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At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 1 – 09:00 10:30 AM

  • Staff to create a wiki for tracking the new gTLDS issues discussed in new gTLD discussion in Hyderabad.
  • Staff to coordinate monthly teleconferences with Olivier  who will assist the Chair of the gTLD WG .

At-Large Review Working Party (12:15-13:45) 

  • At-Large Review WP to organize a call before the Christmas holiday
  • At-Large Review WP schedule a 2-hour session in ICANN58 

At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 2

  • Alan Greenberg to add to the ALS Analysis paper: the goal of having one ALS per country 
  • ALAC to discuss with the Product Management team about adding the UX/UI designer resources to make the website more mobile friendly 
  • Alan Greenberg to change the motion about the CCWG Auction Proceeds Charter: The ALAC intends to name a Co-Chair of the CCWG Auction Proceeds 

At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 3 - 13:45-15:00

At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 4 

  • Ariel Liang and Nathalie Peregrine to look into the ISOC volunteer management system and auto live update system for keeping the At-Large membership information up to date.  
  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh to work with relevant ICANN Staff departments (e.g. GSE) to further develop the stakeholder analysis tool
  • ALT to identify & recommend candidates for the Chair position of the New gTLDs Working Group; Olivier Crepin-Leblond

At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 6

  • Sebastien Bachollet to draft position paper/proposal requesting the ICANN Board to consider initiating a periodic review of the MSM to evaluate the overall composition and balance of stakeholder representation in relations to their decision-making requirements in ICANN. Once ready, the ALAC will review the draft position paper/proposal. This AI is related to ATLAS II Rec 7 & 13. 

At-Large Leadership Working Session Part 8

ALAC and ccNSO meeting  17:00- 18:30

  • Heidi Ullrich to socialize the At-Large Stakeholder Analysis Tool among  ICANN staff 

Cross Community Committee on Accessibility - Nov 6

  • Glenn McKnight to prepare a survey on accessibility to be presented in the ICANN58 Copenhagen  
  • Gisella Gruber to schedule a F2F meeting in ICANN58 Copenhagen and check with Cheryl on duration (90-120 min) 
  • Ariel Liang to work with the Web team and build the function of clickable images for the featured events (homepage)
  • Accessibility Working Group to develop a "best practice" guide on how to participate in a meeting on Adobe Connect. Continue discussion and refer to ICANN Learn course on how to use AC and how to participate in Teleconferences.
  • In the next Committee meeting, Josh Baulch to report back on the 1) implementation of floor audio and 2) using interpretation headset in rooms when there is no interpretation, as well as additional equipment to be purchased to make it happen. 

APRALO Monthly Meeting - 11:00-12:15

  • The Motion to confirm Satish Babu as APRALO Chair was passed. Satish was elected Chair and will continue with Siranush term.
  • Ali AlMeshal and LT to discuss to procedure to appoint an APRALO Chair from the list of mentees of the mentorship program. 
  • A Small AD-Hoc WG led by Maureen, CLO, Bikram, and others to come up with specific text on Individual membership. WG will meet in Hyderabad and will send text to staff to update the website and wiki page. 
  • Maureen Hilyard to send the APRALO Survey to staff to be posted on the wiki and online.

At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting. 17:00 – 18:15

  • Silvia Vivanco to set up a call with RALO Secretariats and RALO representatives to the DDPP to identify the themes for the work with consultant Dan Oneill and team.
  • Heidi Ullrich to circulate the draft form for RALO request for funding to support an Outreach activity in the RALO mailing list.


AFRALO – AFRICANN - November 8

  • Silvia Vivanco to allocate more time for Goran Marby at future AFRALO/AFRICANN meetings.
  • Aziz Hilali to follow up with AFRINIC regarding sponsorship for the AFRALO General Assembly in June 2017.

Public Interest Working group -  November  8

  •  Wolf Ludwig  to  work with members to consider looking at the Public interest from a broader perspective and not limit the definition. 
  •  Gisella Gruber in coordination with Chair to send a doodle out for a WG call in December  before the Holiday break.

Technology Taskforce Meeting - Nov 9

  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh/ Ariel Liang to invite Josh Baulch and organize a special purpose call about the Adobe Connect polling feature
  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh/ Ariel Liang to ask people to provide feedback on the Adobe Connect issues via email. 
  • Satish Babu, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, and Ariel Liang to test adobe connect with the new flash player in Linux 
  • Mark Segall and Josh Baulch to explore the ways to remove app of older ICANN meetings 
  • Regarding the ICANN meeting app: 
    • Glenn to develop a survey on issues regarding the ICANN meeting apps and ask TTF members to fill in the survey 
    • Alfredo Calderon to send more details about the ARIN meeting app to the TTF mailing list and invite ARIN app tech staff to TTF to share best practice 
    • Judith Hellerstein and Jimmy Schulz to provide an overview of the ICANN meeting app to show members how to use the calendar feature 
  • Judith HellersteinDev Anand Teelucksingh to revisit the issue of making the TTF a cross community working group

At-Large Leadership Working Session Wrap Up  Part 3

  •       Staff to coordinate a meeting or dinner in Denmark with At-Large and Goran Marby, as At Large was the first constituency he met with when he joined ICANN.
  •       Staff to coordinate a meeting with the ALAC and the New VP for Compliance and Consumer Safeguards, when appointed, to talk to the ALAC.
  •       Heidi Ullrich to organize a Webinar with relevant IT Staff on ICANN Strategy.



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