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|F|M|F|1321399607043|          |heidi.ullrich|Wrap-Up Session: Staff and Edmon are to coordinate the revitalization of the IDN WG.|
|F|M|F|1321399593526|          |alan.greenberg|Wrap-Up Session: Relevant Staff are to send notice of ICANN events taking place in the various regions to the local ALSes within those regions.|
|TF|M|F|1321399553293|13219751602771321398912127|          |matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up SessionIT: GisellaIT Gruberto totest sendand asee linkif translation toon the ALACAFRALO ofmailing thelists Roadshow Events Calendar <>.|
is feasible.|
|F|M|F|13213989121271321399056625|          |mattgisella.ashtiani|ITgruber-white|RoP/Metrics: ITThe toissue testof andMeeting seeReport ifsubmissions translationit onto thebe AFRALOincluded mailingin listsALAC is feasibleMetrics.|
|F|M|F|1321398937661|          |matt.ashtiani|IT: IT to fix known bugs, e.g. html encoded characters, text encoding subject prepends, etc. on the current translation lists.|
|F|M|F|1321398924911|          |matt.ashtiani|IT: IT Staff to create a quick guide on how to write e-mails that will be translated better by the translation tool.|
|F|M|F|1321399354486|          |heidi.ullrich|ICANN Academy: (1) The ALAC is to create an ad-hoc WG to develop an ICANN Academy, expanding on the draft ICANN Academy proposal. (2) Heidi to work with the Co-Chairs of the working group to establish the date and time of the first call.|
|F|M|F|1321399432838|          |heidi.ullrich|Geographic Regions Review Draft Final Report: Rob Hoggarth is to check the English and Spanish translations of the Falkland Islands/Malvinas issue.|
|F|M|F|13213993426051321399044301|          |matt.ashtiani|DevelopmentDSSA ofWG ALAC MetricsUpdate: AMatt Liaisonto tosend the aforementioneddetails WGof isthe towebpages bethat appointedhave duringthe nextinformation ALAC Meeting|
|F|M|F|1321399333872|          |gisella.gruber-white|Development of ALAC Metrics: (1) The ALAC is to create a WG to establish a set of metrics to be designed and to evaluate performance of ALAC members. Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to be the Chair of the WG. (2) Gisella Gruber to follow with to the Co-Chairs to determine the date and time of the first callon the DSSA, as well as all of the material on these sites that is publicly available, to the At-Large lists.|
|F|M|F|1321398962077|          |olivier.crepin-leblond|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Wikipages to be created under common nomenclature.|
|F|M|F|1321398976476|          |alan.greenberg|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Templates for SOIs and COIs to be created.|
|F|M|F|13213990443011321399004263|          |matt.ashtiani|DSSA WG Update: MattAt-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Staff to send theout detailsa ofcall theto webpagesask thatfor havevolunteers thefor information on the DSSA, as well as all of the material on these sites that is publicly available, to the At-Large listsstanding WGs.|
|F|M|F|13213989620771321398991153|          |tijani.benjemaa|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: WikipagesStaff to organize beConfluence, createdin underparticular common nomenclature.the WG pages in a more uniform and accessible manner.|
|F|M|F|13213989764761321399015474|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Templates for SOIs and COIs to be created At-Large members to identify member skills sets to more easily find group experts, Sala to lead on this.|
|F|M|F|13213990042631321399457263|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large WorkingRegional GroupsLeadership -Meeting: NextSilvia Steps:Vivanco Staffis to sendorganize outa aSecretariat callCall to discuss the askcreation forof volunteerscriteria for standing WGsinactive/non-quorate ALSes.|
|F|M|F|13213989911531321385367486|          |tijanimatt.benjemaaashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Staff to organize Confluence, in particular the WG pages in a more uniform and accessible manner.Outreach/Inreach:Mandy Carver to respond to question posed by Cheryl Langdon-Orr on the following wiki page: At-Large - Questions for Global Partnerships and Communications - October 2011: <>|
|F|M|F|13213990154741321385352933|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps:Outreach/Inreach: Scott Pinzon to send At-Large members to identify member skills sets to more easily find group experts, Sala to lead on this a list of the new gTLD outreach events planned by country/region, as well as those that have already taken place.|
