• Holly Raiche

  • Rinalia Abdul-Rahim

  • Jack Qiu


  • GOAL: The idea of the APRALO Multi-stakeholder Policy discussions/roundtables is to have more intensive policy discussion sessions.  With the benefit of having all the ALSes from APRALO in Beijing, the idea is to further take the opportunity to invite other stakeholders, including government representatives, registries (applicants), registrars, intellectual property rights experts, ISPs and other NGOs in the region to join in a multi-stakeholder dialogue with a goal towards potentially producing a sort of communique at the end of the meeting to establish some views on various policies and issues.


  • TASKS:





    Name of Person Responsible
    Date and TIme
    APRALOAPRALO Brainstorming on possible topics (open call for suggestions on APAC Discuss)December 2012 
    Holly/StaffAPRALO Chair/Staff to issue call for suggestions on possible topics on mailing list (core criteria - topic must be relevant and important to the region)December 2012 
    StaffStaff to look into scheduling of APRALO Policy Roundtable in ICANN meeting agendaDecember 2012 
    Rinalia Abdul RahimRAR to explore synergies with ICANN's Regional StrategyDecember 2012 
     Topic confirmation + Speakers Identification for invitationJanuary 2013 
     Confirmation of speakers, moderator, etc. + PromotionFebruary 2013 
     Role players briefing and discussionMarch 2013 
     Roundtable & OutputApril 2013 
  • No labels


  1. One of the main objectives of this policy discussion is to draw synergy with and provide input towards the development of the ICANN Asia Pacific Regional Strategy.  APRALO is invited to propose topics for this discussion in Beijing via this Wiki.

  2. Proposed Timeline:

    1. December 2012 - APRALO Brainstorming on possible topics (open call for suggestions on APAC Discuss)
      1. APRALO Chair/Staff to issue call for suggestions on possible topics on mailing list (core criteria - topic must be relevant and important to the region)
      2. Staff to look into scheduling of APRALO Policy Roundtable in ICANN meeting agenda
      3. RAR to explore synergies with ICANN's Regional Strategy
    2. January 2013 - Topic confirmation + Speakers Identification for invitation
    3. February 2013 - Confirmation of speakers, moderator, etc. + Promotion
    4. March 2013 - Role players briefing and discussion
    5. April 2013 - Roundtable & Output



  3. Beijing Policy Roundtable - Topics for Consideration (proposed during the 19 Dec 2012 APRALO Meeting):

    1. WCIT and Implications for the Internet
    2. New gTLDs
    3. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
    4. Multistakeholder Models

    Note: these topics need to be refined further.  Other topic suggestions welcome.


  4. Draft Message for circulation to APRALO to be sent out asap (note: deadline Jan 15):

    Hello everyone,

    The APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee seeks your input on possible topics for a Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable in conjunction with the April 2013 ICANN Meeting in Beijing. 

    The criteria for the policy topics are as follows: (1) highly relevant and important to the region and ICANN; (2) require multistakeholder engagement to address.  For each topic proposed, please provide recommendations on relevant discussion leaders.  These discussion leaders should be knowledgeable about the topic/s and respected regionally or globally.  We would like to have discussion leaders from a broad range of stakeholder groups (i.e., government and inter-governmental, business, non-profit/NGO, and end user).

    Possible topics include:

    1. Implications of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) for the Internet and the Multistakeholder Model;
    2. New gTLDs and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region;
    3. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region.

    Please do send us your suggestions and ideas (or your support for any of the above with list of recommended discussion leaders) by Jan 15, 2013.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    The APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee

  5. Suggested Topics (updated 13 January 2013):

    1. Implications of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) for the Internet and the Multistakeholder Model;
    2. New gTLDs and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region;
    3. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region.
    4. IPV6
    5. International Privacy Policy for Cloud Computing
    6. WHOIS: (a) Registry Audit, (b) IDN
    7. IGO & INGO Name Protection
    8. Access/Connectivity Challenges in Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region
    9. "Internet-related Public Policy Matters" in relation to World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF).
    10. Compliance.

