News Alert

ICANN's FY16 Objective, Goal and Portfolio Shepherds

13 November 2015

Recent comments from the ICANN community suggest providing a consolidated view of the already published information on Shepherds to bring greater visibility into which executives are responsible for collecting and communicating cross-functional performance relevant to work at ICANN.

The Project Portfolio Management System is intended to provide visibility into ICANN's annual work and is guided by the Strategic Plan [PDF, 1.65 MB] and Five-Year Operating Plan [PDF, 1.01 MB], which were developed by the community with staff, and organized in a hierarchy of Objectives, Goals, Portfolios, and Projects. As stated in ICANN's 31 Jul 2015 blog, "the Project Portfolio Management System structure "is not an organization chart and was never intended to outline or reflect reporting structures or budget oversight responsibilities. It describes broad cross-functional goals and objectives, not reporting structures or budgets. Virtually every objective and goal in ICANN's Strategic Plan and in the Project Portfolio Management System is cross-functional and involves multiple departments within the organization."

The Project Portfolio Management System structure was designed to be one that evolves over time, is adapted to fit new circumstances and is periodically changed as part of ongoing process improvement. As such, ICANN is publishing a list to reflect the current structure of Objectives, Goals, Portfolios and Shepherds rather than the structure found in the Adopted FY16 Operating Plan and Budget. The list for now can be found in the document titled: List of Objectives, Goals, Portfolios and Shepherds [PDF, 224 KB].

Going forward, ICANN will publish Shepherds in the annual Operating Plan and Budgets.

As a reminder, updates on ICANN's Project Portfolio Management System can be found at This is just one of ICANN's performance reporting mechanisms amongst others, including the Quarterly Stakeholder Calls, the KPI Beta Dashboard, and the Quarterly Financial Statements.


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