From Justine:

For DNS Abuse
Goal is to discuss the GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse's work. I believe at this point, the GNSO small team will have their report/recommendations ready to present to Council at ICANN75. This joint session comes immediately after the Council meeting, so it will be up to Mark and/or Paul to relay Council's deliberation/decision to this joint meeting,

So, we will need:

  • ALAC/At-Large: JZ, AG, JC, and anyone who has been keenly following the GNSO small team's deliberations. 
  • GNSO: their small team members - Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady (as co-chairs), Sebastien Ducos, Greg DiBiase, Maxim Alzoba, Thomas Rickert, Philippe Fouquart, Tomslin Samme Nlar, Juan Manuel Rojas, JC
  • Support staff from both sides

For pilot Holistic Review ToR
Goal: I will ask SeB and CLO to help flesh this out a bit more but my understanding is SeB wanted to understanding Council's interim feedback to the ToR.

So, we will need:

  • ALAC: SeB, CLO, and perhaps the other 3 ATRT3 shepherds (ask SeB)
  • GNSO: GNSO leadership has yet to identify/indicate their leads/participants
  • Support staff from both sides 

  • No labels


  1. The final report of the Transfer policy WG phase 1 could be a good topic to discuss with GNSO
    1. I would advise that any issues you may have with this PDP or the report are better raised within the PDP itself, because that is the proper forum for them to be resolved.