    My thoughts on evaluating suitability of topics:

    1. Highly relevant and important to the region and ICANN;
    2. Require multistakeholder engagement to address;
    3. Transcends ICANN's structural issue-addressing mechanism (i.e., cannot be absorbed into an existing forum within ICANN Meetings such as Working Group session, SO/AC sessions, etc). 
    4. Speakers readily available




  6. Revised Criteria on Evaluating Suitability of Topics:

    • Highly relevant and important to the region and ICANN;
    • Require multistakeholder engagement to address;
    • Transcends ICANN's structural issue-addressing mechanism (i.e., cannot be absorbed into an existing forum within ICANN Meetings such as Working Group session, SO/AC sessions, etc); and
    • Globally diverse and respected speakers that are readily available.
    1.  using the criteria above and the list of 10 topics 9 of which I see as worthy  BUT we need at least "a pair and a spare" so as I need to choose this is my top 3 priority list:

      Suggested Topics (updated 13 January 2013):

      1. Implications of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) for the Internet and the Multistakeholder Model; NO REMOVE from list
      2. New gTLDs and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region;  YES # 1  and we could call upon some of the speakers who presented on this topic (global) at IGF
      3. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)  Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region.YES # 2/ #3  we could call upon some of the speakers who are from the various existing WG's and Studies on IDN's and Variance as well as our own WG Leaders
      4. IPV6 NOT at this time
      5. International Privacy Policy for Cloud Computing NOT at this time
      6. WHOIS: (a) Registry Audit, (b) IDN  NOT at this time  
      7. IGO & INGO Name Protection NOT at this time
      8. Access/Connectivity Challenges in Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region NOT at this time
      9. "Internet-related Public Policy Matters" in relation to World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF). NOT at this time
      10. Compliance.  YES #3 / #2 we could call upon some of the speakers who present on this from Compliance & Legal as well as Registry Operators  existing gTLD  & ccTLD's in AP Region as well as Law Enforcement / GAC and Consumer reps
  7. Rating the topics:


    1. Implications of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) for the Internet and the Multistakeholder Model; _ No - nothing that has come out of WCIT is of direct relevance to ICANN/APRALO
    2. New gTLDs and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region; - YES
    3. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region.YES - since Rinalia and Edmon have been most closely associated with this issue, let them suggest the best speakers
    4. IPV6 - No - not as immediately relevant now
    5. International Privacy Policy for Cloud Computing - no -
    6. WHOIS: (a) Registry Audit, (b) IDN.   Yes (sorry CLO) But I think there are relevant issues including handling the real and divergent views on privacy, and maybe as, one speaker, one of the primary authors of the Whois Review Team (and Garth is writing a book on it!)
    7. IGO & INGO Name Protection - only if there are ongoing issues
    8. Access/Connectivity Challenges in Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region - No.  That is not to say there aren't real issues, but the issues are move about investment in infrastructure - not in our area
    9. "Internet-related Public Policy Matters" in relation to World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF). - this is a watching brief - maybe for later since one of the future issues (really for the Plenipotentiary meeting in 2014) will be the ITR's definition of telecommunications - which may be broadened and therefore impact on ICANN.
    10. Compliance - Not sure. I'd certainly like to hear their update on the audit now that Verisign won't be participating in relation to .net.
  8. Hi,

    Rinalia, thank you for your coordination. I understand this session would be held for two hours or so. My suggestion to the multi-stakeholder session is to present each countries' multi-stakeholder model at least in Asia, which demonstrate a wide range of multi-stakeholder model here, which is a BIG issue for the coming years.

    This is my suggestion for the session. If this does not sound what you are planning to do with, let me show my priority list here.

    0) "Internet-related Public Policy Matters" in relation to World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF).

    1) New gTLDs and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region and Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asia-Pacific and Australasia Region.

    2) IPV6

    Thank you!



  9. Hi all, once again....

    I just noted CLO and Holly did not count WTPF in. FYI. The WTPF report is compsed of ICANN-related content almost more than 90% of the report in my opinion. But, I can go with more specific ongoing policy discussion at ICANN as well. 

  10. Input from Olivier Crepin-Leblond via email on28 Jan 2013:

    Dear Rinalia,

    I am looking at the list of suggested topics.

