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NA: Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Judith Hellerstein (incoming)


Dial-out Participants:

EN: Olivier  Eduardo Diaz, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Maureen Hilyard, Sébastien Bachollet, Vrikson Acosta, Joanna Kulesza, Jonathan Zuck, Glenn McKnight, Lianna Galstyan, Satish Babu, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Sarah Kiden, Mohamed El Bashir, Aziz Hilali, Judith Hellerstein, Abhishek Kumar Jha, Seun Ojedeji, Natalia Filina, John Laprise 

ES: Sergio Salinas Porto, Alberto Soto, Harold ArcosES: 

FR: None

Apologies:  Ali AlMeshal, Leon Sanchez, Daniel Nanghaka

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Yeşim , Evin Erdoğdu, Claudia Ruiz,  Alperen Eken, Yeşim Nazlar

ES Interpreters: Claudia & Marina

FR Interpreters: Claire & Camila

Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar


Action Items: EN       

Zoom Chat: EN EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Transcript: ENES, FR




(Alloted Time /


 Running Time)

000Roll callStaff(00:
01 / 00:

Initial Remarks

  • Review Action Items from Marrakesh
  • ATLAS III update
Rights and expectations for ALs/IM
  • ATRT3 Survey Status
  • ICANN 66/ATLAS III Activities Related to the RALOs
04 / 00:05)


Review of Action Items from Marrakesh

#1 Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuck to work with staff (Evin Erdogdu) to have final ALAC Hot Policy Topics Document by ICANN66 / ATLAS III. (00:10 / 00:15)

Presentation Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuck  "From Hot topics to At-Large policy platform"

Discussion: ← Eduardo

    1. Consensus call to reach agreement on what additional information should be included for each topic: ← Eduardo
      1. Clear description of the hot topic,
      2. List of issue(s) that ALAC needs everyone to focus on and why, 
      3. A priority indicator (i.e order of importance to ALAC)
      4. A timeline for discussion(i.e. when do RALOs should start discussing, why and expected output)  
      5. Validation by ALAC
  1. Current update and timeline for this Action Item ← Staff

#2 Evin Erdogdu / Silvia Vivanco to create wiki page – RALO hot topics + ALAC Hot topics - table with six columns – one with ALAC and one each RALO. (00:10 / 00:25)

  1. General discussion: ← Eduardo
    1. Consensus call to reach agreement on what specific columns  should be included for each topic: ← Eduardo
      1. What is the purpose of this table?
      2. How it is going to be used?
        1. If Hot Topics change,  who will be updating the information?
          1. What happens if a RALO is working in a Hot Topic and suddenly that Hot Topic changes down its priority or its is no longer important? 
        2. How changes to this table are going to be communicated to the RALOs?
        3. How we plan to archive the historical information?
      3.  Others?
  2. Current update and timeline for this Action Item ← Staff
    1. Prepare a DRAFT table and circulate for comments
    2. Make it FINAL once ALAC reach consensus on the ALAC Hot Topics list

#3 Silvia Vivanco to work with RALO Chairs to bring Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuck on RALO Monthly calls to discuss the ALAC Hot Policy Topics over the coming months.(00:05 / 00:30)

  1. Consensus call to reach agreement on timeline for this: ← Eduardo
      1. Timeline should
      1. start once ALAC validates the Hot Topic list
    1. Current update and timeline for this Action Item ← Staff
    Universal Acceptance

    #4 Universal Acceptance (00:20 / 00:50)

    1. General discussion: ← Eduardo
      1. What is the final outcome that ALAC wants from the RALOs on this issue?
      2. Is there a timeline for this or is this going to be an on-going open issue?
      3. Is this policy related? If not, why the importance? Outreach?
        1. This may take volunteer effort from the RALOs which may take away the focus from policy.
      4. There is the notion of a UA Pilot project HERE with the following statement:

    ",,,the Regional Leaders of the At-Large community committed to participating in a program of widespread outreach to end users, to engage them in testing applications and websites around the world and reporting those that fail to accept top-level domains (TLDs) longer than 3 characters, or in non-Latin scripts (International Domain Names, or IDNs). "

