Blog from March, 2014

Dear All,


Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for tomorrow. As we have our APRALO Showcase at 18h00, please wear something RED, the APRALO colour.


The complete At-Large schedule and agenda is available at:


We will be in VIP room all day EXCEPT for the 17:00 IDN Meeting, held in Hullet. See venue Map <> .

* 07:00 - 08:00: A <>

LT (ALAC Leadership Team) and RALO Officers Working Breakfast <>

<> / VIP Room

* 08:00 - 09:00: APRALO Monthly Meeting

<>  / VIP Room

* 09:00 - 10:30: ATLAS II Meeting Organizing Committee - Part 1 <>  / VIP Room

* 11:00 - 12:00: ICANN Academy Working Group <>  / VIP Room

* 12:30 - 14:00: At-Large - Joint ATLAS II OC, Capacity Building WG & Regional Secretariats Meeting <>  / VIP Room

* 14:00 - 15:30: At-Large - AFRALO AfrICANN Meeting <>  / VIP Room

* 15:30 - 17:00: ATLAS II Organizing Committee Meeting - Part 2 <> / VIP Room

* 17:00 - 18:00: A

<> t-Large IDN Working Group <>  / Hullet Room

* 18:00 - 20:00: APRALO Showcase

<>  & Reception / VIP Room and Stamford Ballroom Foyer ...Spread the News!


Meeting Reports:

Please post all reports on the following page:


General Meetings:

Please refer to the link below for more details


Thank you.




Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

Dear All,


Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for tomorrow:


The complete At-Large schedule and agendas is available at:


* 08:30 - 09:30: ALAC Meeting with the ICANN Board <>  / A.Padang

* 10:00 - 12:00: ALAC Work ­ Part 1

<>  / VIP Room

* 13:00 - 14:00: At-Large New gTLD Working Group <>  / VIP Room

* 14:00 - 16:00: ALAC Work ­ Part 2

<>  / VIP Room

* 17:00 - 18:00: At-Large Registration Issues WG <> / VIP Room


Meeting Reports:

Please post all reports on the following page:


General Meetings:

Please refer to the link below for more details


Thank you.




Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC





175+ New gTLDs Delegated


24 March 2014


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced at ICANN 49 in Singapore that the number of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) that have been delegated now tops 175. Recently delegated gTLDs<> include .NYC, .Cologne, .trade, 机构 (Chinese for "agencies/institutions"), .webcam and more. View a video<> to learn more about the "new dots."



Dear All,

Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) 2014, has asked that a TIE BREAKING VOTE be held to select the candidate to run against Rinalia Abdul Rahim for the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by the ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017 (to take their seat at the 2014 AGM).

No candidate in VOTE ROUND 2 received more than 50% of the votes.

The next step will be to hold a vote to break the tie between Sébastien Bachollet and Alan Greenberg. The winner of this tie-breaking vote will run against Rinalia Abdul Rahim.

Question: Who do you support to run against Rinalia Abdul Rahim for the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by the ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017? Please select one candidate between the two tied candidates below (listed in alphabetical order of the family name):
•  Sébastien Bachollet
•  Alan Greenberg


•      Please note that the poll for the TIE BREAKING VOTE will be open from Sunday, 23-March-2014 20:00 SGT (12:00 UTC) to Monday, 24-March-2014 17:30 SGT (09:30 UTC).
•      Once open, electorates will receive Vote Credentials that contain links to BigPulse, the online platform, to cast their vote.
•      Staff will send reminders, as well as contact electorates who haven’t voted before the poll closes.
•      The TIE BREAKING VOTE will be a simple majority: electorate members may choose only one candidate for whom they will cast their vote. The candidate with the most votes wins.
•      If one of the candidates has more than 50% of the votes cast, that candidate will enter the next VOTE pool to compete against Rinalia Abdul Rahim for the Board Director (Seat #15) position.
•      If no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast, an in-person, random draw will take place in the VIP room on Monday, 24-March-2014 at 17:45 SGT (09:45 UTC). The winner of the random tie breaking draw will enter the next VOTE pool to compete against Rinalia Abdul Rahim for the Board Director (Seat #15) position.
•      The VOTE poll following the tie breaking will be open from Monday, 24-March-2014 19:00 SGT (11:00 UTC) to Wednesday 26-March-2014 14:00 SGT (06:00 UTC). This vote will also be a simple majority vote. If one candidate receives more than 50% of the votes cast, that candidate will be declared the final winner and the Board Director selection process is completed. If not, a random tie breaking operation is undertaken on Wednesday, 26 March at 15:30 SGT (07:30 UTC)
•      The official announcement of the winner of the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by the ALAC/At-Large process (i.e. final winner) will be reported on Thursday, 27 March 2014.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at


