Please register via email to by Monday, 10 March 2014 ­ 23:59 UTC to receive the dial-in details. A reminder with log-in and dial-in details will be sent to you prior to the call.


Dear All,

You are invited

<>  to join Vint Cerf, Nii Quaynor, Beth Noveck and Paul Mockapetris on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 15:00-16:30 UTC (time converter: for a webinar on Strategy Panels' draft reports <> :


* ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem ­ Draft Report <

ystem/report-23feb14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 2.14 MB];

* Public Responsibility Framework ­ Draft Report <

bility/outline-23feb14-en> ;

* ICANN Multistakeholder Innovation ­ Draft Report <

r-innovation/quest-blueprint-30jan14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 424 KB] (Proposals compiled here <

r-innovation> );

* Identifier Technology Innovation ­ Draft Report <

nology/report-21feb14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 1.76 MB].

The Strategy Panel Chairs wish to walk you through their panel's preliminary recommendations and to seek your input, as panels fine-tune their report and bring their work to a conclusion. This webinar will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions.


The Strategy Panels draft reports are currently out for public comment - see

Your feedback and contributions are key to this project and will be carefully considered. Comments are invited through 30 April 2014.


Advisory in nature, ICANN Strategy Panels serve as an integral part of a framework for cross-community dialogue on strategic matters. Designed to concentrate on critical strategic areas identified by the community, Board, and staff <

put-24jun13-en.pdf> , the work of Strategy Panels will inform a new, overarching vision and five-year strategic plan. More information is available at:


We look forward to your participation in this webinar. Should you not be in a position to attend the session, please note that the slides, recording and transcript of the presentation will be made available following the webinar



Best regards


ICANN staff










WEBINAR: ICANN Strategy Panels ­ Draft Reports



28 February 2014

Join the Strategy Panel Chairs for an update and interactive discussion.

Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Time: 15:00-16:30 UTC (time converter: Vint Cerf, Nii Quaynor, Beth Noveck and Paul Mockapetris invite you to join them on Tuesday, 11 March at 15:00-16:30 UTC (time converter: for an overview of the draft recommendations and report they respectively released earlier this month for public comment:

* ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem ­ Draft Report <

ystem/report-23feb14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 2.14 MB];

* Public Responsibility Framework ­ Draft Report <

bility/outline-23feb14-en> ;

* ICANN Multistakeholder Innovation ­ Draft Report <

r-innovation/quest-blueprint-30jan14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 424 KB] (Proposals compiled here <

r-innovation> );

* Identifier Technology Innovation ­ Draft Report <

nology/report-21feb14-en.pdf>  [PDF, 1.76 MB].

The Strategy Panels serve as an integral part of a framework for cross-community dialogue on strategic matters. Advisory in nature, ICANN Strategy Panels'


quintessential objective is to inform and support the development ofICANN's new, overarching vision and five-year strategic plan.

The Chairs wish to walk you through their panel's preliminary recommendations and to seek your input, as panels fine-tune their report and bring their work to a conclusion. This webinar will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions. Your feedback and contributions are key to this project and will be carefully considered. Note that panels also welcome input sent via their publicly archived mailing lists (see

tm for full reference). Comments are invited through 30 April 2014.

Webinar Details

The webinar will be run in an Adobe Connect room with a slide presentation along with a dial-in conference bridge for audio. The session will be conducted in English.

Participants will be given the opportunity to offer comments and to ask questions during the Q&A section. During the course of the webinar, questions may be submitted using the chat function of Adobe Connect. If you cannot join the live session, the recording of the session will be made available shortly after the meeting.

Please register via email to by Monday, 10 March 2014 ­ 23:59 UTC to receive the dial-in details. A reminder with log-in and dial-in details will be sent to you prior to the call.



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