Dear All,


We want to alert you to a time and room change for the the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Next-generation gTLD Registration Directory Services (RDS) Singapore workshop:  Exploring Replacements for WHOIS - The Next Generation Directory Services. It will be held on Monday, 24 March at 16:30-17:30 SGT in room Bras Basah


This open workshop will feature an update on EWG activities and a preliminary discussion about potential risks and benefits that might result if ICANN were to replace WHOIS by a next-generation system. All interested parties are invited to participate in this workshop and to continue the dialogue post-Singapore through an on-line RDS Risk Survey and interactive webinars that will be scheduled to gather broad community input on this topic. 


RDS Risk survey/webinar results will inform the EWG as it refines its recommendations for a next generation RDS. The EWG looks forward to hearing your thoughts and perspectives at their Singapore session (see for further details and remote participation information). An announcement of the RDS Risk survey and webinars will be posted on the ICANN website and circulated on this list. 


The EWG may be reached at: (public list) should you have comments you would like to submit on the EWG’s Status Update Report


We apologize for any inconvenience the workshop time change may have caused. The EWG decided to change the time (and to add webinars)  to accommodate the community's participation in other key sessions that are being held simultaneously on Monday, 24 March.  


Thank you for your understanding.




ICANN staff on behalf of the Expert Working Group

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