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NARALO Monthly Teleconference 

Date: Monday, 12 September 2016

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  

*** FR Interpretation will be available

How can I participate in this meeting? 

1(800)550-6865, Teleconference EN ID: 1638

                            Teleconference FR ID: 1838

Adobe Connect Link:

(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)

Dial out Attendees:  

EN:  Glenn McKnight, Evan Leibovitch, John Laprise, Gordon Chillott, Alfredo Calderon,  Javier Rua-Jovet, Eduardo Diaz, Seth Reiss, Lynden Price, Alan Greenberg, Eve Edelson, William Michael Cunningham, Judith Hellerstein, Le-Marie Thompson, Wes Boudville, Allan Skuce, Jolly MacFie, Loris Taylor, Tom Lowenhaupt, Kristian  Stout,  Steve Anderson, Yubelkys Montalvo

FR: Louis Houle

ITEMS: Tim McGinnis, NIck Thorne

Apologies:  Timothy Denton, Marita Moll, Dana Perry

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Lars Hoffmann, Terri Agnew

Call management: Terri Agnew

FR interpreter: Camila Isabelle and Camila

Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: EN

Transcript:   EN, FR FR

Chat: EN             

Recording: EN EN, FR FR

Adobe Connect Recording: EN EN


1. Welcome and Roll call (2 minutes)

2. Action Items 08 August 2016 - Staff (2 minutes) See NARALO Helsinki meeting Action Items: 

  • Glenn McKnight  and Judith Hellerstein to lead a NARALO review of the effectiveness of the CROPP  trips, NARALO to explore follow up actions.Andrew Mack created a small outreach committee to determine what to do with CROPP funds and effectiveness. He will share the methods to track results.
  • Silvia Vivanco is preparing the spreadsheet of the results of the CROPP FY 16 Pilot for the analysis of the CROPP pilot team

3 Announcements- Community Activity to Share  -Open Share  7 minutes-Glenn

3.1   ICANN 57- Dr. John Laprise has been selected by committee as the substitute for Garth Bruen for ICANN 57 Hyderabad (5 minutes)  Details  Here -   Glenn. Louis Houle will be taking the 1/2 Slot offered by Alan Greenberg

3.2  ICANN 57- Valerie Fast Horse and April

 Tinhorn has

Tinhorn have been selected as two


Tribal Ambassadors for


ICANN 57 Hyderabad

(5 MInutes)  Loris Taylor, Native Public Media

3.3 Policy Development Pilot- Gordon Chilcott and Glenn McKnight have  volunteered -  Details Here (5 Minutes)  Heidi volunteered - Heidi 

3.4  Dr. John Laprise has volunteered for the ALAC Selection Committee due on July 15th,  Details Here  -John

3.5  New Committee Work-  Volunteers 

Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) 2017

  BCEC 2017 Eduardo Diaz and Louis Houle

- Alternate 
  • Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC) 2017
  •           with Murray McKercher as the Alternate and for the BMSPC 2017 Glenn McKnight and John Laprise- Alternate  with Gordon Chilcott as the alternate

    4.0  At Large Review- Nick Thorne (5 Minutes)

    5.0  Outreach and Engagement     Engagement & Communications (8 minutes)

    5.1 Communications

    Work in Progress NARALO Work in Progress

    NARALO Facebook Page

    NARALO Generic Emails

    NARALO Newsletter Eduardo Diaz

    NARALO Mail Card and Naralo Brochure - Glenn

    NARALO Twitter Account - Glenn

    NARALO Website - Judith Hellerstein

    5.2 Outreach & Engagement   

     ARIN on the  Road- Waterloo- September


     GHTC- Seattle-October


     Freedom Online- Costa Rico- October

    6.0 Membership Update (5 minutes)

    Efforts to increase engagement in non-performing ALSes
    • NCAP Darlene Thompson- Recognition of her years of service to NARALO
    • ISOC Special Needs- Glenn/Judith

    ALSes placed on Inactive Status

      • American @Large- Randy Glass- Placed on Non-active Status   Judith
      • VBUG- Satish -Judith
    • ISOC Special Needs
      • Open Media -Glenn
    • /Judith

          New ALS applications

    • Association of Internet Users

          UnaffiliatedUnaffiliated Members

    • William Cunningham
    • Kristian  Stout

    7.0  Rules of  Procedures  Update (5 minutes)

    NARALO Operating Principles Review

    Dates for upcoming meetings- Request for Doodle

    8.0 Status  Update NARALO General Assembly 2017  Glenn 8 Glenn (7 minutes)

    -Call for Volunteers

    -Aim or goals for the Event

    9.0 NARALO CROPP CROPP FY 17 (5 3 minutes)

    CROPP FY 17 Started July 1, 2016.  8 weeks still needed for processing requests.

    • Thomas Lowenhaupt (November event) National League of Cities -November -Status

    • Leah S    (October)Leah Symekher  ARIN October-Status
    • One outstanding spot available  July to end of June 2017
    • CROPP follow up form

    10.0 Nom Com - Eduardo Diaz 11.0  Communications  (10 4 minutes)

      NARALO Newsletter Eduardo Diaz

      NARALO Mail Card and Brochure          :NARALO Flyer 2016

     NARALO Website - Judith Hellerstein

    1211.0 Showcase  New  ALS    ISOC  North Carolina- L.Price, Chair (5 minutes)

    1312.0 Review of Current ALAC Public Consultations - Alan Greenberg (5 3 minutes)

    See: Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website 

    See: Policy Advice Development Page

    See: ICANN Public Comment page 

    1. Statements approved by the ALAC
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
      • None  
    5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision:

    1413.0 Any Other Business  (2 MinutesMinute)