Dear All,


Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for tomorrow:


The complete At-Large schedule and agendas is available at:


*   07:00 ­ 08:00: NARALO Monthly Meeting

<>  / VIP Lounge


*   12:15 ­ 13:15: ALAC & ccNSO Meeting

<>  / VIP Lounge


*   14:00 ­ 15:00 ICANN Accessibility Taskforce

<>  / VIP Lounge


*   15:00 ­ 16:30 At-Large Discussion: Registration Directory Services: Now

and the Future <> / VIP Lounge


*   17:00 ­ 18:00 At-Large Workshop: TOR and Alternative Naming Mechanisms

to the DNS <>

<> / VIP Lounge


*** 19:30 - 23:45 ICANN Gala Night, Singapore Gardens by the Bay  *** (tickets available from Newcomers lounge) ... inside the Flower Dome at 18 Marina Gardens Drive, Singapore Experience the world of perpetual spring and a spectacular view of the Marina Bay Skyline!

The evening will include lots of food, drinks, and fun.

All meeting participants are invited to attend and there's plenty of space for all so get your invitation and come celebrate ICANN's 49th public meeting.

Invitations will be available at the ICANN booth in the convention foyer near registration. Registration and badge will be required to obtain your invitation.

Invitation required for entry.

Free Shuttle Transportation

Shuttle Departures: 19:15 - 20:15 (pick ups will be at the Swissotel Hotel Lobby Entrance) Shuttle Returns: 21:30 - 00:15 (shuttles every 15 minutes)



Meeting Reports:


General Meetings:

Please refer to the link below for more details


07:00 - 08:30 DNS Women's Breakfast

<>  / SB Foyer

08:30 - 10:00 Welcome Ceremony and Presidents Opening <>  / Padang

10:30 - 12:30 IANA Accountability Transition <>  / Padang

13:30 - 15:00 Cross-Community Work Group on Internet Governance at NETmundial <>  / Padang

15:15 - 16:15 Meeting Strategy Working Group <>  / Padang

16:30 - 17:30 Exploring Replacements for WHOIS - The next Generation Directory Services <>  / Bras Basah

17:30 - 19:00 ICANN Accountability


ed>  / Padang


Thank you.




Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber,

Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC





One World, One Internet


Dear All,

Please collect your GALA Tickets from the Newcomers Booth (by Registration).

Your name badge will also be STAMPED.

Please present BOTH for the GALA Evening.

Thank you!

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber,
Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

Dear All,

Please note the At-Large Singapore Meetings Reports Workspace<> has been created.

Please be sure to submit your meeting reports in the workspace.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC


News Alert



ICANN Seeks Public Comment on 2013 RAA Data Retention Specification Data Elements and Legitimate Purposes for Collection and Retention


21 March 2014


ICANN has been in discussions with a number of Registrars regarding data retention waiver requests ("Waiver Requests") submitted under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (the "2013 RAA"). Some Registrars are seeking an exemption from certain collection and/or retention requirements under the Data Retention Specification (the "Specification") of the 2013 RAA. Section 2 of the Data Retention Specification sets forth requirements regarding the written materials a Registrar must submit in support of its good faith determination that the collection and/or retention of any data element specified in the Specification violates applicable law, and provides that following notice to ICANN of the Waiver Request, ICANN and the applicable Registrar shall discuss the matter in good faith in an effort to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter. An update on the 2013 RAA and the data retention waiver process can be found here:



ICANN understands that personal data should be treated in accordance with applicable data protection laws, which generally permit gathering and retention of personal data for legitimate purpose(s). ICANN also understands that the law may vary from country to country as to (i) what is considered a legitimate purpose, (ii) whether the personal data is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the legitimate purpose for which they are collected and (iii) for how long certain data elements may be retained. In other words, what is considered a legitimate purpose for collection of certain data in one country may not be considered a legitimate purpose in another country.


