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This page is for you to publish your meeting reports for Tuesday. Please log in with your email address and password ad use the "edit" button to add your report.

Reports from other days:

Friday, 18 June 2010
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Monday, 21 June 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010

Monthly APRALO Meeting

Time: 0700 - 0800
Location: 300
Author: JS, APRALO Members

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Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)

Time: 0800 - 0900
Location: 313/315
Author: JS, Mohamed

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ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part I

Time: 0800 - 0930
Location: 300
Author: All

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GAC Meeting with NRO

Time: 0900 - 1000
Location: 400
Author: Yjro

GAC meeting with NRO focused on IPv4/IPv6 issues. The free pool of IPv4 will run out in August 2011. GAC Chair asked, what should be done ”before the crisis hits”. The answer: keep talking about and drawing attention to the issue. Smaller companies may be worst hit if they don’t follow things. Big ISP’s are prepared.
Discussion turned to the ITU efforts to get involved in IPv6. The meeting of the ITU IPv6 working party in March was characterized as an attempt ”to talk about problems that really don’t exist”. RIR’s don’t see that developing countries would have difficulties in this area. The working party set up two sub groups, one of them specifically to identify problems…


Indian GAC representative inquired, whether some sort of ”GAC” could be set up for the RIR’s. From the side of the NRO it was felt that there are already different forms and opportunities of interaction with the GAC, so that a separate mechanism would not be needed. |

ccNSO Members Meeting

Time: 0900 - 1800
Location: Gold Hall
Author: RVK

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ALAC: Policy Discussion Part II

Time: 0930 - 1100
Location: 300
Author: All

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New gTLD Basics

Time: 1100 - 1200
Location: 311/312

Report about New gTLD Basics meeting by Carlos Dionisio Aguirre.
Presentation was made by Karla Valente.


Carlos Dionisio Aguirre – Alac member by LACRALO |

GAC Meeting with ALAC

Time: 1100 - 1230
Location: 400
Author: Davek, JS

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SSAC Open Meeting

Time: 1100 - 1230
Location: 300
Author: Patrick Vande Walle

Update on A Registrant’s Guide to Protecting Domain Name Registration Accounts

This document will include a series of recommendations to registrants to help them choose a registrar from a purely technical point of view.
The document is intended for a broad, non-technical, audience. It will be available in all the 5 usual languages used at ICANN, and the staff is asking if other translations should be added. A draft will be submitted for comments before the Carthagena meeting.
Both Vanda and myself suggested that the ALSes could be a good vector for disseminating the guide to a wide audience.
I further suggested that it might be useful to integrate this into a broader document which would also include the rights of the registrants

Update on SSAC Work Party on Orphaned Name Servers

This is also work in progress. Most fundamentally, there is a need for an unambigious definition of what constitutes an "orphaned name server". Suffice to say that such servers are used in DNS-based malicious activities like phishing and spam. A report will be published later, although no timeframe was commited.

SSAC Update on Root Scaling Issues

In summary, the SSAC is not able to report a clear OK/not OK to the Board on the issue of the scaling of the root with regard to adding new TLDs, DNSSEC and IPv6. Some data is still missing, especially clear answers from the root operators. Further studies are necessary.

SSAC Improvements Resulting from ICANN Board Review

SSAC went through the same process of review as the ALAC did. There are also improvements that would need to be implemented. SSAC is interested to benefit from the experience of the ALAC, and especially, the roadmap that we have drafted. I will forward the document to the chair.
The chair further asked me to convey his congratulations to the ALAC for the tremendous progress that has been accomplished over the past two years and the quality of the output produced by the At-Large community. |

Intellectual Property Constituency

Time: 1400 - 1600
Location: 300
Author: Davek, Vivek

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Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers Constituency (ISPCP)

Time: 1400 - 1600
Location: 311/312
Author: Frans, Gareth

ISP Constituency
The ISP Constituency meeting was dealing with many of the same issues being addressed by the ALAC.


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GAC Meeting with ccNSO

Time: 1415 - 1545
Location: 400
Author: Rudi, Christopher

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ALAC and Regional Leadership Workshop on At-Large Improvements

Time: 1600 - 1800
Location: 300
Author: Davek, JS

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GAC Meeting with the ICANN Board

Time: 1630 - 1800
Location: 400
Author: Yrjo

The main themes of the discussion were (1) what constitutes GAC ’advice’ to the Board and (2) morality and public order in new gTLD context.

Must any advice in any written form from the GAC be interpreted as GAC ’advice’ as meant in the Bylaws? The Board doesn’t seem to think so. ”If GAC just expresses its emotions, that may be useful information, but advice is a special category that triggers special consequences” (Peter DT) Communiqué is just an announcement to the community. According to Bill Dee, common sense would suggest, when the GAC is taking a position on a policy issue, and that is advice.


He repeated that the Board was looking forward for an advice, not fo a judgment. |

AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint Meeting

Time: 1800 - 1930
Location: 300
Author: Davek, Vivek, AFRALO Members

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EURALO Monthly Meeting

Time: 1800 - 2000
Location: 201 A/B
Author: SBT, APE, PVW, WLG, RVK, CW, Yrjo

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Music Night at The Square Brussels

Time: 2030 - 2345
Location: The Square Brussels
Author: PVW, Frans
