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|F|M|F|13213995112971321399607043|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|ALAC Meeting with the NCSG: ALAC/At-Large isWrap-Up Session: Staff and Edmon are to increasecoordinate liaisingthe withrevitalization Globalof Partnershipthe on consumer/end user issuesIDN WG.|
|F|M|F|13213995209021321399593526|          |mattalan.ashtiani|ALAC Meeting with the NCSG: The ALAC and NCSG are to consider the creation of a joint workspacegreenberg|Wrap-Up Session: Relevant Staff are to send notice of ICANN events taking place in the various regions to the local ALSes within those regions.|
|F|M|F|13213990566251321398912127|          |matt.ashtiani|AssigningIT: ofIT reportsto on non-At-Large meetingstest and see if translation on the AFRALO mailing lists is feasible.|
|F|M|F|1321399056625|          |gisella.gruber-white|RoP/Metrics: The issue of Meeting Report submissions it to be included in ALAC Metrics.|
|F|M|F|13213873575091321398937661|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large ImprovementsIT: AIT half-dayto exercisefix ofknown the At-Large Improvements Taskfroce is to be held during the ICANN Meeting scheduled for Costa Rica in March 2012.|
bugs, e.g. html encoded characters, text encoding subject prepends, etc. on the current translation lists.|
|F|M|F|13213873885891321398924911|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Improvements: Additional volunteersIT: IT Staff to create a quick guide on how to write e-mails that will be translated soughtbetter forby the At-Large Improvements Taskforcetranslation tool.|
|F|M|F|13213874077591321399354486|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|At-LargeICANN ImprovementsAcademy: Cheryl Langdon-Orr(1) The ALAC is to allocatecreate thean recommendationad-hoc andWG proposalsto todevelop standingan workingICANN groupsAcademy, orexpanding toon the draft At-LargeICANN ImprovementsAcademy Taskforce.|
|F|M|F|1321387379328|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Improvements: The issue of sanctions is to be discussed within the At-Large Improvements Taskforceproposal. (2) Heidi to work with the Co-Chairs of the working group to establish the date and time of the first call.|
|F|M|F|13213992125651321399432838|          |mattheidi.ashtiani|At-Large Meeting with Compliance: FAQs on Compliance are to be compiled and posted by Complianceullrich|Geographic Regions Review Draft Final Report: Rob Hoggarth is to check the English and Spanish translations of the Falkland Islands/Malvinas issue.|
|F|M|F|13213991863371321399044301|          |matt.ashtiani|At-LargeDSSA MeetingWG with Compliance: RegardingUpdate: Matt to send the Nondetails Lawyer’sof Guidethe towebpages thethat RAA,have the ALACinformation requestson thisthe guideDSSA, beas upgradedwell inas termsall of simplified language.|
|F|M|F|1321399119288|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Meeting with ICANN Board: Staff to create a wiki workspace for the collection of At-Large views on the CEO search, the comments will be synthesized and the results sent to the Boardthe material on these sites that is publicly available, to the At-Large lists.|
|F|M|F|1321398962077|          |olivier.crepin-leblond|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Wikipages to be created under common nomenclature.|
|F|M|F|13213991071671321398976476|          |mattalan.ashtianigreenberg|At-Large MeetingWorking Groups with- ICANNNext BoardSteps: StaffTemplates tofor sendSOIs theand BoardCOIs ofto ICANN a package of the ALAC's views on the various Whois issues.|
|be created.|
|F|M|F|13213991403411321399004263|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working MeetingGroups with- ICANNNext BoardSteps: TheStaff ALACto issend toout liaisea withcall membersto ofask thefor Boardvolunteers tofor discussstanding outreachWGs.|
|F|M|F|13213991623851321398991153|          |matttijani.ashtianibenjemaa|At-Large MeetingWorking Groups with- theNext GACSteps: TheStaff ALACto andorganize GACConfluence, shouldin createparticular a jointthe WG topages draftin a jointmore statementuniform onand Conflicts of Interests (he GAC is to confirm at a later date if this is in fact an Action Item).|
