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  Claudia Ruiz: (10/8/2018 11:15) Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call on Monday, 08 October 2018 19:00 UTC

  Claudia Ruiz: (11:15)

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:39) Hi All

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:39) Joined early

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:39) If anyone has anything for the newsletter for  Oct  let me know

  Marita Moll: (11:47) I seem to have arrive a bit early for a change

  Claudia Ruiz: (11:47) Welcome Marita Moll

  Allan Skuce: (11:53) Greetings. No Mike.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:55) can you hear me?

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:55) i tried twice

  Silvia Vivanco: (11:55) Hello everyone

  Maureen Hilyard: (11:56) Cant hear you Glenn

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (11:58) Hi all

  George Kirikos: (11:58) Hi folks. Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadians, and Happy Columbus Day to those from the USA. :-)

  Marita Moll: (11:59) Yes, lots of turkey!!!

  George Kirikos: (12:00) Turducken :-)

  Silvia Vivanco: (12:00) Hello everyone

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:00) Welcome Jeremy Pesner

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:00) Music is happening at the house, so will stick to text

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:01) a duck inside a turkey inside a ... ?

  George Kirikos: (12:01) Turkey + Duck + Chicken = Turducken

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:01) How can I mute my microphone?

  George Kirikos: (12:01)

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:02) Upper  bar  next to speaker symbol

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:04) Folks, another  reminder to provide me any details for the  newsletter for  October,  Due  late in October

  Evan: (12:04) I'm here too

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:05) I am here too!

  judith Hellerstein: (12:05) Hi Evan

  Evan: (12:05) Hi there

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (12:05) All: bookmark this: all policy is linked from:

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:05) no objection

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:05) So sorry Alfredo

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:05) Alfredo Calderon, welcome

  John Laprise: (12:05) you had an echo

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:05) echo

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:05) Gracias, Claudia.

  George Kirikos: (12:05) Echo?

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:05) yes

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:06) please mute your  mics

  Evan: (12:06) Please add me to the list of attendees

  judith Hellerstein: (12:06) @eduardo yes that is very interesting

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:06) @Claudio  please  add Evan Leibovitch to the  attendance list via Adigo

  judith Hellerstein: (12:06) and also Denise

  Evan: (12:07) Thanks Glenn

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:07) I don't see the Adigo names.  i will ask staff

  judith Hellerstein: (12:07) so three new members

  Evan: (12:07) Bruen

  judith Hellerstein: (12:07) We could also ask Hadia as she is also a member

  Jonathan Zuck: (12:08) I just lost sound

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:08) Welcome  new  members   Jeremy and George and  Denise as new Unaffiliated members

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:08) I can hear Ed

  Jonathan Zuck: (12:08) got it back

  judith Hellerstein: (12:08) wait a few moments if it does not come back than restart

  Marita Moll: (12:08) US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement!

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:08) yes

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:08) Yes!

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:09) Am I still going to introduce myself?

  judith Hellerstein: (12:09) yes. it will be later in the agenda

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:09) ah, I see it now

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:09) We will see how the schedule flows

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:10) Welcome  Ron da Silva and Leon Sanchez , ICANN Board membes on the call and  Joe Catapano, ICANN GSE on the call today

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:11) Folks  Adrian is on the call, he attended the  ARIN Vancouver  meeting last week as well as the  NANOG

  Eduardo Diaz: (12:11) $400,000

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:11) yes correct

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:11) 60 attendees

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:11) Roughly how many per  RALO?

  John Laprise: (12:12) AOB: Reminder that KSK rollover is 11 Oct

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:12) Two hands are up Olivier

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:14) What is the exact dates?

  Maureen Hilyard: (12:14) The selection of participants will be made by the time of the Marrakesh meeting

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:15) @Maureen by June  24-27

  Evan: (12:16) Q: if there are no general assemblies, when is the next NARALO GA?

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:16) Every three years.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:17) 2020

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:17) the following year from ATLAS 3

  Evan: (12:17) Ok, so there will be a GA at the next NA meeting after MTL

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:18) yep

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:19) Thanks! Olivier.