    On 24/01/2013 01:48, Rinalia Abdul Rahim wrote:
    > WHOIS: (a) Registry Audit, (b) IDN

    WHOIS Registry Audit is probably going to be discussed at the
    forthcoming Whois Webinar which I recommend everyone interested in WHOIS
    issues should attend. It will be 90 minutes in length and it will
    include a debate between various real experts.
    As for WHOIS IDN -- this is also related to WHOIS. Perhaps asking a
    question to the experts during the WHOIS call will give you a better
    idea if this subject is interesting and wide enough for it to be treated
    in its own session in Beijing.
    Kindest regards,


  11. Re: YJ's proposal on a "multi-stakeholder session to present each countries' multi-stakeholder model at least in Asia, which demonstrate a wide range of multi-stakeholder model here, which is a BIG issue for the coming years."

    Thank you, JY for this proposal.  I think this proposal has merit.

    To make the discussion worthwhile, the level of the discussion should go beyond a presentation of each country experience.  The value adding level is to analyze the various experiences and distil them into models.  These models can then be discussed deeper to have a better understanding of multistakeholderism and they can serve as guides for improving multistakeholderism.  

    To do this properly requires a multi-step process:

    a) sharing of country experiences

    b) analysis and distillation of models

    c) refinement of models based on further discussion

    APRALO could take this up as a research project that spans a longer time period (i.e., several event milestones), but it does require dedicated time, adequate preparation, careful selection of presenters (they have to really know their country example), careful outlining of key questions that each presenter needs to address, and analytical resources to distill the model.

    There are several events on the horizon that could serve as stepping stones:

    1) ICANN meeting in Beijing (April 2013)

    2) IGF in Indonesia (Oct 2013)

    3) APrIGF (?)

    The ICANN meeting in Beijing is ideal because we have all of our ALSes present.  There are 2 considerations: (a) Do the ALS representatives know their country examples well enough and can they present it without "sectoral" bias; and (b) is there sufficient time to cover all the countries represented in APRALO.

    If the answers are yes to both, then it is possible to do this.  If the answers are no, then I'm afraid there are impeding structural issues.

    APRALO could, however, attempt to do this bit by bit.  For example, in Beijing, a quick survey can be conducted on the MS country examples (note that responses to surveys are hard to get remotely so this is an opportunity for on site responses to get an idea of what knowledge is available).  Based on what is known, APRALO could then plan and organize a session on this topic at the IGF in Bali followed by APrIGF.  Since you are the organizer for APrIGF, YJ, you would be in the position to take this up.

    The most important question is this:  Who will take up this agenda and drive it because without a champion, the initiative will die. 

    So, any volunteers?

    Best regards,




  12. New gTLDs and IDNs are always my favourite topic =)

    About the multistakeholder models, I think a study on that is certainly interesting and agree with Rinalia that perhaps an even better forum to discuss that is at the APrIGF.


  13. I know I'm late but I meant to put this forward and say that like the others I like #2 and #3 too. (sounds like a Chinese takeaway order)

    And because it is of importance to us, #8 would be the Pacific's choice even if it wasn't anyone else's. Perhaps we can find someone  who might be interested enough to talk to us about our issues at a separate time and place (over breakfast or something). There will be me, Pua, Emani and Save for a start.. and there are a couple of Fellows coming from Papua New Guinea I noticed.

    Rinalia, did you have a resource person in mind when you put forward this suggestion?  it could give us something practical to be working on together in preparation for the IGF Bali.

  14. Current standing on topics:

    1. New gTLD (5 YES)

    2. IDNs (5 YES)

    3. WHOIS (1 YES; 1 No; 1 Wait and see WHOIS WG WEBINAR outcomes)

    4. IPv6 (1 YES)

    5. Compliance (1 YES, 1 unsure but not really a No)

    6. WTPF (1 YES, 1 Watching Brief, 1 No)

    7. Regional Multistakeholder Country Experiences/Models (1 new proposal; see my extensive response on wiki).

    8. Access (1 YES, 2 NO)


    On Access:

    Maureen, I picked up the topic of access from the APAC discuss thread.  I don't have specific resource people designated for that, but I would support your proposal of a Pacific islands powow.  Folks that I think you should tap: ITU rep, ISOC regional manager, country delegates from Oz+NZ+ pacific islands (folks with universal service funds and aid programs for the pacific), Keith Davidson, CLO.  The Pacific ICANN VP can probably identify the individuals that are key for the discussion as well.  Also independently, Samoa has a National IT Council - someone from that council would be worth having.  Fiji had a rather active IT department until UNESCO poached the officer.