|F|M|F|1321385419831|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to prepare a more formal podcast with the assistance of Scott Pinzon for distribution during ICANN meetingsaccessible manner.|
|F|M|F|1321399015474|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: At-Large members to identify member skills sets to more easily find group experts, Sala to lead on this.|
|F|M|F|13213854049741321399457263|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond to prepare brief monthly policy updates via podcastRegional Leadership Meeting: Silvia Vivanco is to organize a Secretariat Call to discuss the creation of criteria for inactive/non-quorate ALSes.|
|F|M|F|13213853529331321385367486|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach:Mandy Carver Scottto Pinzonrespond to sendquestion At-Largeposed a list ofby Cheryl Langdon-Orr on the newfollowing gTLDwiki outreach events planned by country/region, as well as those that have already taken At-Large - Questions for Global Partnerships and Communications - October 2011: <>|
|F|M|F|13213853674861321385352933|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Outreach/Inreach:Mandy CarverScott to respondPinzon to questionsend posedAt-Large bya Cheryl Langdon-Orr onlist of the followingnew wikigTLD page: At-Large - Questions for Global Partnerships and Communications - October 2011: <>outreach events planned by country/region, as well as those that have already taken place.|
|F|M|F|13213994572631321385404974|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting: Silvia Vivanco is to organize a Secretariat Call to discuss the creation of criteria for inactive/non-quorate ALSes.|
|F|M|F|1321399015474|          Outreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond to prepare brief monthly policy updates via podcast.|
|F|M|F|1321385419831|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: At-Large members to identify member skills sets to more easily find group experts, Sala to lead on thisOutreach/Inreach: Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to prepare a more formal podcast with the assistance of Scott Pinzon for distribution during ICANN meetings.|
|F|M|F|13213989911531321385441066|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next StepsOutreach/Inreach: StaffALAC to organizedetermine Confluence,what inits particularaims theand WGobjectives pagesare infor a more uniform and accessible manneran At-Large podcast, Olivier Crépin-Leblond to lead.|
|F|M|F|13213990042631321399140341|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Meeting Workingwith GroupsICANN -Board: NextThe Steps:ALAC Staffis to liaise with sendmembers outof athe callBoard to discuss askoutreach. forOlivier volunteersis forto standing WGs.follow up with Sebastian and the Board.|
|F|M|F|13213989764761321399107167|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large WorkingMeeting Groupswith -ICANN Next StepsBoard: TemplatesStaff forto SOIssend andthe COIsBoard toof be created.|
|F|M|F|1321398962077|          |matt.ashtiani|At-Large Working Groups - Next Steps: Wikipages to be created under common nomenclatureICANN a package of the ALAC's views on the various Whois issues.|
|F|M|F|13213855145161321399119288|          |matt.ashtiani|Consumer MetricsAt-Large Meeting with ICANN Board: Staff to contactcreate Gartha Bruenwiki andworkspace obtainfor the statisticscollection forof theAt-Large nextviews Consumeron Metricsthe WG meeting. SpecificallyCEO search, the numberscomments ofwill registrars (i.e. only 400+ with 5 companies controlling many)be synthesized and the results sent to the Board.|
|F|M|F|13213990443011321399231534|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|DSSA WG UpdateAt-Large Meeting with Compliance: StaffRegarding to send the detailsre-seller complaints, a list of the webpagesmost thatcommon havecomplaints theshould informationbe onprepared theby DSSA,Compliance asalong wellwith aswith allsuggested ofways theto material on these sites that is publicly available, to the At-Large lists.|
