Dear friends and colleagues,
Thank you for your participation at last week’s webinar "What are Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) and what does it mean to you?” in collaboration with the APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series. We would like to thank Sarmad, our colleague from ICANN's IDN Program and APRALO’s Siranush and Edmon for their presentation and support.
We would like to apologize to the participants who were affected by the audio disruptions during the second half of the session. This is due to technical issues in Adobe Connect. For your reference and for those who were unable to attend, the webinar recording, audio recording, transcription and presentation slides are available at the following link:
*Please switch to the audio recording at 00:38:40 of the webinar as it is free from distortion.
Questions or comments can be sent to ICANN At-Large Staff at and we would appreciate your feedback via a simple online survey (click here)  to help us better plan for the future webinars.
We would also like to have your feedback/suggestions on what other topics you would like us to cover for our future Webinars. If you have any suggestions, please write to us at
In addition, this page is the one-stop-shop for all APrALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar Series: Please bookmark this page to follow the development of future webinars and gain Access to their recordings, transcription and presentation slides.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to join us and we hope you found the session useful.
Thank you,
Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANN_AtLarge

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