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RECORDINGS GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
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Notes/ Action Items Action Items: Action Item: Staff to ask for comments on the list by Friday, 18 November on 1) Arinola Akinyemi as volunteer for Chair; and 2) volunteer for Vice-Chair or on Alan Woods as volunteer for Vice-Chair if there are no volunteers. [DONE] Notes:
2. Member Introductions
3. Brief Overview of the SSC
Presentation from staff: Charter: Mission and Scope The GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) is tasked, as requested by the GNSO Council, to 1) where applicable, prepare and issue calls for applications related to the selection or nomination of candidates for ICANN structures, 2) review and evaluate all relevant applicants/candidates, 3) rank candidates and make selection/appointment recommendations for review and approval by Council, and 4) communicate selections to all interested parties. Charter: Composition
In addition, the GNSO Chair or one of the Council Vice-Chairs will serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the SSC to ensure that there is always a direct link between the SSC and the GNSO Council. Charter: Absence and Recusal If a member is not able to participate in a selection process, that member will be responsible, in accordance with the processes of the appropriate SG/C, to identify an alternate who is expected to participate in the SSC deliberations in case of absence of the member or in cases where a member maybe conflicted (e.g. in case the member is one of the candidates to be reviewed by the SSC). Members or alternates do not need to be Council members but they do need to be appointed and/or reconfirmed by the leadership of the appointing SG and/or C. Charter: Decision-Making Methodology The Chair will be responsible for designating the position as having the following designation: Full consensus: when no one in the group speaks against the recommendation in its last readings. This is also sometimes referred to as Unanimous Consensus. Charter: Transparency Unless otherwise directed by the GNSO Council, the names of all applicants and all documents received during the selection process shall be considered public and published on the GNSO web-site or other ICANN web-site as standard practice. To facilitate its deliberations, the SSC may decide to conduct some or all of its deliberations in private, but if so, it is expected to provide a rationale with its recommendations. If the SSC determines that it needs to keep certain application materials private, for example to protect personal information provided by applicants, it is also expected to provide a rationale for doing so. Note: SSC meeting recordings, meeting notes, and mailing list archives are also public by default. Standard Selection Process in Brief
4. Selection of SSC Leadership Team for the 2022-2023 Term
ACTION ITEM: Staff to ask for comments on the list by Friday, 18 November on 1) Arinola Akinyemi as volunteer for Chair; and 2) volunteer for Vice-Chair or on Alan Woods as volunteer for Vice-Chair if there are no volunteers. [DONE] 5. AOB: Possible selection assignment for the GNSO Nominated Fellowship Program Mentor and Fellowship Selection Committee Member to be provided by the GNSO Council if decision is made at the meeting on Thursday, 17 November. SSC to be updated accordingly. |