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ALAC has appointed Olivier Crepin-Leblond as the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council to serve from March 7th, 2015, to the end of the AGM at the ICANN #54 meeting in Dublin 2015.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr  served briefly as the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council from October 2014 through to End February 2015, when due to her continuing service within the ICANN NomCom, she was required to tender her resignation from this role.

Alan Greenberg served as the GNSO Liaison for the following terms:  2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014.


19 MarchGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)

2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List.

2.2 - Comments or questions arising.

Outcome: projects are on track with nothing exceptional to note.

Item 3: Consent agenda (5 mins)

3.1 – Confirm selection of Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) Working Group for facilitated face-to-face meeting at ICANN53 in Buenos Aires

Outcome: Council confirmed the selection of the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) Working Group for a facilitated face-to-face meeting at ICANN53 in Buenos Aires.

Item 4: MOTION – GAC/GNSO Consultation Group (15 mins)

The GAC-GNSO Consultation Group (CG) was formed to develop proposals to facilitate the GAC’s ability to engage more productively and effectively with the GNSO on relevant issues in the GNSO’s Policy Development Processes (PDPs). At ICANN52 in Singapore, the CG presented its preliminary recommendations concerning specific mechanisms intended to facilitate early engagement by the GAC in a PDP, during the Issue Scoping phase. Here the Council will consider a proposed motion on adopting these preliminary recommendations

Outcome: - Follow-up on GAC Communiqué - GNSO currently working on a response

- Motion to implement the recommendations of the GAC-GNSO Consultation Group in relation to Issue Scoping on a trial basis

Concerns that Trial basis has no deadline and could remain "trial" for a long time.

Motion Carried.

1.               The GNSO Council agrees to jointly implement with the GAC, the preliminary recommendations by the CG concerning the issue scoping phase of the PDP as outlined here on a trial basis for a minimum of 3 consecutive GNSO PDP’s immediately following the adoption of the motion.

2.       Following the end of this trial period, the CG is expected to report back to the GAC and GNSO Council on the effectiveness of these recommendations as a result of the experiences gained during the trial period. Furthermore, the CG is expected to make a recommendation as to whether or not the preliminary recommendations concerning the issue scoping phase of the PDP should be permanently implemented, either in their current form, or with possible modifications based on the further work of the CG including experience gained during the trial.

Item 5: DISCUSSION  – Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (10 mins)

The CWG-Transition was chartered to develop a proposal on Naming Related Functions for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal. The original January 2015 target date was driven by the request for proposals from the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG).

A draft proposal was published for community comment on 1 December 2014, following which a revised timeline and update was provided for discussion at ICANN52 in Singapore.

Given that the GNSO is a chartering organisation of the CWG-Transition and will need to approve the CWG’s ultimate proposal, this is an opportunity for the Council to review and discuss the CWG’s work and to determine what, if any, issues arise from a GNSO or Council perspective at this stage.

Outcome: none specific in addition to the briefing

Item 6: DISCUSSION - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (10 mins)

In discussions around the IANA stewardship transition process, the community raised the broader topic of the impact of the change on ICANN's accountability given its historical contractual relationship with the United States and NTIA. The community concerns indicate that the level of trust regarding existing ICANN accountability mechanisms does not yet meet some stakeholders’ expectations. Considering that the NTIA has stressed that it expects community consensus on the transition, this gap between the current situation and stakeholder expectations could be a possible impediment to timely progress of the transition.

The GNSO is one of the chartering organizations for this CCWG, having adopted the charter in November 2014. The CCWG developed two work streams, of which the first is intended to align with the timing of the CWG-Transition work and the overall NTIA objectives and timeline. Here the Council will have the opportunity to consider how it can continue to facilitate the progress of this CCWG, especially in view of the work and timelines of the CWG-Transition.

Outcome: none specific in addition to the briefing

Question/discussion on 5 & 6 - a concern about the time being taken, especially with regards to using the Legal Advice

Item 7: UPDATE  – Progress of the PDP Working Group on IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections (10 mins)

This WG was chartered by the GNSO Council in June 2014 to consider whether or not existing curative rights protection mechanisms should be amended to address the needs and concerns of international governmental and non-governmental organizations (IGOs and INGOs). The WG’s charter directed the WG to consider only those IGOs that appear on the GAC’s list of protected IGOs (sent to ICANN in April 2013). Here the Council will receive a report on the progress of the WG, including a request for guidance from the WG as to appropriate next steps concerning the WG’s consideration of the scope of the IGO list.

