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Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC & NPOC call on Wednesday 7 December 2011
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda Page:
  Alan Greenberg:Low attendance...
  Natalia Enciso:Hello to all  of you. I want to apologize in advance but I will be sending my comments only here since I am in a very noisy place and my phone will be muted during all the call.
  Natalia Enciso:Sergio told me he had to leave to Uniersity and wont be able to participate-
  Evan Leibovitch:Olivier has his own theme music... it's a perk of being ALAC chair
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-)
  CLO:I ammuted by the call pe  NP  I Can hear you all fine... if you want  an about me look to rovider and I cannot seem to unmuted   hear you fine  though  if you want a Bio look at
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Cheryl
  CLO:Might point out  our   Ord limitations  are  ONLY  to be  'predominatly  representing the interests of Internet Users
  CLO:but as Amber is not in this  soace   perhaps  someone needs to send this chat to her as well
  CLO:Alan  I doubt theree would be many NGO's  that were interested in Internet Users that we would  NOT  be suitable as an ALS
  Carlton Samuels:@Amber: The At-Large has published criteria for membership in the organisations from the RALO to ALAC
  Carlton Samuels:Generally speaking, it is about interests.....and where you are physically located
  Natalia Enciso:Sorry, but can you speak louder? I am in a terrible place now, very noisy. Sorry again.
  CLO: actually ALAC  do NOT need to agree wioth or follow   RALOs  opinion   they do ask for it to accept or reject  RALO opinions  re an aspirant ALS
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes they have the final say
  Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Absolutely right! +1
  CLO:ALAC  has final say
  Alan Greenberg:Is Australia part of North America or Western Europe?
  Evan Leibovitch:Hi Amber. The web page that describes "what is an At-Large Structure" and offers information on the criteria and how to join is
  Amber Sterling - NPOC:@Evan, thank you
  CLO:     More about the process  to become and ALS  is  here  and the criteria  is  listed here   NOTE   Minimum criteria for an At-Large Structure:Commit to supporting individual Internet users' informed participation in ICANN by distributing to individual constituents/members information on relevant ICANN activities and issues, offering Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions of one or more of these activities and issues among individual constituents/members, and involving individual constituents/members in relevant ICANN policy development, discussions and decisions.Be organised so that participation by individual Internet users who are citizens or residents of countries within the Geographic Region in which the ALS is based will predominate in the ALS' operation.
  CLO: The ALS may permit additional participation by others that is compatible with the interests of the individual Internet users within the region.Be self-supporting (not rely on ICANN for funding).Post on the Internet (on the ALAC's website or elsewhere) publicly-accessible, current information about the ALS's goals, structure, description of constituent group(s)/membership, working mechanisms, leadership, and contact(s).Assist the RALO in performing its function.
  Evan Leibovitch:I already suggested on the NCSG mailing list that Kaswesha would be perfectly suited to membership as an ALS. Their acceptance is based on their membership structure and purpose, and based on what I read they would be an excellent At-Large participant
  CLO:yes  I  doubt many (if any  NGO  that was intersted in input to ICANN  matters  that would not be suitable as an ALS
  Heidi Ullrich:Amber, the criteria for applying as an ALS are available on the At-Large website at:
  CLO:I also note ij responce to waht @Alan said earlier that  NCSG membership requires only that you are a Domain Name Licencee the criteria  is now =>  am an Individual who has registered domain names for personal or family or noncommercial use
  CLO: and / or  I am an Individual Internet user who is primarily concerned with the public interest aspects of domain name policy and I am not represented in ICANN through membership in another Supporting Organization or GNSO Stakeholder Group
  CLO:and / or  I am employed by or a member of a large noncommercial organizations and it is too complicated or I lack the standing to get my organization to join on an organizational basis
  CLO:at least for Ind  Membership  so I assume  same (ish)  for NGO's
  Amber Sterling - NPOC:@CLO I don't understand your question
  CLO:Not a question  a statement of fact
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Olivier - will be done
  CLO:d   marly  having a Domain Name Licence  would be enough  
  CLO:for NCSG  use is important
  Evan Leibovitch:@CLO: There is a recent example in the NCSG list of an NGO being denied entry; structurally it qualified but its perspective was deemed too commercially oriented.
  CLO:I've lost audio  now
  CLO:point is   we would not
  Natalia Enciso:I also lost the call
  CLO:dio now  
  Heidi Ullrich:We'll have Adigo call you back, Natalia
  Natalia Enciso:thanks
  CLO:MY audio  kust came back
  CLO:Might pont out  At-Large  has inpout into all of ICANN   not  just gTLDs
  Alan Greenberg:PIR is not the onlygroup planning to pply for an NGO TLD
  Amber Sterling - NPOC:@Alan, yes we know but PIR is the only organization who has approached NPOC members so far
  Alan Greenberg:Perhaps a message there!  ;-)
  CLO:There also seems to be some confusion between being a new gTLD Registry (applicant  or sunning one - in terms of costs)  and being a Registrant of a  Name  IN a new gTLD
  CLO:Alan  is correct
  CLO:an Applicant  can show  community  support   OR not  
  CLO:then  there is onkly objections  qualify
  CLO:if it is NOT in the application then  it will not  count
  CLO:other thsn to object
  CLO:sorry I had to type and not speak
  Heidi Ullrich:From the new gTLD Factsheet: How will gTLD applications be assessed?The Applicant Guidebook outlines the criteria and requirements.All applications will be independently assessedagainst these published criteria. Pre-selected evaluation panelswill be responsible for determining whether applicants successfullymeet these pre-established requirements.
  CLO:KEEN  to see NGOs  iunvolved in ICANN and in bith NPOC  and At-Large
  Heidi Ullrich:Link to factsheet:
  CLO:GREAY  synergies  certainly exist
  CLO:sorry about the typos  however  they are almost  MY  commonn law TM
  Carlton Samuels:take care all
  Natalia Enciso:back on the call now