Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All: Part II – An Open Policy Session

Part 2 - F2F at ICANN78 on Wednesday 25 October from 09:00-10:00 CEST (07:00-08:00 UTC)

Target Groups: This cross-community session aims to explore the evolving landscape of new internet infrastructure, focusing on their potential impact on individual end users, their role in multistakeholder governance as well as the role of the community in ensuring equitable internet access globally.

Duration: 60 minutes


**00:00 - 00:05 (5 mins) Introduction and Welcome** - Speaker: [Joanna Kulesza, ALAC/EURALO]

- Brief overview of the session's objectives and the importance of new internet infrastructures in the context of MSM governance and global connectivity.

**00:05 - 00:13 (7 mins) SpaceX Starlink, IRIS2, and other satellite broadband projects, their current status, and potential impact on bridging the digital divide through MSM governance.

-  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Speaker: [tbc]


**00:13 - 00:20 (7 mins) Satellite Internet: Enabling Global Connectivity and Sustainable Development**

- Access Now European Speaker: [tbc]


**00:20 - 00:55 (35 mins) Open Discussion: MSM Implications and Sustainable Internet Access** - Moderator: [Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large]

- ICANN community members discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by these infrastructures.


**00:55 - 01:00 (5 mins) Summary and Call to Action** - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair

- Summary of key insights from the session and a call to action for collaboration in leveraging new internet infrastructures for equitable global connectivity.

Panelists: TBC

**Background Documents and References:**

  1. ISOC: “Perspectives on LEO Satellites”, []
  2. ISOC Foundation study report: Global Governance of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Broadband []
  3. European Commission, IRIS2: Advancing Global Internet Connectivity - []
  4. Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development - "State of Broadband" Reports; []

Prep/Coordination session ahead of ICANN78:

Session Title: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All

**Target Groups:** This cross-community session aims to explore the evolving landscape of new internet infrastructure, focusing on their potential impact on individual end users, their role in multistakeholder governance as well as the role of the community in ensuring equitable internet access globally.

**Background Documents and References:**

  1. ISOC “Perspectives on LEO Satellites” []
  2. ISOC Foundation study report: Global Governance of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Broadband []
  3. European Commission, IRIS2: Advancing Global Internet Connectivity []
  4. Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development - "State of Broadband" Reports []

**Duration: 90 mins**


**00:00 - 00:10 (10 mins) Introduction and Welcome**

- Brief overview of the session's objectives and importance of new internet infrastructures in the context of MSM governance and global connectivity.

- Speaker: [Joanna Kulesza, ALAC/EURALO]

**00:10 - 00:25 (15 mins) Satellite Enabled Broadband Technologies: Revolutionizing Internet Access**

- Exploration of the SpaceX Starlink, IRIS2 and other satellite broadband projects, their current status, and potential impact on bridging the digital divide through MSM governance.

- ISOC Speaker: [tbc]

**00:25 - 00:40 (15 mins) Satellite Internet: Enabling Global Connectivity and sustainable development**

- Overview of the IRIS2 initiative and its role in expanding internet access to underserved regions, including technological advancements and challenges.

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Speaker: [tbc]

**00:40 - 00:55 (15 mins) Promoting Equitable Access: UN SDGs and Broadband Commission**

- Discussion on how these new infrastructures align with UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 and insights from the Broadband Commission's efforts.

- Queen Mary University of London Speaker: [tbc]

**00:55 - 01:25 (30 mins) Panel Discussion: MSM Implications and Sustainable Access**

- End users discuss the potential opportunities and challenges presented by these infrastructures and their role in ensuring internet access for all.

- Panel Moderator: [Joanna Kulesza, ALAC/EURALO]

- Panelists: [End user representatives tbc]

**01:25 - 01:30 (5 mins) Summary and Call to Action**

- Brief summary of key insights from the session and a call to action for collaboration in leveraging new internet infrastructures for equitable global connectivity.

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