  15. Dear APRALO Beijing OC,

    Here is where I am on the Policy Roundtable.  In case you don't agree, please propose a suitable and thorough counter proposal. You are welcome to propose additional sub-questions under each topic for consideration.

    Note to Staff:  We need the timing to be a full 2 hours.  90 minutes won't do for two topics.



    APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable @ ICANN 46 (Beijing, PRC)

    Date: 8 April 2013 (Monday)

    Time: 5pm-7pm


    ICANN’s new gTLD Program will bring a dramatic expansion of the Top Level Domain Space where 1930 new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) applications have been received.  303 (15.7%) of the new gTLD applications are from the Asia Pacific region and 100 (86%) of the applications for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) new gTLDs are for the languages of the Asia Pacific region.

    The APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable will feature discussions on two thematic areas with an emphasis on issues of concern to the end user and the public interest:


    Policy Roundtable I [5pm-6pm]

    Theme: New gTLDs and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific Region

    Topic: End User/Consumer Protection with New gTLDs


    Discussion Questions:

    1. How can consumers/end users be best protected in the event that new gTLDs fail or are unsustainable?
    2. What are the issues associated with turning applicant commitments into contractual obligations?
    3. What are the issues related to the enforceability of contractual obligations and what recommendations should be made regarding the scaling up of ICANN compliance?




    Lead Discussants:

    1. End User/Consumer -

    2. Government – Peter Nettleford, AUS?

    3. Business -

    4. ICANN Compliance -  


    [Note to Beijing OC:  The following are other topics that are of relevance to end user and public interest that may be considered, but remember, ONLY ONE TOPIC MAY BE COVERED IN 1 HOUR]

    1. Privatization of Generic Names;
    2. Protection of Non-Trademark Names (i.e., How to ensure adequate protection of non-trademark names such as those of non-profit bodies, common-law brands, aboriginal or indigenous groups and geographic regions without governing bodies);
    3. The Integrity of ICANN Governance:  New conflict of interest challenges brought about by new gTLD applications.


    Policy Roundtable II [6pm-7pm]

    Theme: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific region.

    Topic: Community Readiness for Variant TLDs

    Discussion Questions:

    1. What is the level of readiness among language communities already active in ICANN in forming “Generation Panels” to propose character repertoires and variant rules for the Root Zone that will enable variant IDN TLDs? 
    2. What are the key issues in moving forward for each of the “active” language communities?
    3. How can the readiness of language communities NOT yet active in ICANN be supported?




    Lead Discussants:

    • Arabic Language Community - Sarmad Hussain, Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, Lahore, Pakistan.
    • Chinese Language Community – Qian Hualin, CDNC & CNNIC Steering Committee
    • Indic Language Community – Ram Mohan, Affilias
    • Japanese Language Community – Hiro Hotta, JPRS
    • Korean Language Community - Young-eum Lee, Korea National Open University & ccNSO
    • Thai/Other Language Community - ?

    [Note to Edmon: I think we should try to get at least 1-2 reps from language communities that are not yet active in ICANN to provide their views if at all possible]

    Best regards,


  16. Here are some potential lead discussants for the new gTLD policy roundtable:

    Government Views

    Andrew Maurer or Peter Nettlefold, GAC members from Australia - Australia issued many (possibly the most) GAC early warnings based on public interest arguments.

    Business Views

    Zahid Jamil - from Pakistan - GNSO Business Constituency.

    Edmon Chung - registry operator of the .asia gTLD, new gTLD applicant, well versed in community issues.

    Community Views

    Izumi Aizu - former ALAC member working on "city TLD" Governance issues

    Maureen Hilyard - small island developing states perspectives.

    [Holly - We need a strong consumer advocate representative from Asia Pacific region!  I know you know some!]