Outcome: Propose a motion for the next Council meeting on 16 April 2015 seeking to modify the IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection Working Group’s charter to accommodate the request as detailed in the explanatory email sent to the Council list on 16 March 2015. 

Item 8: UPDATE – Progress of the Discussion Group on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (10 mins)

This DG was created by the GNSO Council in June 2014 to develop a list of issues for consideration as part of the GNSO’s preparation for the next round of new gTLDs. The DG has also provided the GNSO Council with input for the Council’s 28 January 2015 letter to the ICANN Board responding to the Board’s enquiry concerning planning for the next round. Here the Council will receive an update from the DG on its further progress.

Outcome:  Bret Fausett committed to send to the Council mailing list the chart which lists the issues for future work so that the different groups can provide their input.

Staff to provide the necessary information, on the Council mailing list, as to how participants can join the New gTLD Discussion Group.


Item 9: UPDATE: GNSO Review (15 minutes)

The Independent Examiner commissioned by the ICANN Board to conduct the GNSO Review presented its initial findings to the GNSO Review Working Party at the ICANN 52 meeting in Singapore. Here the GNSO Council will discuss these findings and consider further direction (if any and if needed) to be provided to the GNSO Review Working Party.


Progressing - although with a small delay to collect more input. Plenty of opportunity to provide input and engage further in future ICANN meetings. Concerns over who was interviewed. First draft is just out

Action Items:
Comments are still welcome and be sent directly to Jennifer Wolfe or through a constituency/stakeholder group representative on the GNSO Review Working Party.

Update on the GNSO Review Progress be added to the agenda for the GNSO Council meeting on 21 May


Item 10: DISCUSSION: Working Group Self-Assessment Survey (10 mins)

The GNSO’s Working Group Guidelines allow a WG’s chartering organization to request feedback from the WG about its inputs, processes and outputs. The GNSO’s WG Self-Assessment Tool was tested by the Thick WHOIS PDP WG and the first formal survey has just been completed by the IRTP Part D PDP WG. Staff has prepared a report on the survey results. Here the Council will consider the feedback provided and appropriate next steps for this input.


Action Item:

Send the report to the GNSO Review Working Party for the attention of the Westlake Review team.


Item 11: DISCUSSION – Issues for Possible Referral to the SCI (5 minutes)


At its January 2015 meeting, the GNSO Council placed on hold two items it had identified previously as possibly meriting referral to the GNSO’s Standing Committee for Improvements (SCI) for review. Following discussion with the SCI at ICANN52 in Singapore, the Council liaison to the SCI agreed to complete a template request form for these items. Here the Council will discuss whether or not to refer these items to the SCI for further work.


Action Item:

Defer this item to the next Council meeting on 16 April 2015 for Council to decide whether or not to refer these items to the SCI for further work.


Item 12: DISCUSSION – Remaining Items from the GNSO’s Strategic Discussion Session in Singapore (15 minutes)


At ICANN52 in Singapore, the GNSO engaged in an open and strategic discussion concerning the effective functioning of the GNSO Council and the community as a whole. Here the Council will aim to conclude the discussion, with the emphasis on reviewing its goals and performance based on the objectives and priorities identified during its Development Session at ICANN51 in Los Angeles in October 2014.

Outcome: no specific outcome at this time.

Item 13: Any Other Business (5 mins)

13.1 – CWG on Auction Proceeds


Action Item:

Call for participants to form a Drafting Team to develop a charter for a working group to develop recommendations on new gTLD auction proceeds.


Mar 2015:  ALAC has appointed Olivier Crepin-Leblond as the new ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council to serve from March 7th, 2015, to the end of the AGM at the ICANN #54 meeting in Dublin 2015.


Jan 2015:

  • Policy Update Webinars are being presented as preparation for ICANN #52 Meeting see

  • Policy work of the GNSO; in a bid to provide for easier access to the different information sources that are currently available as well as further direction on what information is provided to guide both newcomers as well as veterans, staff has created a new one-stop information web-page ( As of  end January, the new page is linked from the GNSO home page ( – either via the ‘quick link’ button at the top or via the quick links in the left-hand column. 

