News Alert

Upcoming ICG Events

22 September 2014

Conference Call

The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) will hold its fifth conference call on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 from 04:00-05:00 UTC. For time zone conversions, please see here.

The community is welcome to attend by way of a listen-only mode Virtual Meeting Room through which audio of the call will be streamed. Translations will be available through relevant Adigo Bridge dial-in numbers and Conference ID codes.

A list of country dial-in numbers can be found here. In the case that there is no appropriate dial-in number for an interested participant, ICANN will provide a dial-out service to that individual. Correspondingly, language service Conference ID numbers are listed below:

  • Français – Conference ID: 75929475
  • Español – Conference ID: 68385764
  • 中文 – Conference ID: 825702
  • Pусский – Conference ID: 345720
  • العربية – Conference ID: 82855066
  • Português – Conference ID: 759752

Participants who are interested in an English line but are unable to join by way of the Virtual Meeting Room may request a dial-out service.

For all dial-out service requests please contact Alice Jansen by 03:00 UTC, 1 October.

In-Person Meetings

The ICG will be holding their next face-to-face meeting on Friday, 17 October 2014 from 09:00-17:30 PST/ 16:00-00:30 UTC in Los Angeles, California (Time zone conversions can be found here).

Observers are welcome to attend the session in-person. Note, however, that seating is limited. Information on remote participation and interpretation opportunities will be shared in due course.

In addition, the ICG invites the community to attend a special Open Discussion Session with them on Thursday, 16 October from 10:00-12:00 PST / 17:00-19:00 UTC (Time zone conversions can be found here). More information on the session will be made available as it is finalized.

To follow the ICG and learn more about the IANA Stewardship Transition visit

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