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                                                                                          Members of the 2019-2020 At-Large Leadership at ICANN66 / ATLAS III. 

See the At-Large Leadership Organizational Chart under Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair.

What is At-Large?

"At-Large" is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. Currently,


over 230 At-Large Structure groups and 99 individuals in 103 countries and regions representing the views of individual Internet users are active throughout the world. You can learn more about the community and its activities on this website, as well as how to join and participate in building the future of the worldwide Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers


that every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.

Latest News...

  • ALAC Submits Statement on Vertical Integration to ICANN Board
    Friday, 10 September 2010
  • ALAC Endorses Statement on Draft Applicant Guidebook v4
    Sunday, 29 August 2010
  • Fundación Incluirme and APADIT Certified as At-Large Structure (ALS)
    Friday, 13 August 2010
  • ALAC Submits Statements on ICANN Travel Policy and PEDNR and PDP WT Reports
    Thursday, 29 July 2010
  • The At-Large Community Seeks Statements of Interests for Candidates for Post of ICANN Board Seat
    Wednesday, 21 July 2010
  • ISOC Colorado Certified as At-Large Structure (ALS)
    Monday, 19 July 2010

At-Large Worldwide Calendar & What's New

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ALS Application Information

At-Large Briefing Sessions

We invite experts at irregular intervals to give presentation on subjects of interest to the At-large community. Here you find material related to the At-Large Briefing Sessions.

At-Large Officers and Working Group Leaders

This is a listing in one place to make it easy to see who to contact about what issues.

At-Large Policy Advice Schedule

At-Large Policy Working Groups

For the working groups created to follow, and participate, in policy formation activities in other areas of ICANN. At-Large Needs You! So Volunteer for a Working Group today. If you are interested, contact info is alongside working groups, or contact staff at

ALAC Top 10 Issues

Where ALAC and the Community are compiling ALAC's priorities - feel free to contribute comments.

Meeting Agendas and Notes

Agendas and minutes of previous and upcoming meetings

IT Application Guideline

Instructions for collaborative working tools such as Adobe Connect, Skype etc.
This page is continuously being updated as new applications are introduced.

Policies and Procedures

"Reports from the RALO Secretariats, Working Group Chairs and ALAC Liaisons" monthly reports


Public ALAC documents

Subcommittees of the ALAC

Current ALS Applications

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Other At-Large Websites:

Regional Sites




Latin America and the Caribbean

North America

At-Large Secretariat Workspace

At-Large Community Site





The Third At-Large Summit (ATLAS III)

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The ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) along with the At-Large community will hold a third At-Large Summit (ATLAS III) at ICANN66 Montréal, Canada between 4-7 November 2019.

At-Large Summit III Home 




ICANN67 - Cancún Meeting - March 2020

At-Large FY21 Budget Development Workspace 

At-Large Board Member Selection Home - 2019-2020 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía has been selected as the occupant of ICANN Board Seat 15 for a second three year term beginning at the conclusion of ICANN69

FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity

At-Large FY20 Additional Budget Request Implementation Workspace

At-Large Review 2015-2019

At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development

At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG)

At-Large Review 2015 - 2019 (Current) - At-Large Review Workspace



At-Large Community Announcements




 ALAC Advisory Committee (ALAC) Announcements

Earlier At-Large Staff Announcements


At-Large Worldwide Calendar


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"At-Large" is the name for the community of individual Internet users who participate in the policy development work of ICANN. Currently, more than 100 groups representing the views of individual Internet users are active throughout the world. You can learn more about the community and its activities on this website, as well as how to join and participate in building the future of the worldwide Domain Name System (DNS) and other unique identifiers which every single user of the Internet relies on every time they go online.