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20 November 2017: [Recording: 04] New agenda format was explained and discussed. [Decision]: Approved by consensus. Closed.

ITEM 003: 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight.

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: This item is created to execute the following: Paragraph 3.2 of the 2017 approved NARALO Rules and Procedures state that “Each ALS Member in good standing shall appoint one (1) voting representative and one (1) to two (2) alternates in accordance with its own selection procedures”.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff and ALS members the selection of the ALS representative and Alternates. Item lead change to Glenn McKnight. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 29:09] See current members here: NARALO Individual Members Roaster. There are a couple that need to define their alternates. Glenn to follow-up. Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Recommend to close [Decision]:  

ITEM 004: SOI Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: NARALO members should be encouraged to update/create their Statement of Interest (SOI).  

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action to take: NARALO secretary to coordinate with staff to encourage all NARALO members to update/create their SOIs. Item lead change to Glenn McKnight. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: --] Lead to be changed to Glenn McKnight.  [Decision]: Item not discussed. Carry forward to next meeting

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]   Recommend to close. [Decision]: 

ITEM 006: Creation of Working Groups


--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 05:01ƒ] Policy & Outreach WG ratified scope and responsibilities (s&r). Education WG ratified s&r with the following change to responsibility "a": Identify issues that have impact on ICANN's mission and NARALO region and prepare multimedia educational materials to highlight the issue and consequences in "layman terms". [Decision]: Open discussion items for each individual group to report work in progress and close this discussion item. Educaton WGWiki page created to communicate tasks as done. Invitation was sent to community and five individuals are part of the WG. First meeting will be programmed before the year ends to start organizing 'hot topics' to be developed. Responsibility # 1 has been modified and will be discussed in the first meeting. Approved to close.

ITEM 013: ICANN 61 - two (2) open travel slots

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: ICANN 61 will be held in Puerto Rico (PR) in March 2018. Eduardo Díaz (NARALO Chair) and Javier Rúa (ALAC NARALO NomCom Appointee) live in PR therefore there will be two open slots for people to attend this event.

20 November 2017: [Recording: 46] Eduardo informed that he and Javier will be using the hotel and per diem budget allocation. It is allowed to use the two available travel slots with no hotel/per diem.  Possibility of combining the two travel slots into one  full supported travel slot, i.e. air, hotel & per diem. Action required: Judith to talk to Heidi/Alan privately to point to other RALOS that have done this (combining slots). Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

11 December 2017: [Recording: 11:02]  [Decision]: Active participation was defined as  participation in monthly calls in the past 6 months and participation in policy groups such as: GNSO/CCNSO PDP groups, CCWG and others. In other words, groups are focus in policy and not operations like Capacity Building and such. An open call will be sent to the region. Carry forward to next meeting.

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Call made to the region resulted in 0 interest.  [Decision]: Recommend to close.

ITEM 015: NARALO Newsletter


--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 07:03] A call was sent to the region. NARALO representative: Eduardo, Participants: William, Glenn, Alfredo & Judith. ALAC member: Javier Rua. Recommend to close this discussion item:   [Decision]: Approved to close.

ITEM 021: Snippet Webinar - Net Neutrality

LEAD: Alfredo Calderón / Education Group

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Policy

DESCRIPTION: dismantling the rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet. One of the main questions to answer is: Should changes to the NN rules concern ICANN at all?

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Snippet Webinar (SW) about Net Neutrality will be held during this meeting. The purpose is to hear what net neutrality really is and what changes are expected to happen with the new FCC ruling. After the SW, there will be an opportunity for all to participate and comment about this theme. One of the main questions that we want to answer is the following: Does the NN ruling affects ICANN directly? . [Decision]:  The webinar was held. recommend to close.

ITEM 022: 2018 At-Large Webinars

LEAD: Tijani Ben Jama

OPEN: 8 January 2018, CLOSED: 8 January 2018

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Presentation of 2018 At-Large Webinars

-→ 08 January 2018: [Recording: --]  Heidi explained that Tijani did not planned to talk in this meeting but that what he wanted was to remind everyone to send him topics for 2018 Capacity Webinar series. [Decision]: Recommend to close.