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  •  Evin Erdogdu confirmed to edit drafts for penholders who are non-native English speakers.
  •  Evin Erdogdu to create wiki page on CPWG workspace under Resources for Q&A with presenters.
  •  Jonathan Zuck to reach out to Chris on one of the topics/UA "predictability". Evin Erdogdu to send EPDP links in email to ALAC.
  •  Alan Greenberg suggests CPWG become space to continue discussion on public comment statements, in addition to ALAC Monthly Calls.
  •  Jonathan ZuckEvin Erdogdu to follow up after CPWG call to determine deadline on (2) GDPR comments.
  •  Evin Erdogdu to create a column for feedback on SubPro Google Doc, and put the comment-only link to the Google Doc under the Background section on the PC's wiki workspace.
  •  Gregory Shatan to review upcoming updates of Unified Access Model (UAM) for PC.
  •  Jonathan Zuck requested participants to volunteer as contributors to the SubPro PC in chat. Evin Erdogdu to create wiki page to capture all the contributors and topics.

- HR/Evan L to contribute to metrics for consumer trust/choice. 

- Marita M, Abdulkarim O, Yrjö L and Nadira A volunteer as co-penholders on Community Prioritization.

- Bastiaan to work on fees, pics

- HR volunteers for pics

- Batching application assessment - (applicant support) - Justine C and Alberto Soto, Marita Moll volunteer. SB suggests to provide names of the three applicants.

- Nadira A  and Justine C volunteer for Community Applications, follow up thread. Justine C also volunteers for Objections questions.

- GS: to review upcoming update of UAM for PC.

Questions to Theresa/Marika: 

- SBT: Can you (Theresa) give us some information about the litigation going on in Germany? 

- JZ: To (Theresa) re: Temp Spec - Do we envision a merger of the (Accreditation and Access Model IPC/BC) and ICANN UAM? Or will they be independent threads?


See: Volunteer Penholders per Topic