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  •  Evin Erdogdu confirmed to edit drafts for penholders who are non-native English speakers.
  •  Evin Erdogdu to create wiki page on CPWG workspace under Resources for Q&A with presenters.
  •  Jonathan Zuck to reach out to Chris on one of the topics/UA "predictability".
  •  Evin Erdogdu to send EPDP links in email to ALAC.
  •  Alan Greenberg suggests CPWG become space to continue discussion on public comment statements, in addition to ALAC Monthly Calls.
  •  Jonathan ZuckEvin Erdogdu to follow up after CPWG call to determine deadline on (2) GDPR comments.
  •  Evin Erdogdu to create a column for feedback on SubPro Google Doc, and put the comment-only link to the Google Doc under the Background section on the PC's wiki workspace.
  •  Jonathan Zuck requested participants to volunteer as contributors to the SubPro PC in chat. Evin Erdogdu to create wiki page to capture all the contributors and topics.

- HR/Evan L to contribute to metrics for consumer trust/choice. 

- Marita M, Abdulkarim O, Yrjö L and Nadira A volunteer as co-penholders on Community Prioritization.

- Bastiaan to work on fees, pics

- HR volunteers for pics

- Batching application assessment - (applicant support) - Justine C and Alberto Soto, Marita Moll volunteer. SB suggests to provide names of the three applicants.

- Nadira A  and Justine C volunteer for Community Applications, follow up thread. Justine C also volunteers for Objections questions.

- GS: to review upcoming update of UAM for PC.

Questions to Theresa/Marika: 

- SBT: Can you (Theresa) give us some information about the litigation going on in Germany? 

- JZ: To (Theresa) re: Temp Spec - Do we envision a merger of the (Accreditation and Access Model IPC/BC) and ICANN UAM? Or will they be independent threads?

- TBJ: To (Theresa): The unified Access model is in my understanding the wide framework for access to non public data that will permit for several accreditation models for different parties who will need to access.