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How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?


Participants: Hong Xue, Fouad Bajwa, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, James Seng, Pavan Budhrani, Charles Mok, Edmon Chung

Apologies: Bill Tibben, Raj Singh

Staff: Matthias Langenegger


Summary Minutes: APRALO Summary Minutes 26 October 2010
Action ItemsIssues discussed: APRALO Action Items 26 October 2010
Audio Stream: English
Adobe Connect Room:


2. Review of the summary minutes and the action items of the 28 September APRALO teleconference (7 minutes)

3. APRALO Elections and announcements (Hong) (10 minutes)

⁃ An update on 2010 APRALO ALAC Representative Election

- Introduction by the new APRALO ALAC Representative

4. At-Large Board Selection (Hong, Fouad, Charles)

- Update on At-Large Board Selection process (see At-Large Director Candidate workspace)

The schedule proposed is:
  -  3 November 2010: BCEC is scheduled to announce the slate of 3-7 <CLO>Actually this will happen on  28th October 
  candidates retained for election.
  - 3-12 November 2010 (10 days): candidates able to reach out to the At
  Large community (campaigning) <CLO>A Community call will also be arranged for the week of Nov 8th a doodle will go out for this soon.
  - 15-19 November 2010 (5 days): Election takes place

5. Regional Policy Work (


Charles) (10 minutes)

- Presentation of Charles' regional policy workplan
- Current Open ICANN Public Consultations and At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule


6. Update on Outreach & In-reach (Fouad, Raj, Pavan)(15 minutes)

- Presentation of APRALO in-reach and outreach suggestions based on the ALS survey (Fouad, Pavan)

- APRALO mentoring programme (Raj) 

  • would a program similar to the ISOC mentoring program be desirable and workable in APRALO?
  • what would be the benchmarks for the APRALO mentoring program ?
  • next steps?

6.APRALO Elections and announcements (Hong, Edmon) (10 minutes)

⁃ An update on 2010 APRALO ALAC Representative Election


- APRALO Outreach Presentation Material (Fouad)

- ICANN Video that can be downloaded and played as an introduction to new audiences (shared by Heidi)

7. Others (Fouad,


Charles and Pavan)(


10 minutes)


APRALO Travel Policy

⁃ Chair's report and updates from the ALAC members and liaisons (Cheryl, Vivek, James)