Moderator: Cheryl Langdon-Orr 


A round robin format to act as an update to the ALAC / At-Large Leadership and wider Community on the current state and planning for the Orgs Prioritization Framework and review of the considerable work and progress of the ALAC's OFB-WG Small Team (OFB-WG-ST) on the matter of overall priority for ALAC/At-Large, and assumptions on Specific Priority; assumed degree of difficulty and resourcing needs; and timeliness or prerequisite assumptions able to be made on all Recommendations listed from Review Team and Cross Community activities and undertakings such as WS2 and MSM.


A progress update and socialisation of draft outcomes as an opportunity to bring ALAC/At-Large (inclusive of the OFB) up to speed on both the specific and well developed efforts of the OFB-WG-ST and the overarching Prioritisation Framework focus and planning so far that Org has committed to... This is directly part of the preparatory work for ALAC / At-Large's input into future progress on this recommendation out of ATRT3, as well as a direct aid to understanding and commentary to current and future Financial Year planning and strategies. As the Orgs Framework is integral to current and future years planning and commitments


ICANN Org: Xavier Calvez, Becky Nash, Giovanni Seppia (all confirmed through Sara Sarraf)

Community: Jonathan Zuck, Alan Greenberg, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Sébastien Bachollet, Daniel Nanghaka, Marita Moll and Vanda Scartezini (all TBC)


Two short presentations starting with At-Large introducing their work on recommendation prioritization followed by org providing a wider framework (5-10 mins) followed by Q&A and a roundtable discussion.


  1.  Welcome and Introduction to Session - Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chair of the OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group (5 minutes)

  2. Presentation of At-Large Recommendation Prioritization - Members (40 minutes/5 mins each)

    1. ALAC High Priority Recommendations - Cheryl 
    2. ATRT3 - Sebastien Bachollet and Daniel Nanghaka
    3. MSM - Marita Moll
    4. WS2 - Cheryl and Olivier Crepin-Leblond
    5. CCTRT - Jonathan Zuck
    6. SSRT - Cheryl and Vanda Scartezini
    7. RDS - Alan Greenberg
  3. Discussion on At-Large Recommendation Prioritization - All (10 minutes)

  4. ICANN Org Presentation - Xavier Calvez, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Becky Nash, VP, Planning; Giovanni Seppia, Vice President - Implementation Operations (15 minutes)

  5. Discussion on Org presentations - All (10 minutes)

  6. Next Steps - Cheryl Langdon-Orr (10 minutes)

PREP Call:

Wednesday 16 February 2022 at 20:30 UTC

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