News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Week ending 11 October 2013


Announcements This Week

Strategic Planning & Strategy Panels Schedules Updated<> To provide more opportunity for community consideration and public comment on a draft ICANN Vision and 5-year Strategic Plan, the development schedule has been extended to accommodate two rounds of online public input, and community discussions at the ICANN Buenos Aires (November 2013) and Singapore (March 2014) meetings.

9 October 2013

NGPC Resolution for Addressing the Consequences of Name Collisions<> At its 18 May 2013 meeting, the ICANN Board adopted a resolution to commission a study to identify the levels of potential impact posed by each applied-for new gTLD on the use of TLDs that are not currently delegated at the root level of the public DNS.

8 October 2013

Montevideo Statement on the Future of Internet Cooperation<> Montevideo, Uruguay – The leaders of organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure globally have met in Montevideo, Uruguay, to consider current issues affecting the future of the Internet. 7 October 2013

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