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 Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Briefing on CCWG–Accountability Final Proposal in preparation for the ALAC final review and decision on ratification in Marrakesh Part II  held on Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 12:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Meeting Page:

  wafa dahmani:hi yesim

  wafa dahmani:how are u

  Yesim Nazlar:Hi Wafa!

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you, how about you?

  Ron Sherwood:Good morning everyone

  Yesim Nazlar:Good morning Ron!

  Holly Raiche:Hi - I received a call (assume it was for a dial out - but noone was there - could someone dial me again please - thanks

  Yesim Nazlar:sure!

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:hi everyone, good morning, afternoon and evening to all!

  Aída Noblia:good morning

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:hola Aida como estas?

  Holly Raiche:2

  Holly Raiche:alan - are you just tired, or do you just have a cold?


  Sébastien:I have a hard stop at 14:00 UTC and the last 15' I will be on audio only

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:hi Sebastien..

  Alan Greenberg:Tired. Anf so far no coffee

  Aída Noblia:Muy Ben Vanda y tú . Gracias

  sandra hoferichter:hi all

  Harold Arcos:Hi all,

  Harold Arcos:Yes,

  Ariel Liang:the train has passed

  Ariel Liang:Annex 5 can be downloaded here:

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It is a good move.

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:hi all, sorry for being late

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:hi Sira

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Siranush!

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:hi, Vanda

  Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:thanks, Yesim

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:the last is very very important - but the words genereta some misunderstands

  Holly Raiche:so far so good

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Very good briefing.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:Janis, former director is now UN HR director. he may help a lot to not trasnpass the line

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Good connection there, Vanda.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:hope he will be at our board+ former lunch this time

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I will check Vanda.

  Sivasubramanian M:ICANN might find itself in situations where HR organizations begin calling for exclusion of a few countries from participating in ICANN MS process

  Holly Raiche:@ Siva-I'm sure that is why the wordingis wha it is - until there is some very careful research and thought, we would not want to give any idea that the ddocument creates any basis for actions under Human Rights

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1 Holly

  Sivasubramanian M:That is a good position Holly

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Slide should change no?

  Holly Raiche:Next slide?

  Seun Ojedeji:yeah i guess so

  Sivasubramanian M:I come from a country where there is a story of a Cow whose calf was run over by the Prince's Car rang the bell to seek Justice and the King sentenced the Prince to death by the same manner.

  Sivasubramanian M:ICANN needs a bell for eveyone to ring

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Yes, this is the bell for everyone provided that they are materially affected.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:no text on slide.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:and judgment is binding.

  Sivasubramanian M:If there is indeed such a bell, it is good Rinalia.  I am not really suggesting that the Judicial process should be open to trivial or distractive demands on it, but at the same time, there are certain restrictions

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Indeed, Olivier and it is extremely frustrating not to be able to do anything because the focus is process.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI: yes, as former chair of reconsideration , was tough to analyze  under bylaws and california law

  Sivasubramanian M:The language of the IRP and Reconsiderations processes are such that there are barriers, and past the barriers, there are convenient interpretation of clauses such as "whether or not due process was followed"...

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:These are all good enhancements.  Implication is that board capacity has to increase to address all the requests.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:@ rinalia, you right

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:BGC has a high case load.  It is challenging in terms of time as it is.

  Sivasubramanian M:The proposed enhancements point towards improvements, but the improvements are not significant enough

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim::)

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Ombudsman capacity also needs to increase.  S/he will need staff.

  Sivasubramanian M:Yes, Alan, the standards for determining whether a mistake was made or not are not high standards, the standards need to be elevated

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:the selection of ombudsman will be key

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:keep going.

  Holly Raiche:Agree with Vanda

  Holly Raiche:Tha will be very interesting

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:i am saying he need to be changed. is just his position will be more critical than today

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:I am NOT saying sorry

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I understood what you meant, Vanda.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:Holly are you mute?

  Holly Raiche:I have a dial out - but can't be heard? Have I been muted?

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:We didn't hear you.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:yes we could not hear you

  Yesim Nazlar:let me check Holly

  Holly Raiche:I was worried about the Whois issue - the AoC seks o preserve the current Whois policy - which is being changed.  Now I"m happy

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:You should be happy.  Steve Crocker took it on as a personal mission to get that amendment made.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:RT size may not be optimal.

  Yesim Nazlar:@Holly: you're not muted on the bridge, please check your phone, maybe it's muted by mistake

  Holly Raiche:I can imagine that Steve particularly would appreciate the issue with the current Whois policy

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:21 is not workable size

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Also, CCWG wanted unlimited participants, which would affect the effectiveness of the RT.  That was later changed to observers.

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:@rinalia - agree totally

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I agree with you, Alan.

  Holly Raiche:I think 'somewhat unwieldy' is a very tactful statement - if an understatement!

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It is a live experiment of multistakeholderism ;)

  Holly Raiche:Any chance of getting 'consumer trust and choice' back into the wording?

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Need to get support and consensus within CCWG.

  Holly Raiche:Something we should be asking for!

  Seun Ojedeji:Lost audio

  Yesim Nazlar:@Seun: would you need a dial out?

  Seun Ojedeji:@staff can my line be redialed

  Seun Ojedeji:thanks

  Yesim Nazlar:sure, Seun!

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It may be good if the ALAC could raise the issue and explain its point of view to the Board during Constituency Day Meeting in Marrakech to enhance the Board's understanding.  

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:good idea Rinalia

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Affirmation of Commitments:

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Seun wanted to speak?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Rinalia: the problem is that the US department of Commerce has provided an understanding that defies our own understanding. The AoC is quoted above: I'd ask ALAC members to make up their own mind on this

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I know, I saw the response from Fiona.  

