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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: 4 Proposed Questions and Taxonomies Chris Dillon Jun 26, 2014
Page: 4 Who are the Stakeholders - Who is Affected and What do They Want Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 5 Examples of Addresses Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 5 How Much Would a Particular Feature Cost and How to Weigh the Costs Versus the Benefits Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 5 March 2015 Chris Dillon Mar 04, 2015
Page: 6 Membership and Mailing List Archive Terri Agnew Feb 04, 2019
Page: 6 November 2014 Chris Dillon Nov 13, 2014
Page: 6 When Would Policy Come into Effect Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 7 May 2015 Chris Dillon May 06, 2015
Page: 7 Studies and Background Documents Chris Dillon Mar 10, 2015
Page: 7 What Should be Mandatory Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 8 Background Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 8 Verification and Validation Chris Dillon Jul 19, 2014
Page: 9 April 2015 Chris Dillon Apr 09, 2015
Page: 9 GNSO Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Webinar Invitation Chris Dillon Mar 26, 2014
Page: 9 June 2015 Chris Dillon Jun 09, 2015
Page: Adoption wording Chris Dillon Jun 24, 2015
Page: Attendance Log - Translation and Transliteration PDP Terri Agnew Jun 12, 2015
Page: Chinese Addresses Chris Dillon Apr 10, 2014
Page: Comments on Initial report on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information Policy Development Process Chris Dillon Nov 13, 2014
Page: Comments on what is contact information Chris Dillon Mar 12, 2014
Page: Invitation to Self-Assessment Ken Bour Jul 02, 2015
Page: Japanese Addresses Chris Dillon Jan 28, 2014
Page: Latin Script Addresses Chris Dillon Jan 30, 2014
Page: Level of consensus Chris Dillon Nov 20, 2014
Page: List of correspondence received Chris Dillon Mar 12, 2014
Page: List of stakeholders contacted Chris Dillon Feb 13, 2014
Page: Taiwanese examples Chris Dillon Mar 06, 2014
Home page: Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Home Lars Hoffmann Mar 24, 2016
Page: Webinar Chris Dillon Dec 17, 2014
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