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  • describe and define any Leadership role(s) **note ICANN By-Laws require a Chair of the ALAC  to be elected and post ALAC review this term is to be for 2 years serving end ICANN AGM in any given year they are elected for 2 calendar years until the end of the ICANN AGM of the second year ends)** ; including an ALAC sub -unit (currently called an Executive Committee) which is Regionally Balanced and functions to facilitate work product and activities of the ALAC between monthly meetings of the whole as well as act in support (administratively and as delegated from time to time)  of the ALAC Chair.
  • list describe the role and define any qualities and characteristics of various Representational Roles that are appointed by and act on behalf of the ALAC (and At-Large) in various fora;
    • Note ICANN By-Laws require a Liaison of the ALAC to be appointed to both the GNSO and the ccNSO; But other Liaisons to ICANN AC/SO's should be addressed, as well as any other Appointments and Representational Roles such as (but not limited to) Independent Review Teams, Sub-Committees and Work Groups/ Drafting Teams internal to ALAC and At-Large as well as to other parts of ICANN (often called liaisons) and to ICANN Cross Community activities.
  • Other matters pertaining to the Structure and Function of the ALAC.


At-Large Definition and Structure Draft Team Sandbox Archived Comments

Archived Comments

Area for Draft text Mark Up by Pen Holders


(Insert Brief Introduction)


<CLO> suggest we use something like this from Sala's  comment text below ... =>


  1. The At-Large Advisory Committee ("ALAC") is the primary organizational home within ICANN for individual Internet users and shall consist of:-
    1.  two delegates selected by each of the Regional At-Large Organizations ("RALOs")   established; and
    2. five delegates selected by the Nominating Committee (NomCom appointees[2]).
    3. non-voting liaisons selected by XXXXXXX that shall be selected according to a prescribed criteria. <CLO>  ALAC is only Members as selected by RALOs and NomCom (at htis stage 15 people)

  2.  The ALAC has no legal authority to act for ICANN but shall report findings and recommendations to the ICANN Board[3].

    Role of the ALAC
  3. Pursuant to the Bylaws, the ALAC shall
    1. consider and provide advice on the following:-
      1.  activities and policies of ICANN created through ICANN's Supporting Organizations;
      2. other issues for which community input and advice is appropriate.
    2. participate in ICANN's accountability mechanisms;
    3. coordinate some of ICANN's outreach to individual Internet users;
    4. work in conjunction with the RALOs to coordinate[4]:-
      1. Making a selection by the At-Large Community to fill Seat 15 on the Board[5]
      2. Keeping the community of individual Internet users informed about the significant news from ICANN;
      3. Distributing (through posting or otherwise) an updated agenda, news about ICANN, and information about items in theICANN policy-development process;
      4. Promoting outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users;
      5. Developing and maintaining on-going information and education programs, regarding ICANN and its work;
      6. Establishing an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in each RALO's Region;
      7. Participating in the ICANN policy development processes and providing input and advice that accurately reflects the views of individual Internet users;
      8. Making public, and analyzing, ICANN's proposed policies and its decisions and their (potential) regional impact and (potential) effect on individuals in the region;
      9. Offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of At-Large structures; and
      10. Establishing mechanisms and processes that enable two-way communication between members of At-Large Structures and those involved in ICANN decision-making, so interested individuals can share their views on pending ICANN issues.

[1] Pursuant to Article XI  § 2 §§ 4of the ICANN Bylaws (“Bylaws”)  

 [2] NomCom Appointees means the five members selected by the Nominating Committee shall include one citizen of a country within each of the five Geographic Regions established according to Article VI §5

[3] Pursuant to Article XI §1 of Bylaws.

[4] Pursuant to Article XI § 2 §§ 4 j of Bylaws

[5] Notification of the At-Large Community’s selection shall be given by the ALAC Chair in writing to the ICANN Secretary, consistent with Article VI, § 8§§4 and §12§§1.  "


Note: Note: For now, we have inserted reviews of existing definitions. We expect to add the New Definitions later after receiving feedback from other Drafting Teams of terms or words, Acronyms etc that should be added. Thank you for the contributions that have come in during the Review. Terms which are in Red mean that they have yet to be reviewed by those assigned the terms. In some instances others have given feedback on these terms. All peer review submitted via the wiki have been encapsulated through comments. The Peer Review process will be ongoing.ongoing.

Assembly means any meeting or conference, or standing constituent body of the ALAC as well as any General Assembly sessions of a Regional At Large Organisation Assembly means any <CLO /agreed and edited from Sergio and Darlene comments> "Assembly means any meeting or conference, or standing constituent body of the ALAC as well as any General Assembly sessions of a Regional At Large Organisation ALAC and the General Assembly of Regional At Large Organization" should be divided into: Annual General; Plenary MeetingOrdinary Special and Extraordinary etc., (all of which need some defining)

Annual General Meeting (AGM) [S1] means the ALAC Annual General Meeting


1.2 Composition of the ALAC

  • 1.2.1 Executive Committee

  • Appointment of Chair

  • Appointment of Vice Chairs

  • Appointment of Special Rapporteur

  • 1.2.2 Limitation of Powers or Scope

1.3 Sub- Committees

  • 1.3.1 ALAC Administration Sub-Committee[S2]


  • 1.3.2 ALAC Meeting Logistics Sub-Committee[S3]


  • 1.3.3 ALAC Elections, Selections & Appointments Sub-Committee[S4]


  • 1.3.4 ALAC Policy Sub-Committee [S5]


  • 1.3.5 ALAC Communications Sub-Committee

  • 1.3.6 ALAC Finance Sub-Committee[S6]


  • 1.3.7 ALAC Community & Outreach Sub-Committee

  • 1.2.8 ALAC Technology Sub-Committee

1.3. ALAC Meetings

  • 1.3.1 Types of Meetings

  • 1.3.2 Conduct of Meetings




 [S2]Responsible for Administration and seeing that things run smoothly

 [S3]This can ensure that the Agenda for the Meeting is community driven as well as coordinating with At Large Staff ; ALAC and At Large community

 [S4]Selection of Liaisons and engaging open and transparent mechanisms to enable people within the At Large Community  to apply

 [S5]Responsible for Review and Scheduling. Jean Jacques had suggested this as two separate ones but have merged it for now

 [S6]Suggestion by Jean Jacques
