Timing of next round
- Registrant Protection/Credential Management
Both of these Work Parties are covering topics that are of interest to the ALAC. The ALAC in particular expressed the desire to assist in publicising the Registrant Protection/Credential Management Report when issued.
2. SSAC INVOLVEMENT IN CCWG ON ACCOUNTABILITY. A great deal of time throughout the course of ICANN54 was devoted to the work of the CCWG Accountability, resulting in significant progress. As one of the two SSAC Representatives on the CCWG, I attended all scheduled sessions as detailed below.
CCWG Accountability Meetings
Friday 16 October
1400-1830: CCWG Accountability Working Session
(The meeting actually started at 0830, but I did not arrive in Dublin till 1200)
Saturday 17 October
0830-1200: CCWG Accountability Break-out Session
Monday 19 October
1015-1200: CCWG Accountability Engagement Session
1400-1830: CCWG Accountability Working Session
Wednesday 21 October
1700-1900: CCWG Accountability Engagement Session
Thursday 22 October
0800-1030: CCWG Accountability Working Session
During the final session, I advised the CCWG that the SSAC had determined during its deliberations in Dublin that it does not wish to take on any role in exercising community powers, but will continue to provide its input on security and stability aspects in a purely advisory capacity. This may take the form of providing such advice in the Community Forum, with the objective that the community be able to judge that advice on its merits and take it into consideration in its decision making.
3. MEETINGS ATTENDED IN DUBLIN. In addition to the CCWG Accountability Meetings, I attended the following ALAC, SSAC and other general meetings:
SSAC Meetings
Sunday 18 October
1430-1500: SSAC Briefing to GNSO
1515-1545: SSAC Briefing to ALAC
Tuesday 20 October
0800-1800: SSAC Private Meetings
1815-1915: SSAC Meeting with the ICANN Board
Wednesday 21 October
0900-1515: DNSSEC Workshop
Thursday 22 October
0800-0900: SSAC Public Meeting
ALAC Meetings
Saturday 17 October
0700-0830: ALT Meeting
1200-1730: ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
1730-1900: At-Large Ad-hoc Working Group on IANA Transition & ICANN Accountability
1930-2230: ALT and RALO Chairs Dinner
Sunday 18 October
0900-1800: ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
1830-2030: ALAC and Board Cocktail Party
Thursday 22 October
1030-1230: ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-up Meeting
Friday 23 October
0800-1000: ALAC Leadership Team Meeting
1000-1700: ALAC Development Session
Other Sessions and Meetings
Monday 19 October
0700-0830: DNS Women’s Breakfast
0830-1000: Welcome Ceremony
1230-1400: ccTLD Board Function
1900-2100: Gala Function
Tuesday 20 October
1915-2100: ccNSO Cocktail Party
Wednesday 21 October
1530-1700: CCWG Accountability Working Meeting
Thursday 22 October
1330-1400: Community Recognition Program
1400-1730: Public Forum
1730-1900: ICANN Public Board Meeting
1900-2000: Farewell Cocktail Party