|F|M|F|13213994572631321385404974|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Regional Leadership MeetingOutreach/Inreach: Silvia Vivanco isOlivier Crépin-Leblond to organizeprepare abrief Secretariatmonthly Callpolicy toupdates discuss the creation of criteria for inactive/non-quorate ALSesvia podcast.|
|F|M|F|13213853674861321385419831|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach:Mandy CarverOlivier toCrépin-Leblond respondis to questionprepare poseda bymore Cherylformal Langdon-Orrpodcast onwith the followingassistance wikiof page: At-Large - QuestionsScott Pinzon for Globaldistribution Partnershipsduring and Communications - October 2011: <>ICANN meetings.|
|F|M|F|13213853529331321385441066|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach: Scott PinzonALAC to senddetermine At-Largewhat aits listaims ofand theobjectives neware gTLDfor outreachan events planned by country/regionAt-Large podcast, asOlivier wellCrépin-Leblond as those that have already taken placeto lead.|
|F|M|F|13213854049741321399140341|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond to prepare brief monthly policy updates via podcastMeeting with ICANN Board: The ALAC is to liaise with members of the Board to discuss outreach. Olivier is to follow up with Sebastian and the Board.|
|F|M|F|13213854198311321399107167|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond isMeeting with ICANN Board: Staff to preparesend athe moreBoard formalof podcastICANN witha thepackage assistanceof ofthe ScottALAC's Pinzonviews foron distributionthe duringvarious ICANNWhois meetingsissues.|
|F|M|F|13213854410661321399119288|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach Meeting with ICANN Board: ALACStaff to determinecreate whata itswiki aimsworkspace andfor objectivesthe arecollection for anof At-Large podcast, Olivier Crépin-Leblond to lead views on the CEO search, the comments will be synthesized and the results sent to the Board.|
|F|M|F|13213991403411321399231534|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|At-Large Meeting with ICANN BoardCompliance: TheRegarding ALAC is to liaisere-seller complaints, a list of the most common complaints should be prepared by Compliance along with memberswith ofsuggested the Boardways to discussavoid/correct outreachthem.|
|F|M|F|13213991071671321399212565|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|At-Large Meeting with ICANN BoardCompliance: StaffFAQs toon sendCompliance theare Boardto ofbe ICANNcompiled aand packageposted of the ALAC's views on the various Whois issuesby Compliance.|
|F|M|F|13213991192881321399642917|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|At-LargeAny MeetingOther withBusiness: ICANNThe Board:ExCom Staffis to createdevelop a3-5 wikiquestions workspace for thean collectionExpression of At-Large views onInterests for the CEO search, the comments will be synthesized and the results sent to the Board for the dotmobi Liaison.|
|F|M|F|13213991863371321399625752|          |heidimatt.ullrich|At-Large Meeting with Compliance: Regardingashtiani|Any Other Business: A call for the Non Lawyer’s Guide to the RAA, the new ALAC requestsdotmobi thisLiaison guide be upgraded in terms of simplified language.|
|F|M|F|1321399231534|          |heidi.ullrich|At-Large Meeting with Compliance: Regarding re-seller complaints, a list of the most common complaints should be prepared by Compliance along with with suggested ways to avoid/correct them.|
|F|M|F|1321399212565|          |heidi.ullrich|At-Large Meeting with Compliance: FAQs on Compliance are to be compiled and posted by Complianceis to be made by mid-November and should include the duties of this position. ALAC is to appoint the dotmobi Liaison on their November call.|
|F|M|F|13213873793281321399520902|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large ImprovementsALAC Meeting with the NCSG: The issueALAC ofand sanctionsNCSG isare to beconsider discussedthe withincreation theof At-Largea Improvementsjoint Taskforceworkspace.|
|F|M|F|13213874077591321399511297|          |matt.ashtiani, cheryl.langdon-orr|At-Large Improvements: Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to allocate|ALAC Meeting with the recommendation and proposalsNCSG: ALAC/At-Large is to standingincrease workingliaising groupswith orGlobal toPartnership the At-Large Improvements Taskforceon consumer/end user issues.|
|F|ML|F|13213873575091321399312668|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Improvements: A half-day exercise of the At-Large Improvements Taskfroce is to be held during the ICANN Meeting scheduled for Costa Rica in March 2012RoP/Metrics: ALAC to request that the NomCom start a process for recalling their selectees.|