    ICANN Compliance Views

    Maguy Serad




    APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable @ ICANN 46 (Beijing, PRC)

    Date: 8 April 2013 (Monday)

    Time: 5pm-7pm


    ICANN’s new gTLD Program will bring a dramatic expansion of the Top Level Domain Space where 1930 new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) applications have been received.  303 (15.7%) of the new gTLD applications are from the Asia Pacific region and 100 (86%) of the applications for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) new gTLDs are for the languages of the Asia Pacific region.

    The APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable will feature discussions on two thematic areas with an emphasis on issues of concern to the end user and the public interest:


    Policy Roundtable I [5pm-6pm]

    Theme: New gTLDs and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific Region

    Topic: End User/Consumer Protection with New gTLDs


    Discussion Questions:

    1. How can consumers/end users be best protected in the event that new gTLDs fail or are unsustainable?
    2. What are the issues associated with turning applicant commitments into contractual obligations?
    3. What are the issues related to the enforceability of contractual obligations and what recommendations should be made regarding the scaling up of ICANN compliance?


    Co-Chair: Rinalia Abdul Rahim (ALAC Executive Committee Member, Asia Pacific Region) & Holly Raiche (Chair, APRALO)


    Lead Discussants:

    1. End User/Consumer – Izumi Aizu (Deputy Director, Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Japan) / Jeremy Malcolm (Project Coordinator, IP and Communications, Consumers International)

    2. Government – Peter Nettlefold (Vice Chair, ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee)

    3. Business – Zahid Jamil (Executive Committee Member, Business Constituency & Member, GNSO Council)

    4. ICANN Compliance - Maguy Serad (Vice President, ICANN Contractual Compliance Services)


    Roundtable participants to be invited:

    • ICANN At-Large community
    • ICANN Advisory Committees (GAC, ALAC, SSAC)
    • ICANN Supporting Organizations (GNSO, ccNSO)
    • ICANN Board
    • ICANN Legal & Law Enforcement


    Policy Roundtable II [6pm-7pm]

    Theme: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific region.

    Topic: Community Readiness for IDN Variant TLDs

    Discussion Questions:

    1. Will the introduction of IDN Variant TLDs de-stabilize the Internet and undermine its security?
    2. What is the level of readiness among language communities already active in ICANN in forming “Generation Panels” to propose character repertoires and variant rules for the Root Zone that will enable variant IDN TLDs?  What are the key issues in moving forward?
    3. How can the readiness of language communities NOT yet active in ICANN be supported?


    Co-Chair: Rinalia Abdul Rahim (ALAC Executive Committee Member, Asia Pacific Region) & Holly Raiche (Chair, APRALO)


    Moderator: Edmon Chung (Chair, At-Large IDN Working Group & At-Large IDN Policy Liaison)



    • Arabic Language Community - Sarmad Hussain (Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, Pakistan)
    • Chinese Language Community – Qian Hualin (China Domain Name Consortium & China Internet Network Information Center Steering Committee)
    • Indic Language Community – Ram Mohan (Affilias)
    • Japanese Language Community – Hiro Hotta (Japan Registry Services)
    • Khmer Language Community – Norbert Klein (Internet Society, Cambodia)
    • Korean Language Community - Young-eum Lee (Korea National Open University)
    • Thai Language Community – Kanchana Kanchanasut (Computer Science, School of Engineering and Technology, Thailand)
    • Sinhala Language Community - Harsha Wijayawardhana (ISOC Sri Lanka)
    • ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee - Jim Galvin (Deputy Chair, SSAC)


    Roundtable participants to be invited:

    • ICANN At-Large community
    • ICANN Variant Implementation Program Team
    • ICANN Root Label Generation Project Team Members
    • ICANN Advisory Committees (ALAC, GAC, SSAC)
    • ICANN Supporting Organizations (ccNSO, GNSO)
    • ICANN Board




    1. Program updated as of 26 Feb 2013 below
    2. New gTLD Panel: Am dropping Izumi from the list of panelists and will have him speak from the floor when discussion opens.
    3. IDN Panel: Edmon is chasing the 3 unconfirmed panelists at Apricot conference in Singapore today.
    4. Action Item for Staff: Once all speakers confirmed, follow up with each and confirm which ones will be participating remotely and make sure that everything works for remote communication.  Jeremy's input is crucial so we can't have anything go wrong there.  In the IDN Panel there are other speakers to fall back on if things go wrong, but not in the new gTLD Panel where each stakeholder group is represented in the Panel by one person.  I would expect there will be some speakers that will be participating remotely in the IDN Panel as some of them may assume that there is travel funding.




    APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable @ ICANN 46 (Beijing, PRC)

    Date: 8 April 2013 (Monday)

    Time: 5pm-7pm


    ICANN’s new gTLD Program will bring a dramatic expansion of the Top Level Domain Space where 1930 new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) applications have been received.  303 (15.7%) of the new gTLD applications are from the Asia Pacific region and 100 (86%) of the applications for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) new gTLDs are for the languages of the Asia Pacific region.

    The APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable will feature discussions on two thematic areas with an emphasis on issues of concern to the end user and the public interest:


    Policy Roundtable I [5pm-6pm]

    Theme: New gTLDs and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific Region

    Topic: End User/Consumer Protection with New gTLDs


    Discussion Questions:

    1. How can consumers/end users be best protected in the event that new gTLDs fail or are unsustainable?
    2. What are the issues associated with turning applicant commitments into contractual obligations?
    3. What are the issues related to the enforceability of contractual obligations and what recommendations should be made regarding the scaling up of ICANN compliance?


    Co-Chair: Rinalia Abdul Rahim (ALAC Executive Committee Member, Asia Pacific Region) & Holly Raiche (Chair, APRALO)


    Lead Discussants:

    1. End User/Consumer – Jeremy Malcolm (Senior Policy Officer, Consumers International, Malaysia) – confirmed via remote participation.

    2. Government – Peter Nettlefold (Vice Chair, ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee & GAC Lead on New gTLDs) - confirmed

    3. Business – Zahid Jamil (Executive Committee Member, Business Constituency & Member, GNSO Council) – confirmed.

    4. ICANN Compliance - Maguy Serad (Vice President, ICANN Contractual Compliance Services) – confirmed.


    Targeted Participants:

    • ICANN At-Large community
    • ICANN Advisory Committees (GAC, ALAC, SSAC)
    • ICANN Supporting Organizations (GNSO, ccNSO)
    • ICANN Board
    • ICANN Legal & Law Enforcement


    Policy Roundtable II [6pm-7pm]

    Theme: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and Implications for the Asian-Australasian-Pacific region.

    Topic: Community Readiness for IDN Variant TLDs

    Discussion Questions:

    1. Will the introduction of IDN Variant TLDs de-stabilize the Internet and undermine its security?
    2. What is the level of readiness among language communities already active in ICANN in forming “Generation Panels” to propose script character repertoires and variant rules for the Root Zone that will enable variant IDN TLDs?  What are the key issues in moving forward?
    3. How can the readiness of language communities NOT yet active in ICANN be supported?


    Co-Chair: Rinalia Abdul Rahim (ALAC Executive Committee Member, Asia Pacific Region) & Holly Raiche (Chair, APRALO)


    Moderator: Edmon Chung (Chair, At-Large IDN Working Group & At-Large IDN Policy Liaison)



    • Arabic Script - Sarmad Hussain (Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, Pakistan) – confirmed.
    • Chinese Script - Qian Hualin (China Domain Name Consortium)
    • Indic Script - Ram Mohan (Affilias)
    • Japanese Script – Hiro Hotta (Japan Registry Services) - confirmed.
    • Khmer Script - Norbert Klein (Internet Society, Cambodia) – confirmed.
    • Korean Script - Young-eum Lee (Korea National Open University) – confirmed.
    • Thai Script - Kanchana Kanchanasut (School of Engineering and Technology, Thailand)
    • Sinhala Script - Harsha Wijayawardhana (ISOC Sri Lanka) – confirmed.
    • ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee - Jim Galvin (Deputy Chair, SSAC) – confirmed.


    Targeted participants:

    • ICANN At-Large community
    • ICANN Variant Implementation Program Team
    • ICANN Root Label Generation Project Team Members
    • ICANN Advisory Committees (ALAC, GAC, SSAC)
    • ICANN Supporting Organizations (ccNSO, GNSO)
    • ICANN Board