          1. Are we really committed to do so?
          2. Who is going to lead that effort?
          3. This is not policy related and is mostly for Outreach
            1. This seem to be a big endeavor which may take RALO'S volunteer time and effort resulting in shifting focus from policy.
          4. Consensus call to reach agreement on requesting ALAC to manage this effort from a existing/new Working Group (WG):
        1. It will be more effective since it can be managed from a single point 
        2. Each RALO can appoint a single volunteer to this group
        3. WG should no be more that 5 volunteers. One of them selected to be the Chair.
      1. Evin Erdogdu/John Laprise to share the contacts of the UASG presenters with the SMWG / At-Large RALO leaders. Presenters requested the RALO leaders share the link in the presentation.
        1. Follow-up Discussion: ← Eduardo
          1. How many RALO leaders received these contacts?
      2. Heidi Ullrich/Silvia Vivanco to put UASG Ambassadors in each region in touch with RALO leaders.
        1. Follow-up Discussion: ← Eduardo
          1. How many RALO leaders received emails from their corresponding ambassadors?
      3. Silvia Vivanco to work with RALO leadership to make UASG a standing agenda item during RALO Monthly calls, starting after ICANN65.
        1. Follow-up Discussion: ← Eduardo
          1. How many RALO have included this item in their monthly call agendas?
      4. John Laprise to provide an update to the ALAC on the status of UASG pilot in a few months, before ICANN66
    1. There is the notion of a UA Pilot project HERE with the following statement:
    ",,,the Regional Leaders of the At-Large community committed to participating in a program of widespread outreach to end users, to engage them in testing applications and websites around the world and reporting those that fail to accept top-level domains (TLDs) longer than 3 characters, or in non-Latin scripts (International Domain Names, or IDNs).
    1. Are RALOs really committed to do so?
    2. Who is going to lead the effort?
    3. This is not policy related and is mostly for Outreach
      1. This seem to be a big endeavor which may take RALO'S volunteer time and effort resulting in shifting focus away from policy.
    4. Consensus call to reach agreement on requesting ALAC to manage this effort from an existing or new Working Group (WG):
      1. It will be more effective since it can be managed from a single point 
      2. Each RALO can appoint a single volunteer to this group
      3. WG should no be more that 5 volunteers. One of them selected to be the Chair.
          1. Current update and timeline for this Action Item ← Staff

      #5 Jonathan Zuck/ Maurreen Hilyard requested the RALO leaders / ALSes publish a blog on the UASG. (00:10 / 00:60)

      1. General discussion: ← Eduardo
          1. What is the purpose of the blog?
          2. What is the blog about?
          3. Where is it going to be written?
          4. Is each RALO writing an individual blog?
          5. What happens after the blog is written?
      Current update and timeline
        1. Consensus call to reach agreement on requesting ALAC to write the blog and then be promoted through the regions via newsletters and/or similar channels:
          1. A more cohesive message
          2. Less effort in coordinating the implementation of writing the blog
        2. Timeline for this Action Item ← Staff



      1. Roll call – Staff (2 mins)
      2. Welcome to all incoming Regional Leaders, Aim of Meeting – Eduardo Diaz  (3 mins)
      3. Review of AIs from previous meeting – Eduardo (5 mins)

      RALO related AIs (these AIs were taken in other meetings but are for RALOs actions) :


      #6 LACRALO to consider in their FY20 outreach and engagement plans for travel to include going to RightsCon. (00:05 / 00:65)

      1. Current date and timeline for this Action Item ← Sergio

      #7 ALAC/RALOs to consider and collaborate future RightsCon activities.(00:05 / 00:70)

      1. General discussion: ← Eduardo
        1. Do all RALOs know what is this event?
          1. How many RALOs have participated on RightsCon? Why?
        2. Is it clear why or how are we  going to collaborate on this?
        3. Has ALAC considered this?
      2. Consensus call to determine if RALOs want to collaborate on this.
        1. Who is going to lead this collaboration effort?
        2. This event moves around the globe each year.
      3. Timeline for this Action Item ← Staff




      (00:65 / 00:70)

      ATRT3 Survey Status  

      • What is the survey purpose ? Why is important?
      • Who needs to participate?
      • What is the roll of each RALO in helping with this?
      • Which RALOs have already taken action on this? 
      Maureen(00:05 / 00:75)


      ICANN 66/ATLAS III Activities Related to the RALOs


      • Key Meetings/Events for at ICANN66/ATLAS


      • III ← Maureen
      • Update on Outreach and Engagement at  ICANN


      • 66 ← Eduardo
        • Outreach for NARALO will happen during NASIG 2019, nothing during the ICANN meeting
        • Are other RALOs doing something?
      • Informal regional organizational planning sessions over dinner during ATLAS III (Self-organizing)


      •  ← Heidi
        • What is the purpose of this meeting?
        • Who is leading the effort?
        • There are no slots available to do this during the ATLAS III block schedule
        • Consensus call to determine if RALOs want to do this.




      (00:13 / 00:88)

      Next Call

      • Monday, 16 September 2019 at same time?

      (00:02 / 00:90)

      If we can get to them...


      ALS and Individual members rights and Expectations


      •  Should the RALOs start a collective conversation while the ALAC starts a discussion on this topic


      • Each RALO to provide update on survey status
      • ?
        • What is this? 
        • Why is it important?
        • How are we going to coordinate discussions between ALAC and RALOs?
        • Who is going to lead this effort?

      Initial Development of ICANN66 Regional Leaders Meeting





      • Are all dates set?
      • What are the next steps to take now if the first one is almost 2 years in the making?


      Global organizations/vs local