|avoid/correct them.|
|F|M|F|13213993426051321399212565|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|DevelopmentAt-Large ofMeeting ALACwith MetricsCompliance: AFAQs Liaisonon to the aforementioned WG is Compliance are to be appointedcompiled duringand nextposted ALACby MeetingCompliance.|
|F|M|F|13213993126681321399642917|          |mattheidi.ashtianiullrich|Development of ALAC Metrics: ALAC to request that the NomCom start a process for recalling their selecteesAny Other Business: The ExCom is to develop 3-5 questions for an Expression of Interests for the search for the dotmobi Liaison.|
|F|M|F|13213993338721321399625752|          |matt.ashtiani|DevelopmentAny ofOther ALAC MetricsBusiness: TheA ALACcall isfor tothe createnew aALAC WGdotmobi toLiaison establishis ato setbe ofmade metricsby tomid-November beand designedshould andinclude tothe evaluate performanceduties of ALACthis membersposition. CherylALAC Langdon-Orr is to beappoint the Chair of the WGdotmobi Liaison on their November call.|
|F|M|F|13213994328381321399520902|          |matt.ashtiani|GeographicALAC Meeting Regionswith Reviewthe DraftNCSG: FinalThe Report:ALAC Roband HoggarthNCSG isare to checkconsider the English and Spanish translationscreation of thea Falkland Islands/Malvinas issuejoint workspace.|
|F|M|F|13213993544861321399511297|          |matt.ashtiani|ICANNALAC Academy:Meeting Thewith ALACthe is to create an ad-hoc WGNCSG: ALAC/At-Large is to developincrease anliaising ICANNwith Academy,Global expandingPartnership on theconsumer/end draft ICANN Academy proposaluser issues.|
|F|ML|F|13213989249111321399312668|          |matt.ashtiani|ITRoP/Metrics: ITALAC Staff to createrequest athat quickthe guideNomCom onstart howa toprocess writefor e-mailsrecalling that will be translated better by the translation tooltheir selectees.|
|F|ML|F|13213989376611321399342605|          |matt.ashtiani|ITRoP/Metrics: A ITLiaison to fixthe knownaforementioned bugs, e.g. html encoded characters, text encoding subject prepends, etc. on the current translation lists.WG is to be appointed during next ALAC Meeting|
|F|ML|F|13213989121271321399414715|          |mattsilvia.ashtianivivanco|ITRoP/Metrics: IT(1) toThe testALAC andis seeto ifcreate translationan onAd-Hoc theRules AFRALOof mailingProcedure listsWorking is feasible.|
|F|M|F|1321398893302|          |matt.ashtiani|Language Services: Christina Rodriguez, Heidi Ullrich, and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to agree on minimum participation for WG interpretationGroup. (2) Silvia is to work with the Chair of the working group to establish the date and time fo the first call.|
|F|ML|F|13213994147151321399333872|          |mattgisella.ashtiani|Rule of Procedure:gruber-white|RoP/Metrics: (1) The ALAC is to create an Ad-Hoc Rules a WG to establish a set of Proceduremetrics Working Group.|
|F|M|F|1321399231534|          |matt.ashtiani|t-Large Meeting with Compliance: Regarding re-seller complaints, a listto be designed and to evaluate performance of ALAC members. Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to be the Chair of the most common complaints should be prepared by Compliance along with with suggested ways to avoid/correct themWG. (2) Gisella Gruber to follow with to the Co-Chairs to determine the date and time of the first call.|
|F|L|F|13213854410661321399186337|          |romanheidi.ullrich|At-Large Outreach/Inreach Meeting with Compliance: ALACRegarding tothe determine what its aims and objectives are for an At-Large podcast, Olivier Crépin-Leblond to lead.|

|T|M|F|1321385058465|1321385619289Non Lawyer’s Guide to the RAA, the ALAC requests this guide be upgraded in terms of simplified language.|
