CURRENT DRAFT FINAL REPORT (last review - Aug 31) Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.9.Aug31-Clean.pdf

CURRENT ADDENDA, With Public Comments Summary & Analysis (Aug 31) ADDENDA-JAS WG Aug31.pdf

JAS WG Charter

Chartered objectives for the Working Group:

Preamble: The Joint SO/AC Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support shall evaluate and propose recommendations regarding specific support to new gTLD applicants in justified cases. The working group expects to identify suitable criteria for provision of such support, to identify suitable support forms and to identify potential providers of such support. However, there is no presumption that the outcome will imply any particular governing structure. Accordingly, if the recommendations indicate that the preferred solutions are of a voluntary nature, the criteria and other provisions arrived at in line with the objectives below will solely serve as advice to the parties concerned. The objectives are not listed in any priority order. An overall consideration is that the outcomes of the WG should not lead to delays of the New gTLD process.

Objective 1: To identify suitable criteria that new gTLD applicants must fulfill to qualify for dedicated support. The criteria may be different for different types of support identified in line with Objective 2 and 3 below.

Objective 2: To identify how the application fee can be reduced and/or subsidized to accommodate applicants that fulfill appropriate criteria to qualify for this benefit, in keeping with the principle of full cost recovery of the application process costs.

Objective 3: To identify what kinds of support (e.g. technical assistance, organizational assistance, financial assistance, fee reduction) and support timelines (e.g. support for the application period only, continuous support) are appropriate for new gTLD applicants fulfilling identified criteria.

Objective 4: To identify potential providers of the identified kinds of support as well as appropriate mechanisms to enable support provisioning.

(Objective 5: To identify conditions and mechanisms required to minimize the risk of inappropriate access to support. Agreed within WG)

Operating Procedures for the Working Group

The Working Group will operate according to the interim working group guidelines set out in the Draft Working guidelines of 5 Feb 2010




29 April

First conference call. Preparations for chair election and charter. Work planning

10 May

Adoption of charter by participating SOs and ACs

5 May - 9 June

Weekly conference calls. Drafting of recommendation.

15 June

Posting of "snapshot" on WG's plans and progress for public comment

21-25 June

Community discussions during ICANN Brussels Meeting

10 July - 10 August

Weekly conference calls resumed, development of final recommendation based on public comments received.

13 August

Final recommendation posted.


ICANN Board resolution, see
GNSO Council resolution, see 20100401 (scroll) at

Members and their SoIs

Final Document Development

[Original Template for Final Doc[alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.docx |doc]|^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.doc]

[V2.1 include comments and snapshot text[alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.1.doc |pdf]|^Draft%20Final%20Report%20JAS%20WG%20v2.1.pdf]

Work Deferred

alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft Final Report for discussion on 17 August 2010


The full text of the comments may be found at

alacsoacnewgtldwg:Initial summary

Work Team Efforts

WT1 - Work team on reviewing application fee structure*

Volunteers: Tony Harris, Rafik Dammak, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Richard Tindal, Elaine Pruis, Andrew Mack

WT1 - working text

Cost consideration document from DAG 1, see
Updated cost consideration document, Oct 2009, see:
Documents from Tony Harris: AAA-DOT%20LAT-COMMENTS%20I.doc


WT2 - Work team "Who and what" on identifying applicants in need of support*

WT2 - working Text

Volunteers: Andrew Mack, Carlos Aguirre, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Elaine Pruis, Rafik Dammak

Support organizations/programs
Special Programs and Funds for LDCs at
UN and civil society/NGOs cooperation regarding LDC at
UNDP, at
GKP, Global Knowledge Partnership at
Council of Country Code Administrators at

Which applicants may need support?
Based on country origin?
LDC (Least Developed Countries) at
LDC criteria at
LLDC (Landlocked Developing Countries) at
LLDC description at
SIDS (Small Island Developing States) at
SIDS description at
Based on legal form?
Non-profit organizations - structure overview at
Non-governmental organizations - structure overview at
Based on orientation, goals?

Document from Andrew Mack: WT2%20proposals%20Andrew%2020100607.doc
Document from Elaine Pruis (letter): JAS_WG_RequestForSupport_V1.doc

June Announcement (=link to it)

Posting on the ICANN website Comments area

Blog posting - call for input and comments

alacsoacnewgtldwg:Draft slides for 23 june Workshop

session questions and comments, from transcript

alacsoacnewgtldwg:African statement, Brussels, June 2010


Archive (agendas, MP3s, transcripts...)

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  1. Anonymous

    From Avri Doria

    (This is posted anonymously since, though I have been promised access for 6 months now, I still do not have access and the system does not permit people to sign up without Staff permission.

    I do not understand why this Cross team work page is lost and abandoned on this site.

    It was removed from where the team could work on it to a place where we did not even know where it was, and none of usseem to have the ability to edit it or update it.

    Make it sifficult to support the goals that have been mandated by ALAC and encouraged by both the Board and the GAC.  It is almost enough to make one paranoid about Staff's intentions.

