00:58:11 Mislav Hebel - Croatia: good morning from croatia
00:58:46 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org): Hello, my name is Julia Charvolen  and I will be monitoring this chat room. Please note that your comment/question will be compiled and shared with the Chair of this session for reading out loud as the agenda and time permit. They will otherwise be captured in the meeting record.

When submitting a question or comment that you want to be read aloud on the mic,  please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
00:58:57 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org): This session also includes “live” interpretation in the six UN languages, plus Portuguese. 

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00:59:57 Julia Charvolen (ICANN Org): Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards
01:00:04 Herb Waye: Greetings from the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombuds team is hosting a virtual drop-in office for ICANN69. Details are posted in the “Conversation” forum on the meeting home page. Stay safe and be kind.
01:04:50 Vincent Gouillart (GAC France): Bonjour Sébastien
01:04:59 Vincent Gouillart (GAC France): Comment vas-tu?
01:05:10 Vincent Gouillart (GAC France): Sorry about that :)
01:08:08 Alan Greenberg: The other EDPD issue is the Thick WHOIS issue.
01:11:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Scoping will be a critical aspect
01:11:54 T. Santhosh GAC India: Funding of the SSAD has to be fully done by ICANN
01:12:21 Chris Lewis-Evans (UK): @Alan agree lots of workstreams all happening at once
01:12:43 Alan Greenberg: Unfortunately, the recommendations do not seem to allow ICANN to fully fund it.
01:13:25 Alan Greenberg: hanks Manal. That sound like a good plan.
01:23:13 Maxim Alzoba: even after deletion of a domain, all the content stays at the same place, and is reachable via IP, and without a support from the relevant hosting company, ISP or RIR it is not possible to properly block
01:27:36 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): GAC says that private auctions should be strongly disincentivized
01:29:32 Jeffrey Neuman (GNSO): <COMMENT> Just a Note that during the public comment period the GNSO SubPro Working Group held a number of sessions on a number of the points raised about CPE. So, the concerns of ALAC (which were made known to the Working Group just prior to the public comment period) are being addressed. Just wanted to provide full information. </END COMMENT>
01:32:45 Gulten Tepe, ICANN Org: Please remember to add your affiliation, the country or organization you are representing to your name in the Zoom room. You may do that by hovering over your name with your cursor. More options will display, click rename and it will allow you to update your name and then enter GAC into parentheses. Thank you!
01:34:56 hadia Elminiawi: We hear you well
01:38:23 Benedetta Rossi (ICANN Org): GAC Consensus Comment: https://gac.icann.org/file-asset/GAC%20Subpro%20Final%20Report%20Collective%20Comment%20-%20FINAL.pdf
01:39:02 Benedetta Rossi (ICANN Org): GAC Compilation of Individual Input: https://gac.icann.org/working-group/GAC%20Compilation%20of%20Individual%20Input%20on%20Draft%20Recommendations%20of%20GNSO%20SubPro%20PDP%20WG%20on%20New%20gTLDs.pdf
01:42:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: We are indeed aware @Jorge
01:43:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: and all comments are properly reviewed in our processes
01:47:28 Hadia Elminiawi: Yes indeed, weekly we have a 90 minute call - CPWG, in which the EPDP and the subsequent procedures are constant topics for discussion.
01:49:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: These CPWG meetings ( and their pre-curser have been critical and very effective mechanisms for topic leads in work now going back to the CCWG- IANA Transition and Accountability, they are a very effective tool!
01:50:35 Shiva Upadhyay: I think end users need to be categories based on their type of business and then target them accordingly
01:52:25 Shiva Upadhyay: example end users or domain users involved in the financial transactions are more prone to cyber attcaks
01:52:31 Shiva Upadhyay: attacks
01:52:34 Christina Rodriguez-ICANN: We will be happy to provide the translation support you need.
01:52:55 Sara Marcolla : At EUROPOL, we routinely publish videos and infographics for prevention and awareness to the public. In general, most of our campaigns are re-translated in European languages, and can made available to the community - please get in touch with me at sara.marcolla@europol.europol.eu
01:53:21 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): some resources from Switzerland: https://www.websters.swiss/en/
01:53:30 Shiva Upadhyay: Mitigation measures for ccTLD released at second level need to reviewed
01:53:33 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): not only DNS abuse but broader
01:53:36 Hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Sara
01:53:41 Hadia Elminiawi: thanks Jorge
01:54:15 Mark Carvell - Adviser to ISOC: The multilingual emphasis in this initiative is very welcome in contributing to awareness and responsive actions to tackle abuse in particular in developing countries. This plays a part in creating greater trust and promoting more access to the Internet and digital services.
01:54:45 Maxim Alzoba: thanks all
01:54:46 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): check the stories... we have them all in multiple languages
01:55:06 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Thanks GAC an ALAC
01:55:12 Sébastien Bachollet EURALO Chair: There are other topics we need to follow: like ATRT3
01:55:15 Francis CUBAHIRO (GAC Burundi): thanks all
01:55:22 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks and bye
01:55:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: Perhaps some partnership opportunities in that @Maureen
01:55:29 Justine Chew (ALAC): Thank you for having us.
01:55:30 Sarah Kiden (AFRALO): Thank you!
01:55:33 Roberto: +1 SeB
01:55:53 Nadira AL Araj - (APRALO) : Thank you Manal for an excellent moderation and leading the GAC work
01:56:05 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): e.g. https://www.websters.swiss/en/s1/5
01:56:13 Justine Chew (ALAC): +1 Alan. Hooray for ongoing ALAC-GAC cooperation!
01:56:15 Nadira AL Araj - (APRALO) : +1 Alan
01:56:25 Shiva Upadhyay: Workshops at university and colleges, it will need lot of efforts in translation where are more than 20 languages
01:56:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: :-)
01:56:35 Hadia Elminiawi: +1 Alan Thank you all
01:56:37 Satish Babu (APRALO): +1 Alan...thanks Manal and all other speakers...
01:56:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr ALAC Liaison to GNSO Council: Bye for now then
01:56:38 Shiva Upadhyay: example India
01:56:44 Gulten Tepe, ICANN Org: Thank you everyone for your participation
01:56:47 Hamza Salami Nigeria: Thank you everyone
01:56:47 Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): thanks all!!
01:56:59 Daniel Nanghaka: Thanks all for the great input and participation
01:57:21 Alan Greenberg: Thanks all.
01:57:21 Luisa Paez (Canada-GAC): Thank you very much everyone!
01:57:27 Justine Chew (ALAC): @Manal, thank you, looking forward to next steps.
01:57:32 Hadia Elminiawi: Bye all
01:57:35 Matthias M. Hudobnik: insightful session!
01:57:37 T. Santhosh GAC India: Thanks manal @ colleagues and Thanks ALAC

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