ICANN54 Approaches

In a few days the ICANN community will gather in Dublin, Ireland for ICANN54. Ongoing discussions about the IANA Stewardship Transition and the Enhancing ICANN Accountability effort will dominate the meeting, but the work of our Support Organizations and Advisory Committees continues.

The ASO, GNSO, ALAC, and GAC will have several days of full schedules, beginning with a busy weekend of preparatory and substantive sessions. On Wednesday, the RSSAC will brief the community on its most recent report, and the GNSO Council and ccNSO Council will have their public meetings. The SSAC public meeting is scheduled for Thursday.

ICANN54 will also serve as our Annual General Meeting, marking the beginning of terms for several new community leaders. For community leaders who are ending their terms, a Community Recognition Program is planned to recognize their contributions on Thursday, 22 October preceding the Public Forum.

The Policy Development Support team and I hope this pre-meeting issue and our recent Pre-ICANN54 Policy Update Webinar provide the necessary current and background information to help you prepare for the upcoming meeting. Safe travels to Dublin and see you very soon!

Best regards,

David Olive

Vice President, Policy Development Support
General Manager, ICANN Istanbul Hub Office

Policy Across ICANN

Issues Currently Open for Public Comment

Twenty Community Leaders Participate in Leadership Training Program

Supporting Organizations (SOs)


ARIN Reaches IPv4 Depletion

Regional Internet Registries Number Resource Policy Discussions



Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process to Review All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Published for Public Comment

ICANN Board of Directors Adopts GNSO Policy and Implementation Recommendations

ICANN Board of Directors Adopts Translation and Transliteration PDP Recommendations

Advisory Committees (ACs)


At-Large Community Activities and Leadership Changes at ICANN54

RALO Activities at ICANN54

New At-Large Website Beta to Launch at ICANN54

ALAC Policy Advice Development Activity


GAC Public Safety Working Group Session at ICANN54

GAC Finalizing Plans for the Next High-Level Government Meeting




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