    Why are the new charter extentions as approved by ALAC not yet posted on this web site.  I include them below so that they do not become lost.  they can be found at <>

    The contents cut from there are:


    The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working group on support  for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010; and

    The Working Group has completed the work as defined in its initial charter and  published a Milestone report  on 10 November 2010 covering those chartered items 

    and including a list of further work items that it recommended further work on; and

    In recognition of the ICANN Board's resolution 2010.10.28.21 in response to an  Interim report from the JAS WG, which states:

    the  Board encourages the JAS WG and other stakeholders to  continue their work on the matter, and in particular, provide specific guidelines on the implementation of their recommendations such as determining the criteria for eligibility for support.


    1. The charter of the Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group is  extended to include the following objectives:

    a) Establish the criteria for financial need and a method of demonstrating that need. Financial need has been established as the primary criterion for  support. The group should be augmented to have the necessary expertise to make a specific recommendation in this area, especially given the comparative economic conditions and the cross-cultural aspects of this requirement.

    b) Definition of mechanisms, e.g. a review committee that would need to be established operating under the set of guidelines established in the Milestone Report and those defined in objective (a) above, for determining whether an application for special consideration is to be granted and what sort of help should be offered; 

    c) Establishing a framework, including a possible recommendation for a separate ICANN originated foundation, for managing any auction income, beyond costs. for future rounds and ongoing assistance; 

    d) Establish methods for coordinating the assistance, and discussions on the extent of such coordination, to be given by Backend Registry Service Providers; e.g. brokering the relationships, reviewing the operational quality of the relationship. 

    e) Discuss and establish methods for coordinating any assistance volunteered by providers (consultants, translators, technicians, etc.); match services to qualified applicants; broker these relationships and review the operational quality of the relationship.

    f) Establish methods for coordinating cooperation among qualified applicants, and assistance volunteered by third parties. g) In cooperation with ICANN Staff and donor experts establish policies and practices for fundraising and for establishing links to possible donor agencies. This activity may include assisting in the establishment of initial relationships with any donor(s) who may be able to help in first round with funding

    h) Review the basis of the US$100,000 application base fee to determine its full origin and to determine what percentage of that fee could be waived for applicants meeting the requirements for assistance. 

    2. The Working group is asked to present a schedule for the work that allows for completion in time for the opening of the application round, currently scheduled for Q2 2011.

    The GNSO Council and ALAC established the Joint SO/AC Working group on support 
    for new gTLD applicants in April of 2010; and
    The Working Group has completed the work as defined in its initial charter and 
    published a Milestone report  on 10 November 2010 covering those chartered items 
    and including a list of further work items that it recommended further work on; and
    In recognition of the ICANN Board's resolution 2010.10.28.21 in response to an 
    Interim report from the JAS WG, which states:
    the  Board encourages the JAS WG and other stakeholders to 
    continue their work on the matter, and in particular, provide specific 
    guidelines on the implementation of their recommendations such as 
    determining the criteria for eligibility for support.
    1. The charter of the Joint SO/AC New gTLD Applicant Support Working Group is 
    extended to include the following objectives:
    a) Establish the criteria for financial need and a method of demonstrating that 
    need. Financial need has been established as the primary criterion for 
    support. The group should be augmented to have the necessary expertise to 
    make a specific recommendation in this area, especially given the 
    comparative economic conditions and the cross-cultural aspects of this 
    b) Definition of mechanisms, e.g. a review committee that would need to be 
    established operating under the set of guidelines established in the Milestone 
    Report and those defined in objective (a) above, for determining whether an 
    application for special consideration is to be granted and what sort of help 
    should be offered; 
    c) Establishing a framework, including a possible recommendation for a 
    separate ICANN originated foundation, for managing any auction income, 
    beyond costs. for future rounds and ongoing assistance; 
    d) Establish methods for coordinating the assistance, and discussions on the 
    extent of such coordination, to be given by Backend Registry Service 
    Providers; e.g. brokering the relationships, reviewing the operational quality 
    of the relationship. 
    e) Discuss and establish methods for coordinating any assistance volunteered 
    by providers (consultants, translators, technicians, etc.); match services to 
    qualified applicants; broker these relationships and review the operational 
    quality of the relationship.
    f) Establish methods for coordinating cooperation among qualified applicants, 
    and assistance volunteered by third parties. g) In cooperation with ICANN Staff and donor experts establish policies and 
    practices for fundraising and for establishing links to possible donor 
    agencies. This activity may include assisting in the establishment of initial 
    relationships with any donor(s) who may be able to help in first round with 
    h) Review the basis of the US$100,000 application base fee to determine its full 
    origin and to determine what percentage of that fee could be waived for 
    applicants meeting the requirements for assistance. 
    2. The Working group is asked to present a schedule for the work that allows for 
    completion in time for the opening of the application round, currently scheduled for 
    Q2 2011.

  2. Anonymous

    I would note that this page was moved here in October of 2010.  The JAS Wg begged for access then, but never received it.  I was chair of the group then and was denied access to this web page and in fact even had difficulty finding it.

    Avri Doria