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Claudia Ruiz: (4/15/2019 07:57) Welcome to the At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Call on Monday, 15 April 2019 at 16:00 UTC

  Claudia Ruiz: (07:57)

  Barrack Otieno ccNSO Liaison: (08:45) Hello Claudia, Hi Maureen

  Claudia Ruiz: (08:46) Hello Barrack, welcome!

  Barrack Otieno ccNSO Liaison: (08:47) Thank you very much

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (08:50) Not on bridge yet.

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (08:50) I have a person coming to do some work in the next 5 hours. If he shows up during this meeting, I may have to temporarily leave.

  Claudia Ruiz: (08:51) Ok, thank you for letting us know Alan

  Barrack Otieno ccNSO Liaison: (08:51) I will also listen in, i am in another meeting which might go over time

  Claudia Ruiz: (08:52) @Barrack- thank you

  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (08:55) Hello All,

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (08:57) Muted

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (08:57) Will return on another event

  sergio salinas porto: (08:59) hi eveyone

  Ricardo Holmquist: (08:59) Good day everyone

  Ricardo Holmquist: (08:59) Hola Claudia

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:01) does everyone else have static?

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:01) Sound is ok for me

  Ricardo Holmquist: (09:01) Not hearing Jonathan

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:01) weird. may I get a call out?

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:01) @jonathan i will be in Washington a couple of days before the IGF USA if you want to have lunch or dinner together

  Maureen Hilyard 2: (09:01) Hi Claudia.. phone bridge call didn't connect - can the operator try again please?

  Evin Erdoğdu: (09:01) Hello all, welcome.

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:02) Hi, All. Welcome!

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:02) I will be at the SSIG in Mexico City  in May

  Claudia Ruiz: (09:02) @Maureen- yes we are dialing you again

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:02) will return

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:04) Please message when starting,  listening to another event on Privacy

  Alberto Soto: (09:05) Hello everyone!

  Claudia Ruiz: (09:07) Welcome Yrjö Lansipuro

  Yrjö Länsipuro: (09:08) Thank you Claudia

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:09)  so limited interaction am Chairing another call people...

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:12) Summit homepage:

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:13) They are  all open now

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:13) ATLAS III Application Guidelines page:

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:13) ATLAS III Online Courses page:

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:14) ATLAS III Selection Process page:

  judith hellerstein: (09:16) can yI u send these links out to all

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:17) The call will be sent in a few hours to ALAC Announce, the RALO lists and At-Large Worldwide

  judith hellerstein: (09:19) will we have captions-RTT for all sessions

  judith hellerstein: (09:19) so that all can participate

  sergio salinas porto: (09:20) ok

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:20) @Judith, TBD. Zoom has a CCT tool.

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:20) and a type of RTT tool.

  judith hellerstein: (09:20) yes but it still costs money

  Gisella Gruber: (09:21) English, French and Spanish interpretation on the webinars

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:21) I believe ICANN is adding thees tool to Zoom.

  judith hellerstein: (09:21) if we cannot get RTT can we get AI captions which are free

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (09:21) We need to REALLY emphasize that the first of the MANDATORY webinars (for those not doing ICANN-Learn) will be THIS WEEK.

  judith hellerstein: (09:22) yes zoom does captions. but human captions still costs money

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:22) @Alan, the announcement on the first webinar is going out today.

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:22) @Judith, not sure we would need both human and machine.

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (09:22) @Heidi, Yes, but I mean on the announcement of the EOI.

  judith hellerstein: (09:22) also have the webinars been captioned

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:23) is the application UA ready? ;)

  judith hellerstein: (09:23) many of he icann learn info is not and this is extremely important to do so that people with accessibility challenges can use them

  judith hellerstein: (09:24) @heidi we need one or the other

  judith hellerstein: (09:24) google uses AI captions

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:24) @Judith, as noted, Zoom has machine.

  judith hellerstein: (09:24) these are free

  judith hellerstein: (09:25) will find out from Joly how the zoom machine captions are as good as the AI captions he has been using

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:27) @Alan, we've made this an AI

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:27) re the webinar this week

  sergio salinas porto: (09:27) cursos de ICANN Learnen español: | Courses in spanish in ICANN Learn, only thow:

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:27) @Sergio, ICANN Learn is in EN only. That is why we have the webinars with interpretation.

  sergio salinas porto: (09:27) two (2)

  sergio salinas porto: (09:28) ok Alan!

  Gisella Gruber: (09:28) We are working towards having 2 breakout rooms WITH interpretation and 2 rooms with NO interpretation

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:28) @Sergio, ICANN Learn está solo en EN. Es por eso que tenemos los webinars con interpretación.

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (09:29) We mat need to rerun webinar #1 later in the process.

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:30) if there's someone really hote to trot but with language difficulties, we should find a way

  Alberto Soto: (09:31) Perfect!

  judith hellerstein: (09:32) lost audio -- are the webinars on,y on Thursday

  sergio salinas porto: (09:32) @Heidi, its Ok!

