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Staff to send minutes of BCEC/ABSdt call to all members for further comments.

Staff to add Alan to joint BCEC/ABSdt mailing list and to send Alan minutes of last meeting.-

Heidi to follow up with IT re Confluence editing user's guide. -

Heidi: I am still waiting for feedback from IT.

James to write draft of ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group.

Heidi: James has not responded so far. I will follow up with him.

Staff to organize a Community call on the Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group. Steve Sheng is to be invited as Guest Speaker. -COMPLETED
Evan to be Chair AGAT WG.-


Carlton to lead on drafting of unionized JAS Charter.
CANCELED - It was decided that Alan will draft the document

Olivier to inform GNSO that ALAC going ahead with unionized JAS charter.

AI: Staff to send draft ALAC unionized JAS Charter to ALAC-Announce mailing list with a courtesy comment to the GNSO.

Olivier to check DSSA WG Charter regarding positions that the ALAC needs to fill (re. alternate Liaison). Will follow up with Chair of SSAC. -
ONGOING - waiting for a reply

Staff to send announcement of At-Large DSSA WG members and their roles to the DSSA WG support staff. -

Staff to send announcement to RALOs on ALAC decision to expand the ALAC Sub-Committee on Budget and Finance to one non-ALAC regional representative per region.

Olivier to draft Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget working with the ExCom. The draft text is to be posted on the At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace.

Staff, in consultation with CLO, to prepare brief ALAC response to the ATRT Report Recommendations. Staff to send to ExCom for review. -

Staff to include on the proposed agenda to the next ALAC meeting reports from Improvements WTs. (They are to be put early in the ALAC agenda and allocated sufficient time for presentation, feedback, etc.) -

Review of Current ALS Applications


CLO: Please note that my report has just been updated.

OCL: Do we still need to list the reports for .mobi


Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group Proposed Final Report

Alan: I have not spend spent a lot of time on this.

OCL: Is this something we need to comment on?


Alan: I am one of the authors of this document. It is important. It advises that the Advisory Committees should be able to start PDPs. I am happy to talk to everybody interested in writing the ALAC advice but I should not be the author of the ALAC advisecomment.

AI: Dev and Dave to follow up with advise from Alan, Cheryl and everybody involved with the Proposed New GNSO Policy Development Process from At-Large.


Alan: This looks at registrants rights post expiration. There are none at this point. The report does not come close to what we would want. There were too many registrars in the WG and they teamed up against our interests. We can still make changes based on comments but we need to make them. Otherwise the registrars will make their comments and push in a certain comments.

OCL: Personally, I was a bit disappointed by the bullying of the registrars.


CLO: We need to follow up with the public consultation committee with regards to cultural sensibility issues, in particular with datesrespect to the holiday calendar.

Heidi: We have informed communication of a cross-cultural agenda calendar but given the current resource constraints it is unclear when this calendar will be set up.

Jean-Jacques: ICANN's meeting team already has a quite extensive list of cultural holidays it takes into account for their meeting planning.

AI: Staff will ask the RALO RALOs to review the suggested meeting dates for 2014 - 2016 (see


Evan: There are issues where we clash with the interests with of registrants, such as Whois.

Samantha: Will there be a proposal with specific language sent to the General Counsels office?Counsel's office? We need the document by next week to include it in the SFO meeting agenda for the Board.

CLO: WT A sent it to the ALAC, it is now up to the ALAC to make a decision. We can either follow Alan or run a vote.

Evan moved that the ALAC approve the suggestions from WT A with Jean-JacqueJacques' amendment and propose it the ICANN's amendmentGeneral Counsel Office. Jean-Jacques seconded the motion.

The ALAC, as the primary organizational home within ICANN for individual Internet users, has a responsibility to enhance ICANN's accountability mechanisms, as called for in the Affirmation of Commitments.  It also coordinates some of ICANN's outreach to individual Internet users.  The ALAC considers and provides advice on all aspects of activity within ICANN, including policies created through ICANN's Supporting Organizations, as well as the many other issues for which community input and advice are sought.  
The specific elements of how ALAC fulfills this mandate are set forth below.

In agreement:

The motion passed unanimously.

Samantha: We need the document by next week to include it in the SFO meeting agenda for teh Board.

Samantha Eisner: I have a question on the scope of the proposed change from Jean-Jacques.

Brief Reports from At-Large Improvements Work Teams

The WG Chairs gave a brief presentation of the work of the Improvement WTs. All the presentations are available on the agenda page for this meeting.

GAC-Board Meeting - Discussion of ALAC positions

OCL: We will talk to the AGAT WG in Brussels. I imagine we could start with the first topic on the summary page for the Board GAC meeting:

T1: The objection procedures including the requirements for governments to pay fees;

Evan: Our position on this is evolving. We have room to move. There might be some fearmongering about a possible GVT veto, I don't think it is sustantialsubstantial.

OCL: I agree with Evan. I think our position has evolved since we submitted these statements. I suggest that we discuss this during the AGAT call.


CLO: I encourage all of you to subsribe subscribe to the ATRT Skype list to discuss this further.


Heidi: There are several consumer-related meetings in San Francisco. Unfortunately, the most prominent meeting hosted by Beau and Alex is during the ALAC policy meetings on Tuesday.


Evan: It is imperative that we have a formal meeting with the GAC. I understand that the GAC is occupied with Bruseels but still,  this should not be forgotten.

Tentative Stanford Town Hall

Heidi: We started a mailing list. We have no resources so it would need to be self-organised. If we do move ahead, I suggest that we have a preparatory call in the next few days. The bus would cost USD 900.

Marc: There is a lot of interest but the key person has not responded to my emails. We are still looking at possible meeting venues. Do we reach out do a university environment or do we want to have it closer to the ICANN meeting. ? We need to determine in the next few days whether the local host will go ahead with this. If we don't have their consensus we can't go ahead. We should know by the end of the week.


AI: The Staff will ask the RALO to put forward volunteers for the ccNSO study group on he the use of names for countries and territories
