Ariel Liang: (2/8/2015 08:47) Hello, my name is Ariel Liang and I will be
monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote
participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are
³in-room² participants. When submitting a question that you want me to read
out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have
one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When
submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once
again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your
sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>.  Text outside these
quotes will be considered as part of ³chat² and will not be read out loud on
the mic.Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will
not be read aloud.Please note that streamed audio is available in French,
Spanish, and Chinese.
  Glenn McKnight: (09:06) Pictures
  Glenn McKnight: (09:06)
  Glenn McKnight: (09:07) See  Leon, Eduardo or  Glenn  on the MUNZEE  Hunt
  Glenn McKnight: (09:09) @ gordon and Allan SKuce   our  signing  ceremony
with NARALO and  ARIN  is  very late for you   it will be 5 :15 pm
Singapore time.   I will provide pictures and video on the  signing ceremony
  Glenn McKnight: (09:11) Kudos to the  tech staff on the  adobe sound and
video  today.  
  Gordon Chillcott: (09:12) +1, Glenn
  Allan Skuce: (09:14) Thanks Glenn
  Ariel Liang: (09:15) This is the ICANN 52 meeting report page:
  Glenn McKnight: (09:23) Thanks  Ariel
  Ariel Liang: (09:31) my pleasure
  Gisella Gruber: (09:34) Welcome Allan and Gordon
  Ariel Liang: (09:55) ALAC Question for the GSE:
  Silvia Vivanco: (10:00) APAC HUB-APRALO Pilot:
  Glenn McKnight: (10:24) @Evan  I met with John Curran this morning and he
will be the ALAC  VIP  room for  5 o clock
  Glenn McKnight: (10:34) Interview with Mafiaboy.  The boy who took down
the Internet on NPR
  Glenn McKnight: (10:34)
  Glenn McKnight: (10:35) He now is a security expert for large companies.
Who says  crime  doesn't pay
  Gisella Gruber: (11:02) Discussion of the At-Large Review with Larisa
Gurnick, Strategic Initiatives Director
  Glenn McKnight: (11:06) Do we have a link to the review?
  Glenn McKnight: (11:06) Looking for a  timeline
  Glenn McKnight: (11:09) slide  # 3
  Heidi Ullrich: (11:14) At-Large/ALAC Review Workspace:
  Glenn McKnight: (11:14) Thanks
  Allan Skuce: (11:45) No translation on AC.
  Gisella Gruber: (12:15) Sessions will resume at 13:30 with Xavier Calvez,
  Allan Skuce: (12:44) We are here.
  Allan Skuce: (12:45) I can hear.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:46) OK thx
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (12:46) :-)
  Evan Leibovitch: (13:18) Getting Adobe to abandon Flash...
  Evan Leibovitch: (13:29) Thanks for the compliment, Olivier. Marketing
isn't always a dirty word :-)
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:50) "garnish" is :-)
  Murray McKercher: (14:29) good afternoon
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:33) Happy 1am, Murray
  Murray McKercher: (14:38) Indeed early. you all look great on the AC
Video :)
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:42) I love when they call it "work parties".
  Evan Leibovitch: (14:42) Is there music and alcohol at these parties?
  Glenn McKnight: (14:52) no only dancing girls
  Glenn McKnight: (14:52) or dancing boys
  Glenn McKnight: (14:52) @ Murray will send you message
  Glenn McKnight: (14:53) @Murray how is the ICANN Hub going
  Holly Raiche: (15:00) @ Olivier - Yes, I think I am the chair of the home
for this, now that I think about it
  Murray McKercher: (15:02) @Glenn re: Remote hub, we are conducting a
technical test in a few hours from now in prep for Thursday
  Glenn McKnight: (15:02) @ great murray
  Glenn McKnight: (15:02) @Murray  I need to know if  mathew Potter is
available for  Livestreaming our  AGM on April 17th
  Glenn McKnight: (15:02) Need to know his costs
  Heidi Ullrich: (15:14) Beginner¹s Guide to DNS Security - For review at:
  Murray McKercher: (15:14) @ Heidi, thanks for that link
  Heidi Ullrich: (15:36) The meeting will begin shortly.
  Murray McKercher: (15:54) Is there a URL for Leon's work?
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:01) It will be posted momentarily
  Murray McKercher: (16:04) I found this
  Murray McKercher: (16:05) also
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:42) Next session: ICANN Meeting Strategy Update -
Discussion with Meetings Staff (16:45-17:15)
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:47) Tuesday, 10 February 2015  At-Large Ad-hoc WG on
the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function  Time:
17:30-19:00 '
  Murray McKercher: (16:49) MSWG??
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:53) Meeting Strategy Working Group
  Murray McKercher: (16:55) @heidi , Thanks for translating the usual
acronym soup
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:56) Please see the At-Large New ICANN Strategy
Workspace at:
  Heidi Ullrich: (16:57) this page has the details of the new strategy
  Murray McKercher: (16:59) Question: Where do remote hubs fit into this
  Gordon Chillcott: (16:59) As a guess, they fit where the  public forums
  Ariel Liang: (17:01) @Murray, I will ask your question
  Murray McKercher: (17:01) @ Ariel Thank You, I have no microphone.
  Sivasubramanian M - in room: (17:12) Within a community participants /
members know one another better, so to some extent inter-community work
could be done by teleconferences.  So there could be a model where therer is
more time allotted to Inter-Community Work than for Intra-community work
  Ariel Liang: (17:17) @Siva, would you like to comment on that in person?
  Sivasubramanian M - in room: (17:17) Ariel there was no time
  Ariel Liang: (17:17) Sorry Siva, time is up for this session
  Ariel Liang: (17:21) Last part of our daily session: Signing of MOU
between NARALO and ARIN with John Curran, President and CEO ARRIN
  Jahangir Hossain: (17:25) Awesome ...:)
  Murray McKercher: (17:26) congratulations

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