During ICANN's discussions in an effort to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter, some Registrars have requested that ICANN (a) clarify and better define certain data elements described in the Data Retention Specification that the Registrars maintain are not clearly defined; and (b) describe potentially legitimate purposes for collection and retention of each data element that would help provide guidance for Registrars both as to whether such elements may be lawfully collected, and, if so, for how long such elements might lawfully be retained.


In response to these requests from some Registrars, ICANN is posting for public comment a document seeking to clarify what is meant by certain data elements described in the Data Retention Specification and describing potentially legitimate purposes for collection and retention of those data elements. That document can be found here<

pec-elements-21mar14-en.pdf> [PDF, 116 KB]. The document will be posted for a period of thirty (30) days to seek feedback and input from the community on (i) whether the data elements are appropriately described, (ii) whether the cited purposes for collection and retention are appropriate and legitimate, and (iii) whether there are other potentially legitimate purposes for collection and retention of such data elements. After the thirty (30) day period following this posting has expired, ICANN will consider all feedback and input received in connection with ICANN’s ongoing discussions to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of Waiver Requests. In the interim, ICANN will continue its ongoing discussions to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of Waiver Requests with individual Registrars with the goal of granting additional Waiver Requests as and when appropriate.


A public comment period will remain open until 23:59 p.m. PDT/California, 21 April 2014. Public comments will be available for consideration by ICANN staff and the ICANN Board.


 *   Comments can be posted to:<mailto:comments-retention-21mar14@icann


 *   Comments can be viewed at:





News Alert



Notice of Preliminary Determination To Grant Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request for NAMEWEB BVBA


21 March 2014


ICANN has made a preliminary determination that it is prepared to grant a data retention waiver request submitted by Registrar NAMEWEB BVBA under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (the "2013 RAA"). Section 2 of the Data Retention Specification (the "Specification") of 2013 RAA provides that prior to granting any exemption under the Specification, ICANN will post its determination on the ICANN website for a period of thirty (30) calendar days.


Pursuant to Section 2 of the Specification, NAMEWEB BVBA submitted to ICANN a Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request ("Waiver Request") on the basis of NAMEWEB BVBA's contention that compliance with the data collection and/or retention requirements of the Specification violates applicable law in Belgium.


The Waiver Request cited Article 5 of Chapter 2 of the Belgium Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data. That article provides as follows (the following is an unofficial English translation from Dutch):


Article 5.


Personal data may be processed only if:


 1.  the data subject has unambiguously given his consent;  2.  the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;  3.  the processing is necessary for the compliance with an obligation to which the data controller is subject by or by virtue of law, decree or ordinance;  4.  the processing is necessary in order to protect a vital interest of the data subject;  5.  the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the data controller or in a third party to whom the data are disclosed;  6.  the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by the third party to whom the data are disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.


The King may specify, by royal decree deliberated upon in the Council of Ministers and after having taken advice from the Commission for the protection of privacy, in such cases the conditions under f) shall not be considered fulfilled.


The Waiver Request was accompanied by a letter from the Article 29 Working Party dated 8 January 2014 regarding European Data Protection Directive 94/46/EC and asserted that the Belgian law cited is an almost direct translation into Dutch of the European Directive. The Waiver Request also cited the previous waiver granted by ICANN to OVH SAS on the basis of French law.


Following receipt of the Waiver Request, and in accordance with the 2013 RAA, ICANN through its legal counsel and NAMEWEB BVBA discussed the matter in good faith in an effort to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter.


The outcome of those discussions is that NAMEWEB BVBA is seeking a waiver with respect to Sections 1.1.1 through 1.1.8 of the Specification that seeks to reduce from two years to one year the period for which these specified data elements must be retained after the Registrar's sponsorship of the Registration ends.


ICANN has determined on a preliminary basis that it is prepared to grant the data retention waiver request. ICANN is posting this preliminary determination for a period of thirty (30) days to seek feedback and input from the community on the proposed data retention waiver. After the thirty (30) day period following this posting has expired, ICANN will consider all feedback and input received before making a final determination on whether to grant the Waiver Request.


