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Action Items:  EN      

Recording: EN, ES

Zoom Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES


Dial out Participants: 

EN:  Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Maureen HilyardJonathan Zuck, Cheryl Langdon-Orr


, Kaili Kan, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Glenn McKnight, Gordon Chillcott, Joel Thayer, Roberto Gaetano, Alan Greenberg, Herb Waye, Isaac Maposa, Yrjö Lansipuro, Holly Raiche, Marita Moll, Avri Doria, Amrita Choudhury, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Justine Chew, John Laprise, Nadira Al-Araj, León Sánchez, Hadia Elminiawi, Greg Shatan, Kristina Hakobyan, Michael Palage, Eduardo Diaz, Judith Hellerstein, Maria Korniiets

ES: Harold Arcos

Apologies: Maureen Hilyard, Alberto Soto, Vanda Scartezini, Daniel NanghakaApologies: 

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Evin Erdoğdu, Yesim Yeşim Nazlar

ES Interpreters:  Marina & David

Call Management: Yesim Yeşim Nazlar 


At-Large Policy Resources


Web Page of EPDP
EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 
Keep Up with EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
EPDP Background Documents

Agenda - EN


1. Welcome and roll call - staff (2 minutes)

2. Adoption of agenda, review of Action Items


21 August - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. EPDP Phase II Update - Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)

4. SubPro Updates - Justine Chew (


1 minute)

See: SubPro Updates Workspace for Updates to Issues/Topics under Deliberation by the Subsequent Procedures PDP WG

4.1 Update on String Similarity as at 16 Aug

View file
name01. SubPro String Similarity as at 16.08.2019 for CPWG.pdf

4.2 For information: Revised Update on Reserved Names, Closed Generics & Registrant Protections as at 20 Aug    – Discussion on the topic of Closed Generics is being conducted via small group of SubPro PDP WG.

4.3 Time permitting / 2 For information: Update on WT5 Geographic Names new proposals as at 21 AugInternationalized Domain Names (IDNs) as at 26 Aug 

5. ALAC-GAC Policy Cooperation - Yrjö Lansipuro, ALAC Liaison to the GAC (30 minutes)

View file


ALAC-GAC policy cooperation 28.8.19.pdf


  • Which policy issues are we most interested in discussing with the GAC?
  • Who from our side would be interested to take the lead on various issues?

6. CPWG Charter & "Ideal" Process - Jonathan Zuck and all (20 minutes)

View file
nameCPWG Charter & Process.pdf

» Please provide your feedback on the CPWG Charter and "Ideal" Process by commenting on the Google Doc here.

Note: Slide 8 to become a new CPWG resource (for print/distribution during ATLAS III and ICANN66).


7. Policy comment updates - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu and all (


10 minutes) 

View file
name190821 190828 CPWG.pdf

Recently Ratified by the ALAC (including executive summaries)

Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:

(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and

(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.  

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.

The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.

Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others: 

  • The ALAC is not optimistic that Financial Assumptions A (Roll-out of New gTLDs) and B (New Business Models – Geographic gTLDs and Brand gTLDs) will be highly successful vehicles to new revenue. Although the first round of new gTLDs did bring in considerable revenue, the ALAC notes that these earlier rounds represented the “low hanging fruit” in the new gTLD market.
  • The ALAC agrees that ICANN continue to put money towards the an urgent need to resolve current challenges around Universal Acceptance, as well as the primary strategic goal of security, stability and trust.
  • The ALAC agrees that work which needs to be done on evolving the multistakeholder system is substantial and complex and that it must be ongoing with adequate resources directed towards its completion. The objectives related to diverse and inclusive participation in policy making in an efficient and effective way are essential to improving the system, underlining that face-to-face meetings are essential to the functioning of the multistakeholder model.
  • The ALAC/At-Large community propose some clarity via a listing of priorities and statements on the impact of each project on ICANN org and on each of the unique ACs and SOs. The community believes that while policy development and implementation activities are integral to the planning process, so are other activities, such as those that enable communication, collaboration, and outreach, between RALOS, At-Large members and other constituencies.

Public Comment for Decision



Public Comment for Decision

Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



CPWG SubPro Comment

Ongoing Workspace

As per 17 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.


SAC105 Comment


As per 24 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.







8. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and all (3 minutes)


9. Next Meeting


- Olivier Crepin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)

Agenda - ES

1. Bienvenida y asistencia - staff (2 minutos)

2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Items de Accion


21 Agosto - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)

3. Actualización EPDP Fase II - Hadia Elminiawi y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos)

4. Actualizaciones de SubPro - Justine Chew (


1 minuto)

Consulte: SubPro Updates Workspace para actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG

4.1 Actualización sobre la similitud de cadenas al 16 de agosto


View file
name01. SubPro String Similarity as at 16.08.2019 for CPWG.pdf

4.2 Para información: Actualización revisada sobre nombres reservados, genéricos cerrados y protecciones de registratarios al 20 de agosto - La discusión sobre el tema de los genéricos cerrados se lleva a cabo a través de un pequeño grupo de SubPro PDP WG

4.3 Si el tiempo lo permite / Para información:  Actualización sobre las nuevas propuestas de Nombres Geográficos WT5 al 21 de agosto

View file
nameWT5 21 August 2019 v1.pdf


nombres de dominio internacionalizados (IDN) a 26 de agosto

5. Cooperación de políticas ALAC-GAC - Yrjö Lansipuro, Enlace de ALAC con el GAC (30 minutos)

  • ¿Qué cuestiones de política estamos más interesados en discutir con el GAC?
  • ¿Quién de nuestro lado estaría interesado en liderar varios temas?

6. Carta del CPWG y proceso "ideal" - Jonathan Zuck y todos (20 minutos)

View file
nameCPWG Charter & Process.pdf

» Por favor, envíe sus comentarios sobre la Carta del CPWG y el Proceso" Ideal "comentando el documento de Google aquí.

Nota: Diapositiva 8 para convertirse en un nuevo recurso CPWG (para impresión / distribución durante ATLAS III e ICANN66).


7. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas: Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu y todos (30 minutos)

View file
name190821 190828 CPWG.pdf

Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC 

Proposed Definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collisions Analysis Project
The ALAC considers the issue of Name Collision in the DNS an area of importance for the minimization of unintended consequences for Internet end users. The ALAC appreciates the need to have a Name Collision definition for purposes of scoping the inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP), in order for the NCAP Study One to be manageable and on point, and therefore supports the Proposed Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project of 1 July 2019. Of particular importance to us are:

(1) The recognition and inclusion of Type B situations (ie. B. In scope but not intended to be the subject of data studies) which provides built-in peripheral consideration of such situations with decision for examination through data analysis at a later stage if a compelling case were to arise within Study One; and

(2) The possibility of amending the Definition of Name Collision and Scope of Inquiry for the Name Collision Analysis Project should further pertinent information come to light at a later stage either through the ongoing work of the NCAP DG, NCAP Working Party and/or input obtained from the party/ies eventually contracted to undertake NCAP Study One.  

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System
The ALAC strongly supports the overall proposal and appreciates the opportunity to comment. The RSS, according to RRSAC37, needs to evolve so it remains a reliable, resilient, and sustainable service in the face of increasing traffic and cyberattacks. However, the ALAC finds it difficult to accept that ICANN is not considered a primary stakeholder with regard to the RSS, given that the Domain Name System and its reliable and trusted operation is a prime reason for ICANN’s existence. The ALAC also encourages that Internet users, the ultimate user and beneficiary of the DNS, should be listed as having a stake in the existence and evolution of the RSS.

The financial model is also of some concern to the ALAC. No figures are provided to allow even order-of-magnitude estimates. It is surely time that we begin to understand exactly what level of funding will be required and hypothesize on where such funding will come from.

Draft Financial Assumptions & Projections and Operating Initiatives for the development of Fiscal Years 2021-2025 Operating & Financial Plan
The ALAC considered the Draft Financial Assumptions, Projections and Operating Initiatives, and offered comments on the following topics among others: 

  • The ALAC is not optimistic that Financial Assumptions A (Roll-out of New gTLDs) and B (New Business Models – Geographic gTLDs and Brand gTLDs) will be highly successful vehicles to new revenue. Although the first round of new gTLDs did bring in considerable revenue, the ALAC notes that these earlier rounds represented the “low hanging fruit” in the new gTLD market.
  • The ALAC agrees that ICANN continue to put money towards the an urgent need to resolve current challenges around Universal Acceptance, as well as the primary strategic goal of security, stability and trust.
  • The ALAC agrees that work which needs to be done on evolving the multistakeholder system is substantial and complex and that it must be ongoing with adequate resources directed towards its completion. The objectives related to diverse and inclusive participation in policy making in an efficient and effective way are essential to improving the system, underlining that face-to-face meetings are essential to the functioning of the multistakeholder model.
  • The ALAC/At-Large community propose some clarity via a listing of priorities and statements on the impact of each project on ICANN org and on each of the unique ACs and SOs. The community believes that while policy development and implementation activities are integral to the planning process, so are other activities, such as those that enable communication, collaboration, and outreach, between RALOS, At-Large members and other constituencies.

Comentarios Publicos para decision



Comentarios Publicos para decision

Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model  

Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Comentarios del Público Cerrar



Ongoing Workspace

As per 17 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.




SAC105 Comment


As per 24 July CPWG AI, this is an informal At-Large workspace on the topic.






Olivier Crepin-Leblond


8. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)


9. Próxima reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y staff (2 minutos)