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:I beleive seun was only entered into the call again

  Seun Ojedeji:@Rinalia no i just lost audio dialout and needed to be brought back in. Thanks for checking

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Can one defy the US Dept. f Commerce understanding when the proposal is made for the US Department of Commerce?

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Once the transition proceeds, you get a chance to change the rules through the empowered community. :)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Rinalia: yeah right....

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:You have to believe in what you fight for, Olivier. :D

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-p

  Seun Ojedeji:But really i don't think the EC has the power to intiate a bylaw change

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:You could get the Board to initiate and then secure EC approval.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:But you have to pass 2 hurdles: Get the Board to agree and then get the EC to agree.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Same set of hurdle to get an additional board member for the At-Large approved.

  Seun Ojedeji:Hahahah....yeah thats a good example @Rinalia

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:If the pendulum has swung in this direction during the discussion of the proposal, it is unlikely that we would reach the threshold in the EC to change the bylaw in the way we want.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I fully expect that the At-Large Review will recommend a second board director for the At-Large, which goes to the Board as a recommendation, and if approved will require a bylaw change.  

  Seun Ojedeji:Actually i just hope that extra seat will still be possible after EC is in place (i am almost certain it may not, but i could be wrong and will be glad)

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Then the EC will be invoked.

  Aída Noblia:Muchas Gracias. De acuerdo

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I also believe that with the great demonstration of parochial interests that we have seen in the CCWG, it is even less likely to ever have agreement from the community

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:And At-Large has to lobby the rest of the community.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:there is a general revolt in the GNSO that ACs are given more power today because of the community powers which place them on the same level as SOs. the belief in the GNSO is that SOs should have more power than ACs as ACs are just *advisory*. We are in fact touching on the nerve of ICANN's balance of power. A very raw nerve indeed.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:On the IRP panel, no arhuments on the skills required plus diversity, but the one stumbling block to good judgment could be failure to understand ICANN and the ICANN context.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:arguments

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:yes, measure will be challenging

  Seun Ojedeji:Well it does not hurt trying what Rinalia has suggested. Lets put the CCWG proposal to a test and see if there is still any bit of MS left in it ;-)

  Alan Greenberg:@Olivier - indeed!

  Sébastien:I am now leaving Adobe but will stay on the phone

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Despite the challenges, this is a good enhancement as it strengthens the accountability chains of board and community.

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:One World Trust came out with a report on accountability with a framework similar to what Jan Aarte Scholte (accountability expert advisor to CCWG)  advocates.  That framework can be used for assessing SO/AC accountability.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:We ned a German interpreter :-)

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:guess is jsut mute and unmute recorded  in german

  wafa dahmani:since i'm working in my office and rying to folloow the call at the same time i missed some parts of the the call I hope find the reconrding and the transcript later and i'm sure i will have some questions :)

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I have to run in a few minutes for the Board OEC call.

  Yesim Nazlar:@Wafa: The slides will be posted on the agenda

  wafa dahmani:@Yesim thanks

  Yesim Nazlar:@Rinalia: Thank you very much for your participation

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Excellent briefing, as always Alan and company.

  Yesim Nazlar:My pleasure Wafa!

  wafa dahmani:@Rinalia OEC stans for ?

  wafa dahmani:stands

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the ICANN Board - it oversees organizational reviews like the one the At-Large is undergoing.

  CHERYL Langdon-Orr:For any one who is familar with the Harry Potter series of books, there was a point where even evoking the words out loud :Strees Test 18

  wafa dahmani:@Rinalia thanks

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It used to be called Structural Improvements Committee.

  wafa dahmani:so SIC

  wafa dahmani::)

  CHERYL Langdon-Orr:was like using the name Voldermort ;-)

  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Not anymore! :)

  wafa dahmani:okkey

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:too difficult to accept

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:being in the GAC I would not accept this...

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:GNSO will send a bullet to their own foot

  Sivasubramanian M:Causes considerable imbalance

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:we will be weaker ....

  Sivasubramanian M:Or pepetuates and even reinforces the imbalances

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:yes Siva.

  Sivasubramanian M:We really don't have to worry, because such an unbalanced component of the proposal would not go through

  Sivasubramanian M:How does one file a minority statement, please?

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:Sebastien had a 12 slide?

  Seun Ojedeji:@Siva only members and chatering organisation can file minority statement

  Sivasubramanian M:Recommendation # 13  ( a.k.a) Compromise to the Compromise to the Compromise to the Compromise to the Compromise:  Hold implemenation of WS 1 until after completion of WS 2

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:thanks to ALAN + Cheryl + olivier and Sebastien to this very useful conversation... colleagues here really love the explanation even they are quite new to the issue.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Vanda: thank you and it is great to see there is interest where you are Vanda!

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:thanks to staff

  Seun Ojedeji:Thank you Alan and to all the CCWG members

  Holly Raiche:Thank you to all

  Seun Ojedeji:Including the iana-issue chair ;-)

  CHERYL Langdon-Orr:Thank YOU all ... Bye for now :-)

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:yes. Olivier. we need to spread a word around htis is fundamental for the future

  Seun Ojedeji:Bye for now

  Ron Sherwood:Thank you all for a very worthwhile and informative presentation

  sandra hoferichter:bye all!

  Vanda SCARTEZINI:safe trip to MArrakech

  Sivasubramanian M:Thank you Alan, and all

  Kaili Kan:goodbye!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Alan for the reat slides!

  Ariel Liang:thanks all!

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you everyone!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:reat -> reat!!!

  Aída Noblia:By everone. Thank you

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:reat ->> GREAT

  wafa dahmani:bye

  wafa dahmani:thank you all

  wafa dahmani:for the great efforts