|F|ML|F|13213990566251321399342605|          |gisellamatt.gruber-white|Assigning of reports on non-At-Large meetings: The issue of Meeting Report submissions itashtiani|RoP/Metrics: A Liaison to the aforementioned WG is to be appointed includedduring innext ALAC Metrics.Meeting|
|F|ML|F|13213996429171321399414715|          |heidisilvia.ullrich|Any Other Business: The ExComvivanco|RoP/Metrics: (1) The ALAC is to create an Ad-Hoc Rules of Procedure Working Group. (2) Silvia is to work developwith 3-5the questionsChair forof anthe Expressionworking ofgroup Intereststo forestablish the search fordate and time fo the dotmobifirst Liaisoncall.|
|F|ML|F|1321399625752|          |matt.ashtiani|Any Other Business: A call for the new ALAC dotmobi Liaison is to be made by mid-November and should include the duties of this position. ALAC is to appoint the dotmobi Liaison on their November call.|
|F|M|F|1321399520902|          |matt.ashtiani|ALAC Meeting with the NCSG: The ALAC and NCSG are to consider the creation of a joint workspace1321399333872|          |gisella.gruber-white|RoP/Metrics: (1) The ALAC is to create a WG to establish a set of metrics to be designed and to evaluate performance of ALAC members. Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to be the Chair of the WG. (2) Gisella Gruber to follow with to the Co-Chairs to determine the date and time of the first call.|
|F|ML|F|13213995112971321399186337|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|ALACAt-Large Meeting with Compliance: Regarding the NCSG: ALAC/At-Large is to increase liaising with Global Partnership on consumer/end user issuesNon Lawyer’s Guide to the RAA, the ALAC requests this guide be upgraded in terms of simplified language.|
|F|L|F|13213994147151321387379328|          |silviamatt.vivancoashtiani|RuleAt-Large ofImprovements Procedure: (1) The ALAC is to create an Ad-Hoc Rules of Procedure Working Group. (2) SilviaTaskforce: (1) The issue of sanctions is to be workdiscussed withwithin the Chair of the working groupAt-Large Improvements Taskforce. (2) Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to establishallocate the daterecommendation and timeproposals foto the first call.|
|F|L|F|1321399312668|          |matt.ashtiani|Development of ALAC Metrics: ALAC to request that the NomCom start a process for recalling their selecteesstanding working groups or to the At-Large Improvements Taskforce. (3) A half-day exercise of the At-Large Improvements Taskfroce is to be held during the ICANN Meeting scheduled for Costa Rica in March 2012.|

|T|M|F|1321399162385|1321905202150|heidi.ullrich|At-Large Meeting with the GAC: The ALAC and GAC should create a joint WG to draft a joint statement on Conflicts of Interests (the GAC is to confirm at a later date if this is in fact an Action Item) Conflicts of Interests (the GAC is to confirm at a later date if this is in fact an Action Item).|
|T|M|F|1321399553293|1321975160277|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Gisella Gruber to send a link  to the ALAC of the Roadshow Events Calendar <>.|
|T|M|F|1321385514516|1321905935658|matt.ashtiani|Consumer Metrics: Staff to contact Garth Bruen and obtain the statistics for the next Consumer Metrics WG meeting. Specifically, the numbers of registrars (i.e. only 400+ with 5 companies controlling many).|
|T|M|F|1321385058465|1321385619289|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Rod Beckstrom to request that Communications Staff to provide Wolf Ludwig with material on the new gTLD program in German.|
|T|M|F|1321398893302|1321904212599|heidi.ullrich|Language Services: Christina Rodriguez, Heidi Ullrich, and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to agree on minimum participation for WG interpretation.|
|T|M|F|1321399652077|1321905593581|matt.ashtiani|Any Other Business: Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to send a note to the Chairman of the ICANN Board that the At-Large representatives were, for the second time, put into poor hotel accommodations. This note is to be copied to Constituency Travel and to the Meetings Team.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385613171|matt.ashtiani|APRALO Monthly Meeting: Matt Ashtiani is to set up an At-Large Workspace for all of the IDN Variant Public Comments with links to each of the individual case studies.|
|T|M|F|1321387388589|1321905466397|matt.ashtiani|At-Large Improvements Taskforce: Additional volunteers will be sought for the At-Large Improvements Taskforce.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385618436|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Wolf Ludwig to send the following link to the relevant parties:|
|T|M|F|          |1321385615031|matt.ashtiani|ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1: Matt Ashtiani to send members in Dakar a Hashtag to use Twitter for reports.|