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MtgDateActionAction Owner

Due Date


1223 May 2017RT members to continue to volunteer for subtopics. More volunteers particularly needed for group 1: SSR.SSR2-RTTBD
Prepare a work structure for ICANN Security subgroup.Boban Krsic26 May
Consolidate duplicative items, create subheadings for each topic groups, within volunteer groups.SSR2-RT30 May
Record volunteers from plenary call in the subtopics document on wiki. ICANN Org23 May(tick)
Draft work plan with key dates, circulate to RT for input.Co-Chairs, James Gannon, Boban KrsicTBD
Share thoughts on list regarding outreach and engagement, and possible guidelines.SSR2-RTTBD
Share thoughts on list regarding Johannesburg agenda topics.SSR2-RT25 May
Distribute draft Johannesburg agenda to email list.Co-Chairs30 May
Add agenda item regarding how Observers can participate and contribute to sub topic work to plenary call #13. Co-Chairs30 May
Provide RT with draft work plan proposal for SSR1 Review sub-group (from SSR2-RT email list)Žarko KecićTBD

15 May 2017

Publish blog on regarding SSR2 face-to-face meeting in Madrid.

ICANN Org31 May(tick)

Draft note and summary of SSR1 implementation for ICANN to send to SSR1 team members and invite them to share their assessment with the SSR2-RT.

Denise MichelTBD

Schedule remainder of briefings related to SSR1.


Provide background information from ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement regarding current outreach efforts to SSR technical community (responsibility, focus, accomplishments) for RT’s consideration.


Circulate list of potential scope topics and list of sub team volunteers.

ICANN Org18 May(tick)
14 May 2017

Circulate link to ICANN technical portal and share -

ICANN OrgTBD(tick)
Share links to relevant articles regarding threat mitigation and classification of threats.ICANN OrgTBD

Circulate Google doc for RT to input their SSR concerns. Inputs to form substance of scope discussion.

ICANN Org16 May(tick)

Review non-disclosure form with ICANN Legal and report back to RT on any updates or edits to the circulated form.

James Gannon, Emily Taylor, Kerry-Ann Barrett


Research collaborative tools the RT may use that can be publicly archived.

Email request from James Gannon & PDF attachment


Draft an RFP for specialist technical writer.

James Gannon, Cathy Handley, Denise Michel


Provide the SSR2 RT a timeline of the ITHI project, when they have clarity on next steps and schedules.

109 May 2017

Provide a decision to the Review Team on whether a face-to-face meeting will take place in Johannesburg, and on what dates. 

Co-Chairs10 May(tick)

Post PTI briefing materials and relevant materials to the SSR2 wiki background materials page.

ICANN OrgTBD(tick)
92 May 2017

Circulate clean version of Terms of Reference to list for final 24-hour consideration.


Send adopted Terms of Reference to ICANN Board, should no objections occur in the 24 hours from circulation.

Kaveh RanjbarTBD(tick)

Prepare proposal for initial structuring of RT work for Madrid meeting.

James GannonTBD(tick)

Provide a decision to the Review Team on whether a face-to-face meeting will take place in Johannesburg, and on what dates. 

Co-Chairs5 May(tick)
825 April 2017Schedule a briefing on PTI, the Bylaws and the relationship with ICANN to share input to assist in determining its possible inclusion in the scope of SSR2 review. ICANN Org28 Apr(tick)
Provide draft agenda for Madrid face-to-face meeting to Review Team for input. Co-ChairsTBD(tick)
Circulate current summary of SSR1 review implementation to SSR2-RT list. ICANN Org25 Apr(tick)
Provide update to SSR2-RT after scheduled SO/AC Chair call to inform decision regarding potential meeting dates in Johannesburg at ICANN59. Co-ChairsTBD(tick)
  718 April 2017

Share link to Bylaws Article 18 and appropriate context.

ICANN Org20 Apr(tick)

Provide v3 draft scope for Terms of Reference based on discussions and comments.

Eric OsterweilTBD(tick)
 Provide availability of OCTO – SSR team in Madrid to Co-Chairs to inform Madrid meeting agenda development. ICANN Org21 Apr (tick)

Circulate Doodle poll to establish RT availability for F2F meeting in Johannesburg.

