At-Large Statement of Interest (SOI) Form
1) Please enter your Name: |
2) Picture/Image: | |
3) Are you participating in the At-Large advisory process (including email and real-time discussions) as a representative of: | |
a) ALAC (if so, detail the region and term): | |
b) A Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) (if so, please detail the region, position and term): |
c) An ICANN-accredited At-Large Structure (if so, which one): |
d) Any ICANN Committee, Constituency or Stakeholder Group (if so, which one(s))? |
e) Any other company or organization, whether commercial or nonprofit (if so, please detail the organization and your position): |
4) Please identify your current employer(s): |
5) Please identify your current position(s): |
6) Please identify the type(s) of work performed: |
7) Please identify your declared country of primary residence: |
8) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimus stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN: |
9) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions: | |
a) Do you, your employer, and/or sponsor have any type of material or financial interest in the At-Large advisory process and its outcomes? |
If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the interest: | |
b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member? |
If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s): | |
10) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable): |
11) Additional information (optional): | I have been the Pen Holder for several ALAC Policy Comments. These were for NomCOM and NomCom Rebalancing Constituency, Travel comments, Several Budget Public Comments, Auction Proceeds, and for I have also submitted comments to many other ALAC policy comments as well. I have also submitted several individual comments as well to ICANN. I developed and fought to have captioning available for working groups and other At Large Meetings and had submitted a special budget request to the ICANN Board and received funding for 2015, & 2016 and 2017. In late 2017 captioning, now called RTT was placed in the ICANN core budget for At Large I have advocated to have captioning for all ICANN Learn videos as well as all presentations to ensure all who want to engage and participate are able to do so on equal footing. I have spoken on Internet Governance at several technology conferences some sponsored by ICANN and some not, for example: I was a featured speaker at NTEN talking about Internet Governance, also at the North American School Of Internet Governance. |
12) Page last revised: |
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At-Large SOI Template v3 (Feb 2014)