Dear At-Large members,


following a call for nominations for the ALAC Chair, as of the deadline of 3 September 2014, Alan Greenberg was the only candidate that had been named.


According to the ALAC bylaws, I proceeded with a consensus call on the ALAC mailing list for Alan Greenberg to be selected as the next ALAC Chair by acclamation. This consensus call ended on Thursday 11 September 2014, 23:59 UTC, with no objections and a large number of messages supporting Alan's selection.


As a result, it is my pleasure to be able to announce Alan Greenberg as the next ALAC Chair for a one year, renewable term, that will start on

16 October 2014.


I would like to offer my congratulations to Alan for taking on such a position. I admit it has been a challenging four years for me, but Alan has what it takes to continue stewarding the great work that our community has done over the years. He is so experienced in this environment that I have no doubt he'll lead this community to new levels and I am absolutely confident that our common missions, grouped under the ICANN Bylaws Article XI, Section 2.4.a and 2.4.j will not only be fulfilled but exceeded in every sense of the term.


Finally, I would also like to let Alan know of my personal continued support for the ALAC's mission. We are all part of the Internet's only operational multi-stakeholder system that has to make decisions which will affect many Internet users around the world. This is a fantastic opportunity to prove that the system works. We should expect to always be under the microscope but in front of unfounded criticism, I ask

detractors: "so you think you can do better? Why don't you try yourself?"


Alan, just like the many people in this community contributing at the level of their possibilities, has taken the step to try. So have you all, At-Large members. For this commitment I am really proud of you all

- and I feel rich for having been given the chance to be part of it.


Thank you.


Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond

ALAC Chair

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