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NA: Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight


Dial-Out Participants:

EN: Mohamed El Bashir, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Glenn McKnight, Haroun Mahamat Cheri, Eduardo Diaz, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Lianna Galystan

ES: Sergio Salinas-Porto, Harold Arcos, 


Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Claudia Ruiz

ES Interpreters:  Paula and Claudia

Call Management: TBC Claudia Ruiz


Action Items: EN       

Zoom Chat: EN

Recording: EN, ES

Transcript: ENES




  1. Roll call

    - Staff (3 mins)

  2. Welcome and Approval of Agenda – Mohamed (2 mins)
  3. Review of Action Items from  KOBE ICANN 64 meeting – Mohamed (5 mins)
  • Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kuleza to draft a revised ALAC Hot Policy Topics document and review it within the CPWG before taking it to the ALAC.
  • Once the ALAC Hot  Policy Topics document is approved by the ALAC, Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kuleza to discuss it with the RALOs.
  • All RALOs to finish their respective Hot Policy Topics, if necessary selecting relevant policy topics from the ALAC Hot Policy Topics
  • The RALOs to develop their Hot Policy Topics in a format that is fit for purpose for their region

4. RALO Discretionary Funds Update and Issues for Clarification – Maureen and Heidi (15 mins)

5.Planning RALOs Regional Assemblies in the Regions- Maureen and Heidi (15 mins)

a. Timing and Location

b. RIR/GSE Involvement

c. Next Steps – Tentative schedule by ICANN65 and discussion with Xavier Calvez, CFO

6.ATLAS III Updates – Maureen and Olivier  (15 mins)

    1. Selection Committee Deadline
    2. Next Steps

7. Agenda for At-Large Leaders Meeting at ICANN65 – Mohamed/All (15 mins)

  1. Review of Action Items - Mohamed (5 mins)

  2. FY20 ABR Results and Next Steps – Heidi/All (10 mins)

    1. See: At-Large FY20 Additional Budget Request Implementation Workspace

  3. Review and Agreement on FY20 RALO Discretionary Funding Criteria – Heidi/All (5 mins)

  4. Update on RALO Hot Policy Topics and ALAC Hot Policy Topics -  All RALOs and Heidi (15 mins)

  5. Update on RALO General Assembly schedules FY21-24 - Heidi and all (20 mins)

  6. Review and Agreement of Agenda for Marrakesh meeting – Mohamed (10 mins)

  • 1. Final Review of RALO Outreach and Engagement Strategic plans for FY20 (13:30-13:50)
    2. RALO Discretionary funds – FY21 Planning and Changes to the Request Process (13:50-14:10)
    3. Update on RALO Hot Policy Topics and coordination with ALAC Hot topics - all RALOs (14:10-14:30)
    4. Finalizing the RALO General Assemblies FY21 – FY24 (14:30-14:50)
    5. AOB (14:50-15:00)

8.  AOB8. AOB – Mohamed (5 mins)