News Alert

ICANN Posts Amended Description of 2013 RAA Data Retention Specification Data Elements and Purposes for Collection/Retention
10 August 2015

ICANN posted on 23 March 2014 for public comment a document seeking to clarify what is meant by certain data elements described in the Data Retention Specification and describing potentially legitimate purposes for collection and retention of those data elements Following receipt of public comments on that document, ICANN stated that in the interest of facilitating resolution of ongoing data retention waiver negotiations, ICANN might amend or supplement the posted document if ICANN determines that this could enable ICANN and one or more registrars to reach agreement on the scope of data retention waivers under the 2013 RAA

In furtherance of ongoing discussions directed toward reaching agreement on the scope of data retention waivers under the 2013 RAA, ICANN is today posting an amended version of that document that we believe may enable ICANN and one or more registrars to reach agreement on the scope of data retention waivers under the 2013 RAA [PDF, 295 KB].

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