|F|L|F|1321387379328|          |matt.ashtiani|WrapAt-UpLarge Improvements SessionTaskforce: Rod(1) BeckstromThe toissue requestof thatsanctions Communicationsis Staff to providebe Wolfdiscussed Ludwigwithin withthe materialAt-Large onImprovements the new gTLD program in German.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385613171|matt.ashtiani|APRALO Monthly Meeting: Matt Ashtiani is to set up anTaskforce. (2) Cheryl Langdon-Orr is to allocate the recommendation and proposals to standing working groups or to the At-Large Improvements Taskforce. (3) A half-day exercise of the At-Large WorkspaceImprovements forTaskfroce allis ofto thebe IDNheld Variantduring Publicthe CommentsICANN withMeeting linksscheduled tofor eachCosta ofRica thein individualMarch case studies.|2012.|


|T|M|F|1321399162385|1321905202150|heidi.ullrich|At-Large Meeting with the GAC: The ALAC and GAC  |1321385618436|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Wolf Ludwig to send the following link to the relevant parties: create a joint WG to draft a joint statement on Conflicts of Interests (the GAC is to confirm at a later date if this is in fact an Action Item).|
|T|M|F|          |13213856150311321399553293|1321975160277|matt.ashtiani|ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1: Matt AshtianiWrap-Up Session: Gisella Gruber to send membersa inlink Dakar ato Hashtagthe to use Twitter for reports.|


ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part II

  • ALAC Meeting with the NCSG
    • ALAC/At-Large is to increase liaising with Global Partnership on consumer/end user issues.
    • The ALAC and NCSG are to consider the creation of a joint workspace.
  • Wrap-Up Session
    • ICANN CEO, Rod Beckstrom, meeting with the ALAC 
      • Gisella Gruber to send a link to the ALAC of the Roadshow Events Calendar
      • Relevant Staff are to send notice of ICANN events taking place in the various regions to the local ALSes within those regions.
      • Staff and Edmon are to coordinate the revitalization of the IDN WG.
    • Any Other Business
      • A call for the new ALAC dotmobi Liaison is to be made by mod-November and should include the duties of this position. ALAC is to appoint the dotmobi Liaison on their November call. 
      • The ExCom is to develop 3-5 questions for an Expression of Interests for the search for the dotmobi Liaison.
      • Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to send a note to the Chairman of the ICANN Board that the At-Large representatives were, for the second time, put into poor hotel accommodations. This note is to be copied to Constituency Travel and to the Meetings Team.





ALAC of the Roadshow Events Calendar <>.|
|T|M|F|1321385514516|1321905935658|matt.ashtiani|Consumer Metrics: Staff to contact Garth Bruen and obtain the statistics for the next Consumer Metrics WG meeting. Specifically, the numbers of registrars (i.e. only 400+ with 5 companies controlling many).|
|T|M|F|1321385058465|1321385619289|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Rod Beckstrom to request that Communications Staff to provide Wolf Ludwig with material on the new gTLD program in German.|
|T|M|F|1321398893302|1321904212599|heidi.ullrich|Language Services: Christina Rodriguez, Heidi Ullrich, and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to agree on minimum participation for WG interpretation.|
|T|M|F|1321399652077|1321905593581|matt.ashtiani|Any Other Business: Olivier Crépin-Leblond is to send a note to the Chairman of the ICANN Board that the At-Large representatives were, for the second time, put into poor hotel accommodations. This note is to be copied to Constituency Travel and to the Meetings Team.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385613171|matt.ashtiani|APRALO Monthly Meeting: Matt Ashtiani is to set up an At-Large Workspace for all of the IDN Variant Public Comments with links to each of the individual case studies.|
|T|M|F|1321387388589|1321905466397|matt.ashtiani|At-Large Improvements Taskforce: Additional volunteers will be sought for the At-Large Improvements Taskforce.|
|T|M|F|          |1321385618436|matt.ashtiani|Wrap-Up Session: Wolf Ludwig to send the following link to the relevant parties:|
|T|M|F|          |1321385615031|matt.ashtiani|ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1: Matt Ashtiani to send members in Dakar a Hashtag to use Twitter for reports.|