The scope of the proposed waiver would be to permit NAMEWEB BVBA to maintain the information specified in Sections 1.1.1 through 1.1.8 of the Specification for the duration of its sponsorship of the Registration and for a period of one (1) additional year thereafter rather than two (2) additional years thereafter. In all other respects the terms of the Specification would remain AS-IS.


The specific change to the Specification would be that, for the duration of the Waiver, the retention requirement of Paragraph 1.1 of the Data Retention Specification be changed from "two additional years" to "one additional year."


If ICANN does make a final determination to grant the Waiver Request sought by NAMEWEB BVBA, the provisions of Section 3 of the Specification would apply to similar waivers requested by other registrars located in the same jurisdiction. Section 3 of the Specification provides as follows:


If (i) ICANN has previously waived compliance with the requirements of any requirement of this Data Retention Specification in response to a Waiver Request from a registrar that is located in the same jurisdiction as Registrar and (ii) Registrar is subject to the same applicable law that gave rise to ICANN's agreement to grant such wavier, Registrar may request that ICANN to grant a similar waiver, which request shall be approved by ICANN, unless ICANN provides Registrar with a reasonable justification for not approving such request, in which case Registrar may thereafter make an Wavier Request pursuant to Section 2 of this Data Retention Specification.


A public comment period will remain open until 23:59 UTC, 21 April 2014. Public comments will be available for consideration by ICANN staff and the ICANN Board.


 *   Comments can be posted to:<>

 *   Comments can be viewed at:




ALAC-Announce mailing list


At-Large Official Site:



News Alert



Public Comment Invited: Proposal for the Use of Mandatory Policy Advisory Boards for Regulated Industry Sector and Consumer-Trust-Sensitive New gTLD Strings


21 March 2014




Forum Announcement:     Comment Period Opens on Date:   21 March 2014



 *   Top-Level Domains

 *   Contracted Party Agreements



Purpose (Brief):        The purpose of this public comment period is to obtain feedback and collect broader community input into the further development of the PAB model, and to which TLD strings it may best apply.

Public Comment Box Link:




ALAC-Announce mailing list


At-Large Official Site:

Dear All,

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a call for comments be made on the draft "ALAC Statement on the Mitigating the Risk of DNS Namespace Collisions<>" in preparation for the start of the ALAC ratification process.

The current draft, as well as additional information on the Public Comment, can be found on the At-Large Mitigating the Risk of DNS Namespace Collisions Workspace<>.

Please submit any comments on the workspace using the comments function by 26 March 2014 23:59 UTC.

A vote is to commence during the ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting on 27 March 2014.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC



News Alert



ICANN Expands Global Stakeholder Engagement Team


20 March 2014


Click here to watch an interview with Michael Yakushev: English<> | Русский<>


ICANN has announced new developments to enhance its Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) efforts, with the creation of two new leadership positions and the hiring of two new regional Vice Presidents.


"ICANN is expanding its global presence, giving us the opportunity to reach stakeholders at every corner of the globe," said Sally Costerton, Senior Advisor to the President, Stakeholder Engagement. "As we expand, it is crucial that we have experienced and effective leadership in key regions to allow these stakeholders to engage with us."


Michael Yakushev takes the role of Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement for Russia, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Eastern Europe. Michael is an experienced Internet lawyer who, prior to joining ICANN, worked for a variety of international technology companies, including Microsoft, SAP, PayPal and Veni Markovski, who previously held this role, will be moving to New York to assume the role of Vice President of Global Stakeholder Engagement. In this new role, Veni will, amongst other responsibilities, work closely with United Nations (UN) agencies and the missions to the UN.


Assuming the role of Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement for Europe is Jean-Jacques Sahel. Jean-Jacques previously held senior policy and regulatory positions at Skype, Microsoft, and in government. His predecessor, Nigel Hickson, will be moving to Geneva to take on the role of Vice President of Intergovernmental Organizations (including the UN) and International Organizations.


"ICANN will implement a more focused engagement plan with governments and IGOs in the coming months," said Tarek Kamel, Senior Advisor to the President on Government Engagement. "These organizational changes are vital to support our efforts to get closer to our global stakeholders."




