1) Your Name:

Anne Aikman-Scalese

(Instructions: Click in the field to the right to open up the text input window. Then click the <Insert> menu button, select <Image>, then choose (or browse) to locate an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, BMP) from your local computer to upload. After insertion, please click on the picture and adjust the size to no larger than 200 pixels).

2) Stakeholder Group:Commercial

3) Constituency:

Intellectual Property (IPC)

4) ICANN Affiliation (if not covered by item 2 or 3):

GNSO Councilor (non-voting) appointed by the NomCom in 2022; GNSO Council Co-Liaison to the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team.

5) Please identify your current employer(s):

retired from the practice of law.

6) Please identify your current position(s):

Managing Member, Paradise Won LLC

7) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

I am a retired intellectual property attorney who counseled various clients, large and small, regarding trademark and copyright prosecution, enforcement, portfolio management, and licensing. I am currently a volunteer at ICANN and at the Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law at Arizona State University working on establishing a clinic to train students in the protection of indigenous intellectual property.

8) Please identify your declared country of primary residence (e.g., country to which you pay taxes):


9) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimis stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:


10) Do you believe you are participating in the GNSO policy process as a representative of any individual or entity, whether paid or unpaid?

If the answer is “Yes,” please provide the name of the represented individual or entity. (If professional ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing this information, please enter "Private"):
11) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:

a) Do you have any type of material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

12) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

Current Roles

Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team - GNSO Council Co-Liaison to the Sub Pro IRT

Standing Predictability IRT Charter Drafting Team - GNSO Council Liaison to the SPIRT Drafting Team

Discussion Group participant, Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP)

Previous Roles:

NomCom Representative to the GNSO Council Standing Selection Committee

CSG appointed voting member to the CCWG Auction Proceeds

Subsequent Procedures Working Group member

Cross-Community Working Group on Accountability - Participant

CCWG-Accountability WS2 - Human Rights - Participant

GNSO Policy and Implementation Working Group member

GNSO Standing Committee on Improvement Implementation  - 2015 Chair, 2016 Vice Chair

13) Additional Information (optional):

I previously represented two U.S. federally-recognized Indian Tribes, a video-game publishing and merchandising company, two non-profit agencies serving individuals with Parkinson's disease and Vision Impairment respectively, an opera company, a casino with entertainment operations,  a defense contractor, three museums (one for indigenous people), various restaurant and clothing retailers, an old southwestern town tourist attraction, and various authors and artists.  

I am a former member of INTA's Harmonization of Trademark Law and Practice Committee, International Cooperation Developments Subcommittee. I am a former member of the INTA Internet Committee, gTLD subcommittee and the INTA Non-Traditional Marks Committee, Right of Publicity Subcommittee.

14) Page last revised:



SOI Template v5 (6 Feb 2014)

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