  • Additionally there is now a new page that centralizes important GNSO-related information for the upcoming ICANN52 meeting that we hope will assist attendees in their preparation for the meeting ( Updates to this page will be made for all future ICANN meetings.

The Next Meeting of the GNSO  Council will be held on March 19th, 2015

19 MarchGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTC

Last Meeting of the GNSO Council was a Face to face Meeting during the ICANN #52 Singapore Meeting see

11 FebruaryGNSO Council Public meeting Singapore
Wed, 11 February 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00 SGT Room:  Canning




29 JanuaryGNSO Council Teleconference

12:00 UTC

Agenda for the GNSO Council Teleconference on 29 January 2015 at 12:00 UTC

GNSO Council meeting audio cast

To join the event click on the link:


Agenda for the GNSO Council Meeting 29 January 2015 is published on page: 


Item 1: Administrative matters (5 mins)

1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Statement of interest updates
1.3 Review/amend agenda
1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)

Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics

Include review of Projects List and Action List.

Comments or questions arising.

Item 3: Consent agenda (5 mins)

3.1 – Approve request for extension of timeline for Issue Report on Rights Protection Mechanisms

3.2 – Approve formation of informal community group to review IDN Implementation Guidelines and approve draft GNSO Council letter in response to these.

Item 4: UPDATE  – Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (30 mins) 

The CWG has been chartered to develop a proposal on Naming Related Functions for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal and has been meeting for 2 hours every week since its creation with a goal of delivering a final proposal by the end of January 2015. The January 2015 target date is driven by the request for proposals from the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). It is by now clear that the January target date will not be met and that a new target needs to be agreed.

A number of sub-groups were formed to progress work on the different elements of the ICG Request for Proposals and a face-to-face meeting was run in mid-November 2014. A draft proposal was published for community comment on 1 December 2014 and the public comment period has since closed. An intensive work weekend followed on 10 & 11 January 2015 which attempted to systematically review inputs from the public comment.

Given the deadlines and associated intensity of the work of the CWG as well as the need for the GNSO as a chartering organisation to approve the proposal, it is relevant for the Council, and through it the GNSO, to receive a full update and to have the opportunity to discuss the work of the CWG. This item will provide an update, create the opportunity for discussion and empahsise the need for the GNSO to be informed about the work of this important group.

4.1 – Update (Jonathan Robinson)
4.2 – Discussion
4.3 – Next steps

Item 5: Update: Planning for ICANN meeting in Singapore – key direction & themes (10 mins)

5.1 Update – Volker Greimann
5.2 Open issues / Discussion
5.3 Actions arising

Item 6: Any Other Business (5 mins)


Past Meetings in 2015 

15 JanuaryGNSO Council Teleconference18:00 UTCAgendaTranscript
Chat Transcript

Agenda for the GNSO Council Teleconference on 15 January 2015 at 18:00 UTC.

Item 1: Administrative matters (5 mins)

1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Statement of interest updates
1.3 Review/amend agenda
1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 11 December 2014 will be posted as approved on 29 January 2015.

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)

Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics

Include review of Projects List and Action List.

Comments or questions arising.

Item 3: Consent agenda (5 mins)

  • Approve the GNSO Council Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board concerning IRTP Part D 


Note: The outcome of the vote on the Council input to the public comment forum on theBoard Working Group Report on Nominating Committee (BWG-NomCom). 

Item 4: UPDATE  – C
ross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (20 mins)

The CWG has been chartered to develop a proposal on Naming Related Functions for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal and has been meeting for 2 hours every week since its creation with a goal of delivering a final proposal by the end of January 2015. The January 2015 target date is driven by the request for proposals from the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG).

A number of sub-groups were formed to progress work on the different elements of the ICG Request for Proposals and a face-to-face meeting was run in mid-November. A draft proposal was published for community comment on 1 December 2014 and the public comment period has since closed. An intensive work weekend is planned for the CWG on 10 & 11 January 2015, following which it is anticipated that a proposal on Naming Related Functions for the IANA Stewardship Transition will be drafted and then distributed to the chartering organisations.

Given the deadlines and associated intensity of the work of the CWG as well as the need for the GNSO as a chartering organisation to approve the proposal, it is timely for the Council to receive a full update and to discuss the work of the CWG.

4.1 – Update (Jonathan Robinson)
4.2 – Discussion
4.3 – Next steps

Item 5: UPDATE - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (15 mins)

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has requested that ICANN “convene a multistakeholder process to develop a plan to transition the U.S. government stewardship role” with regard to the IANA Functions and related root zone management (see item 4 above). 