To download a high-resolution photo of Veni Markovski, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Michael Yakushev, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Nigel Hickson, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Jean-Jacques Sahel, go here:


Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) is a team of people appointed to demonstrate ICANN's commitment to international participation and the efficacy of its multi-stakeholder environment. It works with the community and staff to achieve the goal of better representing ICANN's regions and facilitating the organization's engagement with and responsiveness to these regions. To learn more about the GSE team, visit:



ALAC-Announce mailing list


At-Large Official Site:

Dear All,


We want to alert you to a time and room change for the the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Next-generation gTLD Registration Directory Services (RDS) Singapore workshop:  Exploring Replacements for WHOIS - The Next Generation Directory Services. It will be held on Monday, 24 March at 16:30-17:30 SGT in room Bras Basah


This open workshop will feature an update on EWG activities and a preliminary discussion about potential risks and benefits that might result if ICANN were to replace WHOIS by a next-generation system. All interested parties are invited to participate in this workshop and to continue the dialogue post-Singapore through an on-line RDS Risk Survey and interactive webinars that will be scheduled to gather broad community input on this topic. 


RDS Risk survey/webinar results will inform the EWG as it refines its recommendations for a next generation RDS. The EWG looks forward to hearing your thoughts and perspectives at their Singapore session (see for further details and remote participation information). An announcement of the RDS Risk survey and webinars will be posted on the ICANN website and circulated on this list. 


The EWG may be reached at: (public list) should you have comments you would like to submit on the EWG’s Status Update Report


We apologize for any inconvenience the workshop time change may have caused. The EWG decided to change the time (and to add webinars)  to accommodate the community's participation in other key sessions that are being held simultaneously on Monday, 24 March.  


Thank you for your understanding.




ICANN staff on behalf of the Expert Working Group



News Alert



ICANN Expands Global Stakeholder Engagement Team


20 March 2014


Click here to watch an interview with Michael Yakushev: English<> | Русский<>


ICANN has announced new developments to enhance its Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) efforts, with the creation of two new leadership positions and the hiring of two new regional Vice Presidents.


"ICANN is expanding its global presence, giving us the opportunity to reach stakeholders at every corner of the globe," said Sally Costerton, Senior Advisor to the President, Stakeholder Engagement. "As we expand, it is crucial that we have experienced and effective leadership in key regions to allow these stakeholders to engage with us."


Michael Yakushev takes the role of Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement for Russia, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Eastern Europe. Michael is an experienced Internet lawyer who, prior to joining ICANN, worked for a variety of international technology companies, including Microsoft, SAP, PayPal and Veni Markovski, who previously held this role, will be moving to New York to assume the role of Vice President of Global Stakeholder Engagement. In this new role, Veni will, amongst other responsibilities, work closely with United Nations (UN) agencies and the missions to the UN.


Assuming the role of Vice President of Stakeholder Engagement for Europe is Jean-Jacques Sahel. Jean-Jacques previously held senior policy and regulatory positions at Skype, Microsoft, and in government. His predecessor, Nigel Hickson, will be moving to Geneva to take on the role of Vice President of Intergovernmental Organizations (including the UN) and International Organizations.


"ICANN will implement a more focused engagement plan with governments and IGOs in the coming months," said Tarek Kamel, Senior Advisor to the President on Government Engagement. "These organizational changes are vital to support our efforts to get closer to our global stakeholders."




To download a high-resolution photo of Veni Markovski, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Michael Yakushev, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Nigel Hickson, go here:


To download a high-resolution photo of Jean-Jacques Sahel, go here:


Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) is a team of people appointed to demonstrate ICANN's commitment to international participation and the efficacy of its multi-stakeholder environment. It works with the community and staff to achieve the goal of better representing ICANN's regions and facilitating the organization's engagement with and responsiveness to these regions. To learn more about the GSE team, visit:



ALAC-Announce mailing list


At-Large Official Site:



News Alert



Annual Independent Audit RFP


18 March 2014


ICANN is issuing today a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify audit firms interested in performing ICANN's annual independent audit.


Full information is given in the RFP which can be found here<> [PDF, 548 KB].


RFP activities schedule at a glance:

Requests for Proposals issued by ICANN  18 March 2014

Written responses due   2 April 2014

Selected firm published 31 May 2014