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Design Team Selected for DNS Root Zone Key-Signing-Key

4 February 2015

In December, ICANN solicited Statements of Interest for inclusion on a Design Team to provide expert input into the plan to change the current DNS Root Zone Key-Signing-Key. The selection of the Design Team has been made; the following people have been selected:

Joe Abley, Snake Hill Labs/DyN, CA
Jaap Akkerhuis, NLNetLabs, NL
John Dickinson, Sinodun Internet Technologies, UK
Geoff Huston, APNIC, AU
Ondrej Sury, CZ.NIC, CZ
Paul Wouters, No Hats/Red Hat, NL
Yoshiro Yoneya, JPRS, JP

The solicitation is available here: [PDF, 150 KB]


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