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AC Chat: EN             

Transcript: EN, FR




1. Attendance (X/47)

This section is to record the meeting attendance. Colors are to identify the corresponding attendance state:  Green=Present, Yellow=Apology, Red=Not Present,




1Alan GreenbergCA
2Daniel WrightUS
3David AllnutUS
4Edward HasbrouckCA
5Endrias ZewdeUS
6Javier RúaPR
7Jean Armour PollyUS
8Jeongwon RyuUS
9John LevineUS
10Jonathan ZuckUS
11 Kristian Stout/USUS
12Linda Kaiser/USUS
13Linda Kaiser/USUS
14Michelangelo De Simone/USUS
15Philip Righter/USUS
16 Roberto Guerra/CACA
17Roland Yarbrough/USUS
18Thomas Struett/USUS
19Thomas W Campbell/USUS
20Wendy Seltzer/USUS
21Wes Boudville/USUS
22William Cunningham/USUS


2. Quorum :: Consensus (X/10) - Votes (X/12) ← This numbers need to ve verified with our ROP!!

This section is to record if there is quorum for decisions that requires a consensus call or formal vote.


--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 05:01ƒ] Policy & Outreach WG ratified scope and responsibilities (s&r). Education WG ratified s&r with the following change to responsibility "a": Identify issues that have impact on ICANN's mission and NARALO region and prepare multimedia educational materials to highlight the issue and consequences in "layman terms". [Decision]: Open discussion items for each individual group to report work in progress and close this discussion item. Educaton WGWiki page created to communicate tasks as done. Invitation was sent to community and five individuals are part of the WG. First meeting will be programmed before the year ends to start organizing 'hot topics' to be developed. Responsibility # 1 has been modified and will be discussed in the first meeting. Approved to close.

ITEM 011: 2018 CROP Program Coordinators (PCs)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED:

TYPE: General

DESCRIPTION: Designate CROP Program Coordinators (PCs) for NARALO.

20 November 2017: [Recording: --] This item was not discussed during the meeting. Action required:  NARALO Secretary in coordination with staff to inform 2018 designations to the CROP manager and update CROP page HERE.Glenn and Judith are the current PCs. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.

--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 33:50]  Status quo, depending on ALAC's decision and when positions are open. ALAC to discuss this sometime after January 2018. NARALO will act accordingly. In the meantime Judith and Glenn will remain in their current positions.[Decision]: This discussion is to be put on a dormant state until ALAC discuss this.

ITEM 015: NARALO Newsletter


--->11 December 2017: [Recording: 06:17] The call was made.  Judith was the only one interested in representing NARALO. A letter went out confirming the member selected. Recommend to close this item. [Decision]: Approved to close.

ITEM 019:  ALAC Finance and Budget Sub-Committee (FBSC)

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 20 Nov 2017, CLOSED: 11 Dec 2017
