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Monday, 22 June 2015

NARALO Monthly Meeting

  •   Eduardo Diaz  will continue talking about the NARALO Newsletter and will find some volunteers. Timing : July-August
  •  Garth Bruen will cross reference the CWG work with the ATLAS II recommendations.

At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting



  •  ALT and anyone who chooses to create a draft within 24 hours for consideration by the ALAC.


ALAC Part 2 - ATLAS II update

  •  Ariel Liang and Olivier Crepin-Leblond to update the relevant ATLAS II wiki pages.
  •  Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruber to organize a webinar for the At-Large Community to give a status update as to what's happening to the ATLAS II recommendations.
  •  The ATLAS II Implementation TF to review the ATLAS II recommendations again and whether they are still valid.


  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  and Silvia Vivanco  to coordinate actions to expand the Accessibility WG to other constituencies.
  •  The Capacity Building WG to discuss the coordination of capacity building webinars with the RALOs (in progress)


 At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting

  •   1. Dev Anand Teelucksingh and Judith Hellerstein within the TTF, to lead the review of the RALO Monthly Report draft by NARALO and  to work on a format which could be integrated into the Confluence WIKI so that the report could be edited directly in the wiki page.
  •  2.Staff will distribute the document SURVEY Results prepared by Humberto Carrasco for discussion and this will be expanded.
  •  3. ALses ALSes Onboarding- Nathalie Peregrine  will open a wiki page and post  the Onboarding plan.
  •  4.  Ariel Liangto send the list of active Working groups to the RALO Secretariats list.
  •  5.   Silvia Vivanco to compile the ROPs on Individual membership for each RALO. (In progress)



AFRALO-AfrICANN Joint Meeting


  •   Staff to collect the names of WG;
  •  Reinvigorate the group that  will look to ALS process. Judith volunteered


  •  Staff to verify if the membership is complete and if we have we finished collecting RALO names


3.      CROPP RT

  •  Gisella Gruber to report back on poor internet connection during ICANN 54 – esp. in sleeping rooms.
  •   ALAC to discuss the format of the ALAC/Board meeting during Constituency Day
