My suggestion would be to start with Response to DNS Abuse questions (ALAC). DNS abuse is always on ALAC's radar, I'm sure Jonathan will kick start this theme. And then we run in reverse NCAP, SSAD etc...

The past meeting topics:

SSAC Topics:
● SAC121 Routing Security (SSAC lead: Russ Mundy)
● SAC120 Input on IDN Variants (SSAC lead: Patrik Fältström)
● Addendum to SAC114 (SSAC lead: Rod Rasmussen)
● SSAD (SSAC lead: Steve Crocker)
● NCAP (SSAC lead: Jim Galvin and Matt Thomas)

ALAC Topics:
● Response to DNS Abuse Questions (ALAC)

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1 Comment

  1. The SSAD architecture and the implementation COST are good issues to discuss with SSAC team