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1. Members and Mandate

(1a) Mandate
  • Review individuals (candidates from a list to be provided by the ICANN ATRT2 Staff), who apply to serve on the second Accountability & Transparency Review Team “as representing the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC).” 
  • Assess the suitability of the candidates for the work of the ATRT2 by evaluating them against the set of criteria specified in the ATRT2 Call for Volunteers as well as additional criteria specific to the ALAC. 
  • Recommend a list of candidates for ALAC endorsement based on a high level of confidence that the candidates are qualified to assess ICANN's accountability and transparency and can do so from the perspective/viewpoint of the ALAC and the global At-Large Community.
(1b) Members





Yaovi Atohoun

APRALORinalia Abdul RahimChair


Holly Raiche



Olivier Crépin-Leblond

Non-voting observer


Sandra Hoferichter


LACRALO/ALACDev Anand Teelucksingh 
NARALO/ALACEduardo Diaz 
2. Confidentiality Policy
(2a) Sub-Committee Discussion About Candidates
  • Discussion about candidates and candidate assessment will be conducted in Sub-Committee and among Sub-Committee members only.
  • No information from the designated Sub-Committee workspace and mailing list will be forwarded or shared with anyone outside of the Sub-Committee.
(2b) Sub-Committee Meeting Recording
  • Meetings will be recorded except for segments on candidate discussion and assessment.
  • Recordings are for internal Sub-Committee use only (i.e., to support fact verification by Sub-Committee and staff during the course of work) and will not be made publicly available.
  • Recordings will be kept by ICANN staff and destroyed once the Sub-Committee has completed its work.
(2c) Sub-Committee Workspaces & Mailing List
  • Sub-Committee work will be conducted via the restricted workspace and the designated mailing list.
  • Sub-Committee’s restricted workspace will be viewable at all times by its members and staff only, and will be deleted once the Sub-Committee work has been completed.
  • Sub-Committee’s mailing list ( will not retain any archives of messages sent via it and will be closed once the Sub-Committee work has been completed.
  • ALAC workspace will be used by the Sub-Committee Chair to provide updates/reports to the ALAC about the non-confidential aspects of the Sub-Committee’s work.

3. Task Timeline

(See Announcement of ALAC ATRT2 Candidate Endorsement Process: Revised Timeline (See Announcement of extension of call for volunteers to 14 January 2013)

27 Nov 2012 (Tue)

Tabling of Key Decision Points to the ALAC

14 Dec 2012 (Fri)

Deadline for ALAC comments on candidate assessment matrix

14 Dec 2012 (Fri)

Deadline for Committee formation

17-20 Dec 2012 (Mon-Thu)

Committee discussion on overall process and matrix proxy indicators refinement

7-11 Jan 2013 (Mon-Fri)

Committee validation of matrix proxy indicators + test review of sample applications

14 Jan 2013 (Mon)

Candidate application deadline for ATRT2

15 Jan 2013 (Tue)

Staff sends out matrix assessment form listing all ALAC candidates to Committee members

15-17Jan 2013 (Tue-Thu)

Individual Assessment: Committee members review candidate applications and make initial individual assessments

18 Jan 2013 (Fri)

Committee Meeting to discuss candidates

19 Jan 2013 (Sat)

Committee Members submit individual assessments

20 Jan 2013 (Sun)

Staff tabulates results

21 Jan 2013 (Mon)

Staff circulates results to Committee

22-23 Jan 2013 (Tue-Wed)

Committee Meeting to review aggregate ranking, discuss and confirm candidate order

24-27 Jan 2013 (Thu-Sun)

ALAC 4-day ratification vote on endorsed candidates

28 Jan 2013 (Mon)

Deadline for SO/AC announcement of endorsed candidates and submission to ATRT2 staff

15 Feb 2013

ATRT2 candidate selection by ICANN Board Chair and GAC Chair

March  2013

ATRT2 work commences




ALAC ATRT2 Candidate Endorsement: Assessment Matrix

Subjective Ranking 1-5 (5 highest, 1 lowest)


Name of Reviewer:


Evaluation Criteria


Proxy Indicators

(These are examples. Actual Proxy Indicators to be developed by Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee)


Candidate 1


Link to Application


Candidate 2


Link to Application


Candidate 3


Link to Application


0. Completed application including filed SOI by 5 Dec 2012










1.  Accountability to the ALAC and At-Large 


Elected or appointed to the ALAC/Leadership roles








2. Trusted by the Community


Known to the ALAC & At-Large community/Leadership roles with no recall/Extended leadership roles








3. Knowledge of ICANN and its working practices and culture


Years engaging ICANN/Cross-community experiences








4.  Knowledge of the Subject Area of Review


Years of experience/Opinion leader or considered as an expert








5. Team spirit, adaptability, consensus-seeking attitude


Peer Ranking








6. Willingness to learn


Peer Ranking








7. Capacity to reason objectively, putting aside personal opinions or preconceptions


Peer Ranking








8. Analytical skills


Successfully drafted (or contributed input to) statements/reports that required analysis of data/information








9. Ability to interpret quantitative and qualitative evidence


Successfully drafted (or contributed input to) statements/reports involving complex issues that required an understanding of qualitative and quantitative data








10. Capacity to draw conclusions purely based on evidence


Peer Ranking








12. Commitment to devote sufficient personal time to review process


Demonstration of sufficient time commitment in other areas of work








4. Special Information Requirements for ALAC Candidates

  • A resume (maximum three pages);
  • A letter of motivation;
  • A Declaration of Interests;
  • Responses to 3 questions posed by the Sub-Committee as follows:
    • (a)  Why do you believe that you are in a position to fairly assess ICANN's mechanisms for accountability, transparency and public input?
    • (b)  Why do you believe that you are in a position to assess ICANN’s focus on the global public interest? 
    • (c)  Why do you believe that you will be able to do the above from the perspective of the ALAC and the global ICANN At-Large Community?

5. ALAC Candidates and Application Materials

  1. Olivier Crépin-Leblond
    1. Responses to Questions
    2. Letter of Motivation
    3. Declaration of Interests
    4. CV
  2. Jean-Jacques Subrenat 
    1. Responses to Questions
    2. Letter of Motivation
    3. Declaration of Interests
    4. - CV
  3. Alan Greenberg
    1. Responses to Questions
    2. Letter of Motivation
    3. Declaration of Interests
    4. CV
  4. Daniel A. Reed
    1. Responses to Questions
    2. Letter of Motivation
    3. Declaration of Interests
    4. CV

6. Assessment Criteria and Method

Please click here to download a copy of the PDF below.

name(15.01.2013) ATRT2 ALAC Candidate Assessment Matrix - FINAL.pdf


7. Meeting Summaries

Please click here to download a copy of the 19 December 2012 Meeting Summary notes.

nameATRT2 ALAC Sub-Committee Meeting Summary (19 Dec 2012).pdf

Please click here to download a copy of the 9 January 2012 Meeting Summary notes.

nameATRT2 ALAC Sub-Committee Meeting Summary (09 Jan 2013).pdf


Please click here to download a copy of the 18 January 2012 Meeting Summary notes.

nameATRT2 ALAC Sub-Committee Meeting Summary (18 Jan 2013).pdf

Please click here to download a copy of the 23 January 2012 Meeting Summary notes.

nameATRT2 ALAC Sub-Committee Meeting Summary (23 Jan 2013).pdf
