News Alert

IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group Issues Request for Transition Proposals and Suggested Transition Process Timeline

9 September 2014

The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP), for communities interested in and/or affected by the transition of IANA stewardship from the United States NTIA to the global multistakeholder Internet community.

The RFP is available on the ICG website at: [PDF, 84 KB]

Should any community submitting a proposal require clarifications to the RFP, these should be submitted to the ICG on or before Wednesday, 24 September 2014. Submissions should be sent by email to before this date, and responses will be provided by the ICG by 20 October 2014. Clarification questions will be posted to the public ICG mailing list.

We expect communities to be able to begin work immediately on their proposals, in light of the aggressive timetable for this work.

The communities should submit their proposals to the ICG before or on 15 January 2015. Proposals should be conveyed to the ICG via email to

The ICG has also released a suggested timeline for the transition process: [PDF, 60 KB]

While this timeline is aggressive, every attempt has been made to be flexible and allow all communities to participate effectively. The ICG is therefore providing this timeline for review and comment. Please provide comments by email to by 6 October 2014. They will be publicly archived at


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