  Maureen Hilyard: (12:21) @Gordon.. they may need to register or something like that, because there will be catering in some sessions

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:23) Just a heads up the  NASIG will be two days prior to the ICANN meeting

  judith Hellerstein: (12:23) I will be following remotely for the afternoon sessions and the ones not on Saturday

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:23) My guess is that when the selection occurs a better idea of funding constraints can be made.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:24) remote hubs is a good idea

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:24) +1 on Jonathan idea.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:24) it should be on the  list of action items

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:25) Thanks  Olivier

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:25) Welcome David Morar

  Silvia Vivanco: (12:25) Thank you Olivier

  David Morar: (12:25) apologies for the delay

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (12:25) Thanks -- sorry but I have a back to back starting now

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:25) Welcome  Jeremy

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:25) Hi David!

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:25) I'm talking right now

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:25) OKay

  David Morar: (12:25) had some internet connectivity issues

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:25) I don't have a mute icon over my mike

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:25) I'm shotuing

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:25) shouting

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:26) can someone help me with this?

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:26) @Jeremy- have you connected your mic?

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:26) maybe not

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:26) how do I do that?

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:26) I just installed Adobe Connect prior to this meeting

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:26) so I'm not familiar with it at all

  George Kirikos: (12:27) It might be easier to dial-in by telephone.

  Evan: (12:28) Adobe Connect is just another like WebEx or GoToMeeting

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:28) I think I'm ready now

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:30) Thanks all

  Claudia Ruiz: (12:30) Welcome Billy Gibendi

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:30) I will post  the  links to the applicatioins  for the crop trip again

  Billy Gibendi: (12:30) Thanks Claudia

  Evan: (12:30) Sorry, emergency came up. I will try to come back in when I can.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:31) ARIN meeting form

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:31) ARIN Meeting: April 7-10, 2019 in Bridgetown, BarbadosOpen to one NARALO traveler. Details: here: due: January 10, 2019  11.59 pm PST. 

  judith Hellerstein: (12:31) @eduardo Jeremy is ready

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:31) Open to one NARALO traveler. Details: Hosted by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance. here: Applications due: January 10, 2019  11.59 pm PST. 

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:31) If we agree on the NTC19 it will be in Portland in April

  judith Hellerstein: (12:35) So three trips in april

  judith Hellerstein: (12:37) It would be great if at these events the local NARALO ALSes and individual members were also invited to come

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:38) @Glenn, when will application form for NDIA be available?

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:38) its  available now

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:38) both links were shared

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:39) HET  was on the call and was very interested , a network on Hispanic groups in Education

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:39) Hispanic Educational Technology Services ( CUNY, California, Texas, etc. Besides all private universities in Puerto Rico.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:40) I attended the  NDIA  in March in Cleveland this year.  I might attend by driving to the location myself  in April

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:40) Its in Charlotte, NC

  judith Hellerstein: (12:41) I attended the event in Minneapolis a few years ago

  judith Hellerstein: (12:42) excellent conference

  Alfredo Calderon: (12:43) @David, think also of the NEXT@GEN fellows.

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (12:44) @jeremy did you get your mic worked out

  David Morar: (12:44) thank you everybody!

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:44) Yes

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:44) I think

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:44) I haven't tested it yt

  Jeremy Pesner: (12:44) but I think it's working

  John Laprise: (12:45) Unfortunately ICANN policy processes are pretty esoteric. If you're not a grad student or working as an interested faculty member's research team, it's a heavy, heavy lift.

  George Kirikos: (12:47) Now he is scrolling for everyone.

  Eduardo Diaz: (12:59)

  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC): (12:59) yes :)

  Alfredo Calderon: (13:00) @Jeremy, welcome to NARALO.

  Jeremy Pesner: (13:00) Thank you

  judith Hellerstein: (13:00) Welcome Jeremy

  George Kirikos: (13:01) Bye folks.

  David Morar: (13:01) thanks all

  Gordon Chillcott - Greater Toronto Area Linux Users Group: (13:01) Thanks and bye for now

  Maureen Hilyard: (13:01) Great meeting

  Silvia Vivanco: (13:01) Thank you all ! see you in Barcelona