During discussions around the transition process, the community raised the broader topic of the impact of the change on ICANN's accountability given its historical contractual relationship with the United States and NTIA. The concerns raised during these discussions around the transition process indicate that the level of trust into the existing ICANN accountability mechanisms does not yet meet some stakeholder’s expectations. Considering that the NTIA has stressed that it was expecting community consensus regarding the transition, this gap between the current situation and stakeholder expectations may prevent the transition to proceed.

As a result, a DT was formed with participants, amongst others, from the ccNSO, GNSO, ASO and ALAC to develop a charter for a Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. The DT delivered the proposed charter for consideration to all the ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees on 3 November 2014 and the charter was adopted by the GNSO Council during its meeting on 13 November.

Here the Council will receive an update on status and activities of the CCWG to date.

5.1 Update (Thomas Rickert)

5.2 Discussion

5.3 Next steps

Item 6: UPDATE  – Prospective policy work on “name collision” (10 mins)

On the 30 July 2014, the New gTLD Program Committee of the ICANN Board directed staff to "provide information to, and work with the GNSO to consider whether policy work on developing a long-term plan to manage gTLD name collision issues should be undertaken."

ICANN Staff submitted this paper to the GNSO Council on 7 October 2014 and it was presented to the Council during the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles. Council members agreed in Los Angeles to discuss with their respective group what further action, if any, should be taken on this topic and report back accordingly during this meeting.

Furthermore, a letter was received from Cyrus Namazi offering any additional information or assistance that ICANN Staff can provide to further assist the Council in its deliberations.

The GNSO Council discussed the topic during previous meetings following which it was agreed to draft a response. Here the Council will receive and update and provide any additional input needed.

6.1 Status update (Donna Austin)

6.2 Discussion

6.3 Next steps

Item 7: DISCUSSION - Board resolution concerning future gTLD Application Rounds (10 mins)

On 17 November 2014 the ICANN Board adopted a resolution the planning for future gTLD application rounds. As part of its action, the Board acknowledged the effort and progress within the GNSO to identify areas where the GNSO believes that policy advice can be clarified or where it wishes to provide additional policy advice applicable to future application rounds. Furthermore, as requested in the GNSO Council’s June 2014 resolution, the Board provided input into the GNSO Council’s discussion to identify areas that the Board believes may be appropriate for discussion in an evaluation of the current gTLD application round and for possible adjustments for subsequent application procedures.

A draft letter of response has been prepared, distributed to the Council and commented on. This is an opportunity for the GNSO Council to review the draft and ideally agree to send the letter as drafted or with any agreed modifications.

7.1 - Update

7.2 – Discussion

7.3 – Next steps

Item 8: UPDATE – GNSO / GAC Consultation Group and related work (15 mins)

Here the Council will have an opportunity to hear about the work of the GNSO / GAC Consultation Group and from the GNSO Liaison to the GAC including any initial input and feedback derived following the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles.

In addition, there will be an opportunity to further discuss ideas put forward during the GNSO Council Development Session in relation to potential GNSO work in response to the GAC Communiqué from ICANN meetings.

8.1 – Update on GAC/GNSO Consultation Group (Mason Cole)

8.2 – Update on draft process for dealing with GAC Communique (Volker Greimann)

8.3 – Discussion

Item 9: Update: Planning for ICANN meeting in Singapore – key direction & themes
9.1 Update – Volker Greimann
9.2 Discussion

Item 10: Any Other Business (10 mins)

10.1 - Correspondence with NGPC on IGO & RCRC. Any update?

10.2 – Consideration of a CWG to deal with new gTLD auction proceeds

10.3 – Note that the Translation & Transliteration PDP WG Initial Report is out for public comment – Update Amr Elsadr

10.4 - Request for extension of time for Issue Report on Rights Protection Mechanisms



GNSO Liaison Reports 2014

GNSO Liaison Reports 2013

GNSO Liaison Reports 2012

GNSO Liaison Reports 2011


GNSO Liaison Reports 2010

GNSO Liaison Reports 2009

GNSO Liaison Reports 2008

GNSO Liaison Reports 2007

 MP3 recording of the GNSO Council teleconference held on Thursday, 11 December 2014 at: 


as well as the Adobe chat transcript  at : 


all on page


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