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (09:32) @Seb. *THIS* week, not next week.

  judith hellerstein: (09:33) voice from iPad is not worki but can you clarify about the timing of the webinars on Thursday

  judith hellerstein: (09:34) I am traveling all day on Thursday so do not want to miss it

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:34) @Judith, you are free to take the ICANN Learn courses.

  sergio salinas porto: (09:34) @Ok Gisela is a good news

  Alberto Soto: (09:34) I have a medical appointment on Thursday afternoon. What happens if I can not attend the seminar?

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:34) The webinars are a repeat of the courses.

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:34) @Alberto, the webinars are being held twice in one week.

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:35) So there are two opportunities.

  Alberto Soto: (09:35) @Heidi, perfect! Thanks

  Sebastien (ALAC): (09:37) Thanks @Alan

  Gisella Gruber: (09:37) Correct - 12:00 and 21:00 UTC

  Alberto Soto: (09:37) Yes

  Evin Erdoğdu: (09:40) Thank you @Justine!

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:43) +1

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (09:45) "She" being Sandra

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:46) looks pretty neutral way to sort by response. lots of human responsibility in the process. not really an algorithm

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (09:46) and the 'algorythim' issues are all yes you have the ratifiable hard criteria OR not  scroing

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:46) I think Sebastien is evoking Mark Twain.  Lies, Lies and Statistics...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (09:46) no subjectiveness

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (09:47)  the soft skills are human reviewed by the Selection Committee (as I understand it) and they are from the RALOs and will be trained etc.,

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (09:48) At least that is what I hears Maureen state *again* here today

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:49) As anyone who has been on Nomcoms, hiring committees  the  anedotal comments of the committee can completely alter the results of the assessment, providing insights beyond the scoring

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:51) Its too bad we didn't have these dates ar our meeting last monday for our RALO membership. 

  Ricardo Holmquist: (09:51) Thursday is a holiday in most Iberoamerican countries. A day most families use for vacation.

  sergio salinas porto: (09:54) jueves-viernes- sabado y domingo no se va a trabajar en los paises Catolicos por Semana Santa

  sergio salinas porto: (09:55) Thursday-Friday- Saturday and Sunday are not going to work in the Catholic countries for Easter

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:56) We are likely to try to schedule one of the webinars this Wednesday.

  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (09:56) Maureen, may I have the scoring weights for each soft criteria?

  Heidi Ullrich: (09:57) Es probable que intentemos programar uno de los seminarios web este miércoles.

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (09:58) DOaminers should not be our primary concern!

  A-Eduardo Disz - NARALO: (09:59) Recording i shere:

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (09:59) Interview with Johnathan Zuck and George Kirikos to discuss the impacts on the changes to the  ICANN registry agreement with .Biz, .ASIA and .ORG 

  Jonathan Zuck: (09:59) Agree @Alan but they are engaged in a campaign to put a stake in the ground

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:00) The purpose of the interview and others to follow is to flesh out  a topic in more details

  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (10:00) I think they should speak in which specific capacity

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:04) Key Implementation workspace:

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:04) @Issue Leads - Please update your group's activities.

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:05) The next report is due to the OEC/Board in June.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:05) For the usual (but not listed inthis Agenda I note)  GNSO Liaison Update section of the Agenda...   Just note that the next GNSO Council Meeting is at 2100 UTC on April 18th later this week (on my public holiday morning of course ;-(  and my usual update will be posted after the call... Of note however is the Agenda Item for Council vote on the IGO-INGO Access to Cutrative Rights Protection Mechanisms

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:09) 2019 At-Large Elections, Selections and Appointments:

  Evin Erdoğdu: (10:09) 2019 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments:

  Evin Erdoğdu: (10:10) ICANN Board Seat 15:

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:10) Did they fix the errors on the SOI  page?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:12) Oversees the process

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:12) BMSPC

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (10:12) Director announcement April 2020, not March.

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:13) Thanks, Alan!

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:13) 6 months in advance of the AGM.

  Alan Greenberg (has been): (10:14) Correct. 22 Oct, therefore 22 April

  Heidi Ullrich: (10:14) Noted

  Jonathan Zuck: (10:17) we REALLY want liason upates as well as WG and RT participant updates

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:19) We would like people to read them occasionally as well JZ  ;-)

  Jonathan Zuck: (10:19) you're a dreamer CLO!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:19) You know it JZ :-)

  Sebastien (ALAC): (10:22) ALAC responsability?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:23) I don't need an answer I can assure you such matters are not transparant from any NomCom

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:23) I assume Sandra is advising similarly that is all

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:24) I understand Tijani's concerns

  sergio salinas porto: (10:24) bye everibody!

  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:24) thanks  All

  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (10:24) Thank you all

  Ricardo Holmquist: (10:24) Thanks, bye

  Alberto Soto: (10:24) Thanks, bye bye!!!!!

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (10:24) Bye all

  Daniel K. Nanghaka: (10:24) Bye

  Evin Erdoğdu: (10:24) Thank you all!!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (10:24) Bye