ICANN Org18 Apr (tick)

Circulate updated open action items list to RT.

ICANN Org20 Apr (tick)
 13 April 2017

Non-Disclosure (NDA) and Conflicts Disclosure (CDA) documentation for RT.

ICANN Org1 May(tick)
611 April 2017

Clean up draft Terms of Reference (accept points of agreement). Pull out points of disagreement for discussion on email list.

ICANN Org13 April(tick)
Review v2 draft Terms of Reference and share thoughts on email list.RT MembersTBD(tick)

Propose timeline for finalizing scope.

428 March 2017Review brainstorming capture slides from 15 March meeting  and share thoughts on email list.RT MembersTBD (tick)
Schedule weekly RT calls per agreed rotation schedule.ICANN Org28 March(tick)
Review draft Scope and Work Plan and make comments on the email list. RT Membersfrom 1 April(tick)
322 March 2017Schedule 60-minute plenary call #4, 14:00 UTC Tuesday 28 March.ICANN Org22 March(tick)
Co-Chairs to coordinate and formulate a proposal as to how to separate duties and present it to the RT.SSR2 Co-ChairsTBD (tick)
Prepare a plan for a rotation schedule for RT calls to the Co-Chairs for the next meeting.ICANN Org24 March(tick)

Open SSR1 Rec 11 - Effectiveness of mechanisms to mitigate abuse. 

Implementation description: ICANN should finalize and implement measures of success for new gTLDs and IDN fast track that expressly relate to its SSR-related program objectives, including measurements for the effectiveness of mechanisms to mitigate domain name abuse.

ICANN Org28 April  (tick)

The following three open SSR1 Recommendations are interrelated and are being implemented together:

Rec 20 - SSR budget

Implementation description: ICANN should increase the transparency of information about organization and budget related to implementing the SSR Framework and performing SSR-related functions.

Rec 21 - SSR budget 

Implementation description: ICANN should establish a more structured internal process for showing how organization and budget decisions relate to the SSR Framework, including the underlying cost-benefit analysis.

Rec 22 - SSR resources for new gTLDs

Implementation description: ICANN should publish, monitor and update documentation on the organization and budget resources needed to manage SSR issues in conjunction with introduction of new gTLDs.

ICANN Org15 April  (tick)
Update the ICANN Board that the deadline of the end of the month will not be met but note that the RT is working to prepare its Terms of Reference and Work Plan per the Boards request.Kaveh Ranjbar28 March(tick)
Prepare straw-man versions of the Terms of Reference and Work plan for the RT to consider.ICANN Org31 March(tick)
Generate a list of official observers and their relevant skill sets for RT consideration.ICANN Org28 March(tick)
215 March 2017Circulate slide deck from 3/15 SSR2 face to face meeting.ICANN Org16 March(tick)
Add OCTO KPIs, ICANN 2016 strategic plan and Emerging Technology Identifiers ICANN58 presentation to wiki background materials.ICANN Org16 March(tick)
Provide a list of existing definitions of terms: Security, Stability, Resiliency and Unique Identifiers. Reference where they are located.ICANN Org15 March(tick)
Circulate names / contact information for SADAG vendors to SSR2 RT list.ICANN Org20 March(tick)
Circulate CDAR study report and contact information to SSR2 RT list.ICANN Org20 March(tick)
SSR2 Fact Sheet sample and schedule.ICANN Org16 March(tick)
Schedule 60-minute plenary call, Wednesday 22 March, 19:00 UTC.ICANN Org15 March(tick)
Develop and circulate time zone mapping to support scheduling of regular plenary calls discussion on next plenary call.ICANN Org21 March(tick)

Request for the IS-SSR team to provide a summary of the types of requests for assistance that they receive from the community.

ICANN OrgTBD(tick)



2 March 2017Draft document about what other review teams have used for chairs and co-chairs and send to the list.ICANN Orgn/a(tick)
Produce a summary of how other review teams have handled Observers and post to the list.ICANN Orgn/a(tick)
Post staff structure responsibilities on wiki background page.ICANN Orgn/a(tick)
Provide terms of reference to the ICANN Board.SSR2TBD(tick)
