Versions Compared


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Second phase -  FY17 Special Request - RALO-Real-time Captioning of Adobe Connect Meetings in English, Spanish, and French.


The vision is to “pilot-test” ICANN’s capability to increase the accessibility of Policy development activities by providing real-time captioning service on existing At-Large community meeting calls.  The concept is to test a potential new/additional vendor (Caption First) who, it is believed, can provide captioning capability at levels comparable to our current transcript provider in real-time at substantially lower prices. See details of the first phase of the pilot at FY16 Request Captioning Pilot Project

This second phase of the pilot is approved to continue existing pilot for an additional 3 months. (6 conference calls in total). The pilot adds support for Spanish and/or French. The main goal is to provide real-time captioning for either 3 RALO meetings a month or 2 RALO and 1 ALAC meeting, and/or 3 working group meetings or webinars a month to enable full participation of all At-Large Users within ICANN.  This will give the pilot (phase 1 and phase 2)15 total calls experience to evaluate resource capabilities.

See approved FY17 Request Captioning Pilot Project with more details.


Staff Support Lead: Silvia Vivanco

Mail list:

Special Purpose Call on FY18 Captioning Project Next Steps










Judith Hellerstein



Beran Gillen



Seun Ojedeji



Glenn McKnight



Alfredo Calderon



Gunela Astbrink


LACRALORenata Ribeiro 


Meetings and Events

Next Meeting:

Last Meeting: 

Previous Calls:

Subscribe to the mail list for this WG (or read the archives / manage your subscription) please visit:


Criteria for Captioning

Criteria listed in order of priority. Requests for captioning have to meet at least one of these criteria to be put on the list for captioning

1) Are there persons with disabilities or with limited bandwidth participating?

2) Are there webinars of general interest to the ICANN community that would increase the engagement of non-native English speakers?

3) Are the meetings or discussions about accessible tools or software?





A  short  survey with two sections

Section  One  - is a set of five questions on the end user experiences of the session using captioning. This is used all the time and is combined with the webinar ones

Section Two -   Questions to be developed for Webinars . It is a set of  five questions on the quality of the webinar - Do not use these questions when the session is not a webinar.



**Section one:

1. The  captioning  feature of the  Adobe  Connect room is part of a pilot. Please select one

•Very Helpful,


• Less relevant,

• Not  Helpful


2 . Please  self-identify all  categories  that describes  who you are

  • A person with  disabilities,
  • Participant for whom English  is a second language,
  • Participant who  doesn't speak English 
  • Participant who has limited  or low bandwidth
  • All of the above
  • None of the above


3 What  benefits  did you get from accessing the Captioning stream? Chose as many answers as possible

  • Greater understanding of the topics
  • Ability to understand the session more effectively
  • Provided the correct spelling of technical terminology
  • Able to more fully participate and engage with the presenter
  • All of the above
  • other benefits, please describe   _______________________


4.  Where else do you think Captioning should be required?

  • Working Groups,
  • Task Forces,
  • Adhoc groups,
  • RALO Calls,
  • ALAC Calls,
  • CCWG Calls,
  • Other constituencies
  • All of the above
  • Other, please describe ________________________


5  Any final comments?

Phase  Two:  List of   Groups (Limit 6)

  • EURALO-done
  • AFRALO -done
  • Session of the CCWG-Accountability Diversity Stream- done
  • CCWG-Auction Proceeds




Teleconference date
AFRALO Monthly11 Jan 2017 French90 mins22 Dec 2016Submitted by Sarah Kiden

CCWG W2-Diversity 

13 Jan 2017

 English60 mins22 Dec 2016

Submitted by Judith Hellerstein and Renata Aquino

EURALO Monthly17 Jan 2017 English 60 mins5 Jan 2017Submitted by Olivier Crepin Leblond
CCWG-IGFeb 2017English90 mins3 Feb 2017Submitted by Renata Aquino
LACRALO Monthly20 Feb 2017Spanish90 mins27 Jan 2017Submitted by Humberto Carrasco
Meet the Candidates of the ICANN Board Director Selected by the At-Large Community14 Feb 2017 English 60  mins7 Feb 2017Submitted by Dev Anand
EVENTS CONFIRMED   Email Google Survey Sent Results of Survey
AFRALO Monthly 11 January 2017 French 90 minsYes AFRALO Survey
CCWG W2-Diversity  13 Jan 2017 English 60 minsYes

CCWG-WS2 Survey

this call only posted here Captioning Transcript

EURALO Monthly17 Jan 2017 English 60 minsYesEURALO Survey
LACRALO Monthly  20 Feb 2017 Spanish 90 minsYesLACRALO Survey
Meet the Candidates of the ICANN Board Director Selected by the At-Large Community  14 Feb 2017 English 60 minsSurvey results sent to Chair Judith Hellerstein and At-Large Staff

14 February 2017 Community Call Survey Results


Capacity Building Working GroupWebinar on the Topic of “ICANN Policy Development Process”23 February 2017English   60 minsSurvey results sent to Chair Tijani Ben-Jemaa and At-Large Staff

23 February 2017 WB Captioning Survey Results

23 February 2017 WB CB Survey Results


 See: Consolidated data on Captioning Survey results